Fitness trainer/nutrition ninja - here to help! :)

I'm a professional fitness trainer/nutrition ninja who's here to help! :) ... What about you?


  • jstandfield
    jstandfield Posts: 150 Member
    I'm thinking about getting RKC certified, is it worth the money?
  • optigal
    optigal Posts: 42 Member
    I'm a professional fitness trainer/nutrition ninja who's here to help! :) ... What about you?

    What can I do to reduce the "wings" on my upper arms without building too much muscle in my shoulders? I have access to a small fitness center at the apartments where I live. Thanks :smile:
  • Danical2012
    Well for starters, I'd like to get abs like you have!!! I'm trying to follow Eat-Clean diet from Oxygen magazine. Tosca Reno is amazing and I want what she has! I eat well, but I'm thinking it's portion control for me. Also, I need to absolutely let go of the wine habit.
  • KayWatNor
    KayWatNor Posts: 21 Member
    Wow....your abs are absolutely incredible! After having a 12lb baby 12 years ago, I think my days of having abs remotely close to yours are over. :frown: I've tried over the years but haven't had any success yet. You look great!
    ENCORRALES21 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi :) so i have a question for you if your taking any. So whats the deal with drinking egg whites? I just started (I'm on day 3) and it helps with the hungry issue but I was told it also helps you firm up too.
  • hazleyes5
    hi, yeah I love the abs , :) ... im eating more ,,, but everyday I'm working out whether it be triangles on wall , wall pushups , squats , walking , and steps all this at work breaks through out day , and a then at home atleast 30 minutes in cardio, trying to tone the wings under the arms so i use 5 lb wieghts. Zumba 1 hr twice a week. I noticed I'm alot more hungrier , much more drives me crazy because I want to make sure I'm eating the right things , once in a while I will eat a big carb (hamburger) , but why the up and downs on hunger? some poeple tell me its the working out , is this true ?
  • optigal
    optigal Posts: 42 Member
    I'm a professional fitness trainer/nutrition ninja who's here to help! :) ... What about you?

    You haven't been any help!