gained weight after heartbreak

This week has been really hard for me. I got my feelings hurt by someone i cared for and thought cared for me. I fell off on eating right. At first i didnt have an appetite now im eating all the wrong things. When i was with him i lost 25 pounds now im scared to back track. Help me please.


  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    I understand. You should look back and remind yourself why you're doing this in the first place...for you, not for anyone else. This might not be the best advice but it feels awesome to get in great shape after someone's a pretty darn good revenge : ) Find a happy medium, working out is the best (!) way to let go of anger/stress/sadness. Fun classes always cheer me up...I mean as much as a work out can haha.
  • Tiffani1985
    Dont let anyone or anything come between you and the things you are doing. Stay on the right track do it for yourself. I know it hurts but dont let anyone make you feel the way you feel. They are not worth it they left you.
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    I am sorry for what you are going through. Emotional eating is really hard for me as well. My mom passed away last year unexpectedly and it was so hard for me not to eat like crazy and pile all the weight back on. For me I was just determined not to let it get the best of me. I think it is really all about mindset. Also, I would try taking long walks. That really helps me work through a lot of emotional stuff. Something about getting out in the fresh air really helps me.
  • akylios
    akylios Posts: 73 Member
    you're a beautiful girl, and guys are a dime a dozen. you cant walk down the street without tripping over em just layin around. Remember to do whats best for you, and you dont need him
  • BrayyNicole
    BrayyNicole Posts: 56 Member
    I understand. You should look back and remind yourself why you're doing this in the first place...for you, not for anyone else. This might not be the best advice but it feels awesome to get in great shape after someone's a pretty darn good revenge : ) Find a happy medium, working out is the best (!) way to let go of anger/stress/sadness. Fun classes always cheer me up...I mean as much as a work out can haha.

    AGREED!! "Let negative energy fuel your workouts!"
  • Labarbara
    Labarbara Posts: 3 Member
    I know what you're going through and I'm sorry you have to go through it. But for some reason we seem to give up on the things that are really good for us when something happens like this. Then later look back and wish we hadn't. I know - I've been there. But if you can just hang in there and keep doing what you know is good for YOU!! you will have no regrets. It does take strength, willpower and determination, but just keep going - even in your numbness, even if you don't put a whole lot of effort in it - just go through the motions. Trust me, you will feel better in the long run. Take care of YOU!!
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Don't let it get ya down. Take care of your health for just YOU! No one can care about you more than you. Pray and exercise to get past the pain. Fall in love with yourself. We've all been there and I know you'll make it.
  • mgs_philly
    Girlie I do understand where you are coming from. Not long ago the same thing happen to me. Right now you feel like whats the point..right? but your the point. Like stated above you have to do it for you and to make you feel better about yourself. And looking GREAT is the best revenge. I am working everyday...It is not easy, but soon you be so into you that you will wonder why you even cared. You will start doing this and other things for yourself. Sometimes when I do think about it, I take all that anger and frustration out into my exercising. Sometimes things are a learning experience for you to build a stronger person... I know it doesn't feel like it now but give it time and have patience, It works out in the end. And don't give up on yourself, you only human. Take a break give yourself time then you can hit it even harder. I have this killer dress that I bought for my goal size and shoes out of this world...(to me at least) And that is now my goal to wear it and strut my stuff. Not necessary for or in the presence of "that person" but for my confidence and achievements. You will make it out, just stay strong, pray and keep it moving (lol....literally)
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    I understand. I pretty much ate my way through my divorce this spring/early summer. I gained almost 10lbs. I'm really angry at myself. I finally figured out that I turn to crap food (e.g., cereal) instead of confronting my emotions and confronting the person I'm angry with. I haven't quite figured out how to confront people (I avoid confrontations - and know this is due to years of verbal abuse as an adult and physical abuse as a child), but at least I recognize what I do so I can attempt to stop myself before devouring bad food.
  • KettydeDios
    KettydeDios Posts: 125 Member
    Cry all you need to, and while you cry continue moving forward. Not for a second destroy the beautiful person you are! It is his loss, not yours and as much as you are suffering, things always happen for a reason. You might not see it now, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and you can only find that light by moving forward, never look back. So get back on your feet, get on that treadmill and let the sweat clean your tears and soarness heal your broken heart.