fed up off reading that cardio isn't beneficial



  • I know who he is.

    I guess you're one of the people who can't read. I have researched plenty of his articles. I spoke with a couple of his past clients. EVERY single one did some form of cardio during a cutting cycle.

    So, please try again.

    Nice cherry picking. You CANNOT possibly be stating that it is impossible to create the proper calorie deficit to lose fat without cardio. I cannot believe that you actually hold that opinion. OBVIOUSLY it burns additional calories, which then allows you to eat more while still creating a caloric deficit. The point is, the cardio is just *one way* of creating a deficit.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I know who he is.

    I guess you're one of the people who can't read. I have researched plenty of his articles. I spoke with a couple of his past clients. EVERY single one did some form of cardio during a cutting cycle.

    So, please try again.

    Nice cherry picking. You CANNOT possibly be stating that it is impossible to create the proper calorie deficit to lose fat without cardio. I cannot believe that you actually hold that opinion. OBVIOUSLY it burns additional calories, which then allows you to eat more while still creating a caloric deficit. The point is, the cardio is just *one way* of creating a deficit.
    There is no cherry picking in my statements. It appears you have issues with reading. A very small number of the population can get away with getting lean without cardio. If I recall, I stated those ELITE few are not reading these forums.

    So, I as stated before. You have different stages of lean. Your choice of doing cardio or not will determine that level of leanness.
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    Quite a few years back my dad started training for marathons. He ran lots and didn't change his eating habits at all. The weight dropped off him. Cardio does work.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    The point is, the cardio is just *one way* of creating a deficit.

    For sure and in reality it is a much less efficient approach and requires far more effort then letting your diet handle the deficit. What's easier, busting your *kitten* on a treadmill for 30 minutes or simply cutting out that chocolate bar?

    So, if looking good nekkid is your primary goal then your base should be calorie deficit coupled with sufficient resistance training as you correctly alluded to in your posts. You could, by rights, stop at that. However, for many people adding in suitable (rather than excessive) amounts of cardio can really assist in reaching that goal for a number of reasons which I think we can all agree on.

    However, the pendulum in the fitness industry has swung right to the other end where incorporating cardio is stated not only to be unnecessary (though uneccessary does not equate to it being a bad idea) but also detrimental with no context being given.

    That, frankly, is idiocy.
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    I've been reading quite a few posts on here recently regarding cardio and how it isn't actually effective towards weight loss.

    I'm sorry but i think this is really discouraging; all exercise is good exercise.

    There is no hidden secret towards losing weight, cut down on your calories, eat healthy and exercise; even if your execrise consists of just walking for half an hour a few times a week, it is still going to make a difference.

    I joined MFP in May this year and so far i have lost 17lbs, at first i was very flakey with my gym schedule and would only go once or twice a week and not putting my full effort in, in the last month or so i make sure i go 3/4 times a week and i do 45mins of cardio and 15 mins of weight training 3/4 times a week and i'm losing weight.

    If you're at your goal weight and want to tone up then yes, cardio probably isn't that beneficial, but for all other aspects i think it should be encouraged, not only for weight loss but for your fitness and general wellbeing.

    Rant over! :)

    i agree i lost 30 lbs doing cardio. =)
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    I want to complete a triathlon. Can't really do that without a lot of cardio exercise!

    I miss my weights for the tone and definition, I can't lift due to injury at the moment. But the main thing that's gonna get me to that tri finish line is cardio!
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    I've been reading quite a few posts on here recently regarding cardio and how it isn't actually effective towards weight loss.

    I'm sorry but i think this is really discouraging; all exercise is good exercise.

    There is no hidden secret towards losing weight, cut down on your calories, eat healthy and exercise; even if your execrise consists of just walking for half an hour a few times a week, it is still going to make a difference.

    I joined MFP in May this year and so far i have lost 17lbs, at first i was very flakey with my gym schedule and would only go once or twice a week and not putting my full effort in, in the last month or so i make sure i go 3/4 times a week and i do 45mins of cardio and 15 mins of weight training 3/4 times a week and i'm losing weight.

    If you're at your goal weight and want to tone up then yes, cardio probably isn't that beneficial, but for all other aspects i think it should be encouraged, not only for weight loss but for your fitness and general wellbeing.

    Rant over! :)

    i agree i lost 30 lbs doing cardio. =)

    Yup, I lost 50 with just cardio...that being said however it all depends on what you want and what your fitness goals are. If you just want to lose, then diet 1st and cardio *should* get you there. If you're training to be a runner/marathoner, then hey guess what, cardio is for you! That's where I wanted to be up until recently. I've now started with strength training - I feel that my body is ready, and that I'm ready for it to change again.

    I still get my cardio in, but I'm mixing it up with lifting. But again, that's all a personal choice.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Why does it have to be so either/or?

    Bacon is good. Cheeseburgers are good. Bacon cheeseburgers are amazing.

    Cardio is good. Strength training is good. Cardio and strength training together are amazing.
  • gregsonevans
    gregsonevans Posts: 232 Member
    I try to cycle 200 miles a week to lose weight and get fit, 2 months ago I struggled to tie my shoelaces myself and now I can ride 100k in a day. My logic is have you ever seen a fat cyclist in the tour de france? Thought not !!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My logic is have you ever seen a fat cyclist in the tour de france? Thought not !!

    Do you really believe that cycling the ONLY exercise they do?

    Cross training is important.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    The body prefers to have around maintenance, maybe a little below and then for calories to be taken away thru cardio and a limited degree, resistance training. Too low intake of food may indeed in many, cause leptin to lower t3 release and thus retard the metabolism more than a light amount of calories cut and increased cardio.

  • all exercise is good exercise.

    Good exercise does not equal Smart exercise
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    all exercise is good exercise.

    Good exercise does not equal Smart exercise

    Define smart.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I've been doing only calorie control and cardio exercise, running and cycling. I've been at it for 12 weeks and I've lost 25 lbs and not one once of lean body mass. In fact, I think I've gained lean body mass in my legs from the cycling. I believe its a myth that you will run or just do cardio and end up "skinny fat." I think our bodies are a little smarter than to metabolize our muscle when there is a bunch of fat laying around.
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    Some of these comments just make me laugh. :laugh: There are so many "experts on here" I wonder why they're on this forum - you should go out & make some money from all your amazing expertise!! And the guys with the photo's of their rippling six packs...forgive us all for not swooning. :yawn: As for the topic at hand (easy to get distracted by all the expert advise) my personal experience is that cardio is very beneficial for the heart & for mental health. Also I consistently lose more weight in the weeks that I run a few times as opposed to when I just walk - but that's my body, may be different for others.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    Bacon is good. Cheeseburgers are good. Bacon cheeseburgers are amazing.

    And now I'm hungry for cheeseburger. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THAT >:(
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    The body prefers to have around maintenance, maybe a little below and then for calories to be taken away thru cardio and a limited degree, resistance training. Too low intake of food may indeed in many, cause leptin to lower t3 release and thus retard the metabolism more than a light amount of calories cut and increased cardio.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    The body prefers to have around maintenance, maybe a little below and then for calories to be taken away thru cardio and a limited degree, resistance training. Too low intake of food may indeed in many, cause leptin to lower t3 release and thus retard the metabolism more than a light amount of calories cut and increased cardio.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh really. Good response. Go on, show where I'm wrong?
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Some of these comments just make me laugh. :laugh: There are so many "experts on here" I wonder why they're on this forum - you should go out & make some money from all your amazing expertise!! And the guys with the photo's of their rippling six packs...forgive us all for not swooning. :yawn: As for the topic at hand (easy to get distracted by all the expert advise) my personal experience is that cardio is very beneficial for the heart & for mental health. Also I consistently lose more weight in the weeks that I run a few times as opposed to when I just walk - but that's my body, may be different for others.

    Honey I'm a prep coach. I do make money from my comments. I also work for Gaspari Nutation.


    So, come again?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Quite a few years back my dad started training for marathons. He ran lots and didn't change his eating habits at all. The weight dropped off him. Cardio does work.

    Yes but the cardio didn't make him lose, it was the deficit created by the cardio, which he could have achieved not exercising and just changing the eating habits.

    Cardio was the tool he used to create a deficit, but it was the deficit not the tool that caused weight loss.