Almond milk



  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    Silk and Blue Diamond both have an "original" formula that is 60 cals per serving and a little sweet, I would recommend that to try first. I don't really like it as a milk sub, but I do like it, and mixed with frozen blueberries and half banana it is sublime.
    I am looking for a kind with protein though, I have mixed protein powder with almond milk and it is good.

    ^I like this vanilla or unsweetend! Silk Dark Chocolate MMMM my fav:tongue: ... not in coffee though...
  • I used to love almond milk until I found out how they mistreat the almonds. Apparently there is a real problem with over-milking. Also, the machinery that attaches to the little almond teats are not almond-friendly.

    LOL!!!!!! Thanks!! You made my day!
  • Will210
    Will210 Posts: 201 Member
    Switched from soy milk after I heard that too much soy milk could lead to man boobs.

    Works great with protien shakes - have not tried with cereal yet. Like soy milk - the carton last alot longer than dairy milk.
  • I'm a big fan of it! There are a million different brands and varieties (unsweetened, sweetened, vanilla, natural, organic, etc.) so give one or two a try until you find your favorite. There are also coconut, rice, hemp, oat, soy, and so on. I sub non-dairy milk for everything that call's for cow's milk and it works great -- with the exception of Jello pudding. However, there are ways around that too. :smile:
  • almond milk is great. I also like almond/coconut milk.
  • I use the silk unsweetened. It is not a milk replacement, but it dosent taste bad by itself either. It taste like almonds. I use it with my protein and make a shake. It is really good that way.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I don't drink it plain, but I love it in protein shakes, smoothies, oatmeal, cereal, coffee, etc. For the record, I never drank cow's milk plain either. I think milk is gross, but sometimes you need it as an ingredient. I get the Blue Diamond Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla.
  • vickilm1976
    vickilm1976 Posts: 141 Member
    I love it, I use unsweetened in my oat bran and my coffee. I have noticed if you are using it to cook in things like Cream of Wheat, it doesn't reduce the same way cow's milk does. But that just might be me not doing it right. I haven't really had a glass of it though. I'm not a fan of soy milk as I find it leaves me with a funny after taste, but none with almond milk.
  • I like it, I use it in my cereal and coffee. However if you're planning on drinking it instead of dairy milk it may take some getting used to.
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    It's fabulous. I don't even miss "regular" milk anymore.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I've just started on the Alpro soya light milk and really like it- less calories and more protein than skimmed milk
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    I used to love almond milk until I found out how they mistreat the almonds. Apparently there is a real problem with over-milking. Also, the machinery that attaches to the little almond teats are not almond-friendly.

    I think I love you.
  • mmachick2011
    mmachick2011 Posts: 55 Member
    I used to love almond milk until I found out how they mistreat the almonds. Apparently there is a real problem with over-milking. Also, the machinery that attaches to the little almond teats are not almond-friendly.

  • Wow thanks for all the replies! I think I will definitely check it out! I will start with the sweetened vanilla, maybe even the dark chocolate. :happy:
  • My kids think vanilla flavored almond milk tastes like melted ice cream. It's delicious but sweet. I prefer the non-sweetened. It isn't exactly like drinking milk, but I think it's a great alternative. I buy So Delicious Almond Plus, it has more calcium than milk and 5 grams of protein, which is something you don't get as much as milk with in some almond milks. I mix it in my protein shakes and it's delicious. I also just drink it in place of milk. You can taste the almonds just a little bit, but I LOVE almonds, so that is in no way a bad thing for me.
  • Substances
    Substances Posts: 120 Member
    It's AMAZING.
    It's sweeter than milk, but I don't like the unsweetened version too much. It tastes awkward to me.
    The dark chocolate isn't bad either, and I usually despise chocolate.
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    I really like the unsweetened kind, but it's kind of an acquired taste. A lot of people end up spitting it out the first time they try it, but I discovered almond milk while attempting Atkin's (for the milllionth time) and did not want any more diet soda or water. This had protein, no carbs, and lots of calcium. After the first jug I was pretty hooked.
  • Switched from soy milk after I heard that too much soy milk could lead to man boobs.

    Works great with protien shakes - have not tried with cereal yet. Like soy milk - the carton last alot longer than dairy milk.

    I've heard this also. Before I started drinking a lot of soy milk, I'd check into the studies they've done where soy causes estroen issues. This is true for women also. I drank soy milk and ate a lot of soy products before. Now not so much. Although I still eat a little. Worth looking into.
  • hiddenaudacity
    hiddenaudacity Posts: 122 Member
    Try it try it try it! It's amazing!!!
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    I like it. Especially the SILK brand. Original, vanilla, chocolate ... It's ALL GOOD! The Blue Diamond is 'ok' but I think Silk tastes better. Good on cereal, alone or in smoothies :)