Running Success

So I've never been able to run well my entire life. 1/4 mile at a time was a challenge for me almost my entire life. I wasn't able to muscle through and push past that. Finally in the beginning of this year I was able to complete my first full mile. Since then I've been alternating running a mile to a mile and a half walking a little and then finishing the 2 mile total. I stopped running 2 miles for a while and I've been concentrating on doing Insanity for the past 3 weeks. Well I decided to go running after last nights Insanity and low and behold, I can run a straight 2 miles, with barely any trouble. An added bonus to my "bragging rights" is that the last 1/3 mile on my route is all uphill! Just thought I would share that with everyone.


  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    that is awesome, I was never a runner. I was always a sprinter in school. Hated running long distances. I started in March with C25K and got bored with it so I started running a mile to a mile and a half. I am up to 2 miles now. I signed up for a 5 K in November but not sure if I will run it all but I will try. Keep up the good work.
  • Great job! Stay motivated and just distract yourself while you run. I ran a 5k Mud run in July, I have another on the 30th this month, and to end my "year" I'm running the Tough Mudder in Oct with my brother when he returns from deployment.
  • Walternator
    Walternator Posts: 11 Member
    That's an Awesome accomplishment!

    I am in the same situation. I was never much of a runner, but would like to start. Once I get down to a safe weight, I plan on focusing on running.
  • D1jana
    D1jana Posts: 5 Member
    Great job!!! Running/ jogging isn’t as easy as it looks :) However, I have found that once it starts to hurt, that’s the worst time to quit. If you just push through that hard 1/4 mile, it somehow becomes easier and smoother. I've been running on and off for a couple of years now. I ran back in school more frequently and getting back into it after having a baby was definitely not easy. But 1 mile became 1.5 and then 2 and now 3 is a breeze. Just keep going. Any cardio, even simple jumping jacks, is more than you would have done sitting on the couch :)
  • D1jana
    D1jana Posts: 5 Member
    I did the C25K 2 years ago and it was a great start. It helped me get back into it. But when I tried it again this year, I was bored too. SO I did exactly what you did, started my own routine and pushed myself as far as I could go and I feel better and have better results. Keep up the hard work!
  • stacdjen
    stacdjen Posts: 52 Member
    That is awesome! I keep throwing around doing a 5K but I haven't gotten up the guts yet. There is one on Thanksgiving Day in my area so I just may. That gives me a few months to prepare myself. :) Keep up the good work.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I start the C25K and then when I get to week 3 I stop. But I really wish I could do it.
  • :bigsmile: Great job! It took me a long time to work up to where I am now!

    You should be super proud of yourself and keep it up. Nothing feels better than when you finish your run and you have reached a milestone for you!!!

  • Fantastic results!! You SHOULD be proud and bragging! : )
  • Thanks everyone. The support feels great and to all of those who said they are trying to meet their own personal goals, you can do it. Just keep going that one step further. That one extra step each time adds up to a mile in the long run. Every time I see my buddy running on Endomondo I send him a message to take ten extra steps when he reaches the end. He messages me back every time that those ten extra steps each time really make him feel that much more accomplished.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    What an amazing NSV!!! I love to run and I love it when others find the same passion :) Congrats and welcome to a wonderful addiction!
  • The crazy part is, when i started i HATED running. Mainly due to the fact that when you weigh 315lbs, running isn't easy on ANY part of your body including your mind. All I could think about was how tired I was after a minute and consciously thinking about my stomach and chest bouncing up and down. Now that I'm in better condition to run and comfortably do so in a tank top, it really is addicting. I feel like something is missing when I don't run.
  • michelle2482
    michelle2482 Posts: 33 Member
    This is awesome! I hated running as well and I'm running my first 5K tomorrow :) Keep it up!
  • That's so good! I used to be very athletic and ran cross country in high school. The past few times I've tried to get back into it, my knees would hurt very badly. I've been feeling like I want to get back into it because it feels amazing once you are in shape. So the other night I tried just doing 1 mile to ease back into it. I don't want to start getting sore and having my knees hurt right away. I was able to do it! I think if I start out slow, I'll be able to get back into it and that will definitely help with my weight loss goals.
  • EricaRuns27
    EricaRuns27 Posts: 61 Member
    That's incredible! It definitely makes u feel great when u accomplish something like that. I give props to y'all! I am currently in a running "rut.". It's so humid where I live, & I am not a summer runner by no means. when it cools off more down here I'm gonn run again! I was up to 5.5 miles, & quit training bc of college graduation and deadlines with school projects. Way to go, & keep up the good work! Feel free to add me as a friend, we can motivate each other!
  • Congratulations on your success. It is truly amazing what we can do when we work at it and keep at it. I have been doing a bootcamp type exercise program for 3 years and always feel as if I fall short when it comes to running/jogging. So, I finally got up the nerve to do the Couch to 5K program and it is going well. I jog/walk again tomorrow and I am amazed at how much progress I have made....also have along way to go. I am running about a 3/4 of mile, walking for 2 minutes and then running a 3/4 mile, etc. I am excited to see others succeed and it gives me hope that I too can do this. Thanks for sharing and I am happy for your accomplishment.
  • EricaRuns27
    EricaRuns27 Posts: 61 Member
    This is awesome! I hated running as well and I'm running my first 5K tomorrow :) Keep it up!

    Goodluck tomorrow, & have fun!
    I want to do the color run, but its completely sold out where I live. :(
    I did the warrior dash last year, & it was AMAZING!!
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,468 Member
    Great Job!! You should be super proud of yourself! I just started running in Feb of this year. I hated it when I started too. Now I get crabby if I can't get 2 or 3 runs in a week at the least. I am only up to 4 miles, but hope to increase my milage to 6.2 by June. I also use endomondo and the pep talks are awesome!

    Keep on keepin on!
  • This is awesome! I hated running as well and I'm running my first 5K tomorrow :) Keep it up!

    Awesome! You'll do great, just keep pushing. Just remember to concentrate on breathing and keep a steady pace that your body is comfortable with.
  • sapphire1166
    sapphire1166 Posts: 114 Member
    That's awesome! Even as a kid and teen I could never run more than 1/4 a mile and just last month I started going to the gym regularly. I couldn't even jog for more than 20 seconds, and yesterday I went a full 60 seconds (baby steps!). It feels good and you're an inspiration that it's possible.
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