Kick in the Pants (aka: butt) needed desperately!

I so know what to do but I am so struggling. I keep finding excuse after excuse to eat. I start out the day great - that lasts about an hour. My pool is shut down for general maintenance for a couple weeks so the exercise has basically stopped so I figure just eat it's not going to matter anyway. HELP HELP HELP - I am drowning in my own fat! ! ! Even the fact that I can barely fit into the dress I bought for my sons wedding in two weeks is not motivation - I may have to wear sweats the way I am going. Off to get a diet coke which will make me feel bloated. Feel free to kick me, give advice - anything you think might help.


  • missshadyshea
    missshadyshea Posts: 6 Member
    Don't give up! If you can't get to the pool why don't you take a walk? You can reach your goal if you set your mind to it. Instead of eating because there is nothing else to do, try to keep yourself busy with fun activities (i will clean my entire house to get my mind off eating lol) I know you can do it!! Best of luck :)
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    What are you doing misses?! :( dont you want to lose weight and feel great?
    Dont you want to fit the dress to your sons wedding?

    I guess not???

    Come on, dont let yourself too lose dear. Its only making matters worse. Dont deprive yourself fro
    The foods you like either but please .. Everything in moderation. I believe you can do it. I know you can. Think about how happy you will feel and how confident and attractive you will be to the party. But if you dont want to..

    ( ps. dont want to come across as rude and I have no intentions og hurtin you, but sometimes the truth is a real motivator. All the best :flowerforyou: )
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Oh no! Feeling overwhelmed is what kills my diet too. If I were you I'd really try to mix it up!!

    When I feel like that I need to find ways to take control back in my life. Things around the house I can do that help me feel "in control" are:

    -set the alarm and actually get up when it gets off
    -take a shower everyday
    -clean out the fridge or pantry
    -Send a letter to a friend I haven't reached out to lately
    -put on some upbeat music and quicken my pace while doing chores

    Some of my favorite mini challenges to avoid snacking are:

    -Eat at least 5+ servings of fruits and veggies
    -Drink 100+ ounces of water
    -Get on and find a 1/4 mile 1/3 mi or 1/2 mi route around your neighborhood. When hunger sneaks up on you get up and do the route. (if you do it several times a day you can really rack up the miles!)
    -Vegetarian day (I couldn't sustain this long term but a few times I month I go meat free and it helps me reset my mindset on dieting).

    Good luck GrannieSue! You can beat this and you will fit into that dress beautifully!
  • YOU CAN DO THIS. You are almost half done with your goal.
    YOU CAN DO THIS. It is a long process, trust me, I understand.
    YOU CAN DO THIS. You need to be strong.
    YOU CAN DO THIS. If you cant go to the pool, I agree with Missshadyshea, take a walk. Grab your ipod, put on your favorite music and just go for a walk.
    YOU CAN DO THIS. Even just do some stretching exercises, and please do not fill time with food. I have been there, it can be a lonely feeling, but you can do this.
    YOU CAN DO THIS. Please don't give up, you have already done the hardest part. You started! YOU CAN DO THIS.
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    YOU CAN DO THIS. You are almost half done with your goal.
    YOU CAN DO THIS. It is a long process, trust me, I understand.
    YOU CAN DO THIS. You need to be strong.
    YOU CAN DO THIS. If you cant go to the pool, I agree with Missshadyshea, take a walk. Grab your ipod, put on your favorite music and just go for a walk.
    YOU CAN DO THIS. Even just do some stretching exercises, and please do not fill time with food. I have been there, it can be a lonely feeling, but you can do this.
    YOU CAN DO THIS. Please don't give up, you have already done the hardest part. You started! YOU CAN DO THIS.

  • danarod23
    danarod23 Posts: 23 Member
    You can do it! Just do something every day! You will feel better and will reach your goal and that will make it all worth it!
  • Quit whining and feeling sorry for yourself. It's pathetic. Excuses are for the weak. Own your decisions and start making better ones.

    Can't use the pool - boo hoo! Like that's the only form of exercise?

    p.s. I know I came across as a bit harsh, but sometimes we all need a good kick in the *kitten*.
  • Keep busy!!!! I know my past tendencies have been to eat when I'm bored or not doing much.

    Form a mental image of the future YOU and keep reminding yourself that you can only get to Future You with perseverance and being strong every day! Remember that this is a long road ahead of you, but it is walkable!

    And when you're reaching for that next snack, remember how guilty you will feel for those few seconds of food. It's simply not worth it, dear.

    Stay strong! You CAN do this.
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    Walk it Off,Quit Whining stop "acting" weak,because your not your stronger and you can do this!
    instead of hanging on here you could actually go for a walk,go to the store get work out dvd's so you can work out at home ect..
  • You have a weird sense of humor - cleaning the house is fun - lol. Spending my husbands paycheck is fun but he put me on a budget 2 yrs ago :(
  • i do need to hear the truth! I am a great excuse maker. Thank you!
    And I did go for a walk. It's one mile around my block. Up a steep hill, down for a while and then back up to the house. I am winded but I did it. Now shower, post office, and wedding invitations - at least that will get me to lunch time. After will be going to the shooting range for some target practice. MY BFF is a 38 and needs some attention - hubby is gone over night a lot so I sleep with my 38 BFF - went around the neighbor hood I gave up my 60 yr old husband for a 38 - lol. My neighbors like to talk - gave them some good gossip - if they only knew is was my gun. Thanks for your support - I really needed it today and for the last couple of months as about 10 of my pounds found their way back - at least they didn't bring any of their stinking friends.
  • ThatDarnZach
    ThatDarnZach Posts: 52 Member
    Quit whining and feeling sorry for yourself. It's pathetic. Excuses are for the weak. Own your decisions and start making better ones.

    Can't use the pool - boo hoo! Like that's the only form of exercise?

    p.s. I know I came across as a bit harsh, but sometimes we all need a good kick in the *kitten*.

  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    I don't know if it will fit into your overall situation as well as it fits into mine (with me being a bachelor), but you might want to watch or restrict what you have available to eat. In my house, I've got plenty of food, but "nothing to eat". That's because the food I have is mostly ingredients like flour, dry rice, vegetables, etc. Part of this is because I plan out my meals on the weekend and really only buy what I need for those recipes. The result is that the food I have around is enough to put something together when I'm supposed or need to eat. But there's very little that I can just open a package and consume.

    The result has been that I sometimes actually eat BETTER when I'm at home with nothing to do. The added step of preparing the food gives me more time to regain control of my cravings and assess if I need to eat of if I just want to eat because I'm bored. My biggest challenge, now, is when I'm at work and the office snack bar is just down the hallway. It got even worse when the soda machine started accepting credit cards because not needing exact change made that stuff even easier to obtain.

    Something that might help you in regards to exercising is a mindset that I was exposed to in the military: When it comes to your goal, don’t even THINK the word “can’t”. Don’t find a reason you “can’t” stick to your diet. Don’t find a reason you “can’t” exercise. Find the way you CAN eat what you’re supposed to. Figure out a way you CAN exercise. Stay affirmative and be proactive. When you hit a roadblock, don’t sit there and say “I can’t make it”, figure out how you CAN make it.

    An additional gem came from one of my instructors and I’m going to paraphrase it: “Getting to your goal is going to suck. You need to EMBRACE THE SUCK and keep pushing. When you think it’s too hard, EMBRACE how hard it is and KEEP PUSHING!”