Late night hobbies to curb snacking???



  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I have this problem too, but without the reason for staying up. Had a 500 calorie binge last night, feel terrible about it. I love the idea of knitting and doing crafts to counteract the binge, I will definitely be trying this!

    I've become quite addictive to crafting now lol.
  • Growtinymusclesgrow
    Do you know what should keep you from late night snacking...THE MIRROR! Not trying to sound mean, all that I am saying is you started this journey to get healthy and lose some weight. Well my friend, every time you eat because you are bored, you are sabotaging yourself. So what I tell people that want to eat because they are bored...look in the mirror and you can see what eating while you are bored got you and if you really want to change, then it is time to change your habits. Do pushups, jumping jacks, anything but eating!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Knitting! Busy hands are not available for snacking ;-)
  • GuineaMother
    GuineaMother Posts: 59 Member
    Knitting! Man I love to knit. It's super engaging and addictive, cheap and you get something at the end! :) If it's not your thing though buy a cheap old DS or other console from ebay with a classic like Super Mario. Or PC games that don't require a massive processor and graphics card. I recommend World of Goo on Steam, which is free to download.
  • GuineaMother
    GuineaMother Posts: 59 Member
    I also like to learn things. I had a crap history teacher at school so know absolutely nothing about history. So I pick something from history and I research it online and read things about it and make notes for myself. Some might think its a waste of time but I find it genuinely interesting, learning new things, and this passes loads of time and I also feel smarter lol.

    I love this idea! So much to learn in the world.
  • xdoublerainbow
    xdoublerainbow Posts: 51 Member
    I usually have a cup of coffee and since I have a blog, I sit and plan blog posts for me to write or I look up recipes or other blogs or I talk to my friends online, clean, read a good book or play video games. Anything that'll keep my brain and hands occupied until I decide to go to sleep really :D
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Just thought of one - exercise!! Or derivations thereof. How about learning something like tai chi or yoga. Then you can practice that every night.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I build houses and random buildings in Sims 3 (in the edit town mode). It's really addictive and time flies when you do it :).

    It's the only thing I ever do in Sims, don't really like playing the rest of the game.

    You could also learn a new language (pimsleur has good audio courses), build furniture to sell (unless you need to make a lot of noise obviously) or write.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I also like to learn things. I had a crap history teacher at school so know absolutely nothing about history. So I pick something from history and I research it online and read things about it and make notes for myself. Some might think its a waste of time but I find it genuinely interesting, learning new things, and this passes loads of time and I also feel smarter lol.

    I love this idea! So much to learn in the world.

    There absolutely is, so for example I was watching the Olympics opening ceremony and there were so many countries that I had never even heard of! So I grabbed a pen and jotted down the countries. Then I spent two whole evenings looking them all up online and learning a little about each country.
  • LouiseRose92
    Puzzles! It takes concentration and it has the same sort of hand motion as snacking (if you know what I mean). A cup of tea and a budgeted couple of biscuits makes it better, but optional!
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    For me, 30 minutes of cardio kills my appitite for the rest of the evening. About an hour after the cardio I eat a bit of lean protien.