Day 4 - depression, exhaustion and cravings - normal?



  • mhoward685
    mhoward685 Posts: 129 Member
    Sugar has a profound effect on the body and moods. You are already dealing with a lot. I think it is safe to say that when your body adjusts to the lower sugar you will feel better. Maybe try looking at something more substantial at breakfast also. There isn't enough calories and protein to get you through the morning so it could be ruining your whole day. I did that and once I got my breakfast in line it got easier.
  • Thanks, I'll try and work out a better breakfast. I'm not a morning person but baby is! he is most fussy first thing so I need something grab and go, I was thinking yogurt and granola? I just had some crackers with cheese spread on and that seemed to fill the hole quite well.
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    im not a morning person either. with my first and a few after that i just didn't get up. you need your sleep. put him into your bed in the morning and sleep beside him while he just googles away or feed him in bed. who said breakfast had to be at a certain time. start your day when your ready and have some healthy cereal ready. when you feel well enough have a big cook up and freeze healthy snacks. 50g bags of cooked chicken breast, quiche, brown rice dishes, even some cookies made on whole grain wheat and filled with dried fruit. make up a tray of healthy sandwiches to snack on during the day. when you start to work out his routein, get your food ready so when he says mum feed me - you can sit down with some healthy food at the same time. when someone pops in and offeres help - dont say, im ok theres nothing to do!! rubbish! put them to work in the kitchen, laundry whatever!! it took me 5 kids before i was able to say that and boy what a difference it makes. little bits of help go a long way!!! hang in there, youll work this mummy/me thing out!!
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    When I was breast feeding I kept a big supply of yogurts on hand and had a little tub everytime just about :)
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    Its my second day on diet..i am eating around 1500 cals when i am suppose to eat 2000 according to MFP.i do feel very tired and exhausted but i am not craving anything of as now.You should open up your dairy i think

    sam cutting your calories by 500 a day will not have drastic effects, at that rate youll lose 1lb a week without exercise.

    if you are 308lbs i suggest a more drastic diet plan which would be lifechanging for you. a keto plan would benfit you much more and would lose over a stone in two weeks.

    avoid carbs ie bread, pasta, potatoes , keep your calories under 1000...

    whoa whoa whoa. that is crazy talk. i'm not going to get into an argument about this, b/c it's not what this thread is about. but seriously. for someone who is new to getting healthy, this is not good advice! nothing wrong with a 500 calorie deficit to start out. You'll loose a lb a week (ish) which doesn't seem like a lot, but it's maintainable for an average person. under 1000 calories a day is crazy. hello dr. bernstein. diets like that should be medically supervised.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    Does the 1500 calories per day already account for losing a pound (or 1.5 pounds, or 2 pounds) a week? If you're only eating 1500 (which seems to be about the case by your diary), then you're not eating the breastfeeding calories at all. Eat! I know this is just an anecdote, but upping my personal calories by just 150/day made a huge difference in my energy levels. My deficit was too big and I paid for it in terms of my happiness and wakefulness. I know you want to lose the weight, but you need to put your health (and the baby's health) first right now. Best of luck!
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Its my second day on diet..i am eating around 1500 cals when i am suppose to eat 2000 according to MFP.i do feel very tired and exhausted but i am not craving anything of as now.You should open up your dairy i think

    sam cutting your calories by 500 a day will not have drastic effects, at that rate youll lose 1lb a week without exercise.

    if you are 308lbs i suggest a more drastic diet plan which would be lifechanging for you. a keto plan would benfit you much more and would lose over a stone in two weeks.

    avoid carbs ie bread, pasta, potatoes , keep your calories under 1000...

    whoa whoa whoa. that is crazy talk. i'm not going to get into an argument about this, b/c it's not what this thread is about. but seriously. for someone who is new to getting healthy, this is not good advice! nothing wrong with a 500 calorie deficit to start out. You'll loose a lb a week (ish) which doesn't seem like a lot, but it's maintainable for an average person. under 1000 calories a day is crazy. hello dr. bernstein. diets like that should be medically supervised.

    Dr lloyd bernstein..i am in no hurry to lose weight and takin a drastic step like that is out of the question.My diary is public and given that i loose an extra 300-500 with exercising, i am right on track :)
    Thank you Mmaqueen ..its people like you that make MFP such an amazing place :flowerforyou: