Net Calorie Help



  • Ok so I used the fat2fit calculator and it says I have to consume over 2300 calories. I know I'm not going to be able to eat all of thos calories. Why are their numbers so much greater than MFP?
  • smiley1987
    smiley1987 Posts: 1 Member
    i need help on this net calorie thing...i keep reading everywhere that net cals should be around 500-800 in deficit and not to have more than 1000 of the remaining green calories. My boyfriend and i tried running these numbers but it is impossible to get the values to match up like this. When i started this fitness plan back in april it was great and i lost 35lb so far but my weight loss stopped 3 weeks ago and i have stayed the same weight since.

    my calorie goal is 1580 per day of which i do only eat around 1200-1400 and do about 80min of tae bo every morning which burns about 1281 plus i have a seven month old which also keeps me busy, and if my net remains around the zero i have an average of between 1400-2000 in remaining calories per day.

    I'm sure something is going wrong but no one has an answer and this is my first ever diet so i dont know what to do to adjust this. Any ideas?
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    Ok so I used the fat2fit calculator and it says I have to consume over 2300 calories. I know I'm not going to be able to eat all of thos calories. Why are their numbers so much greater than MFP?

    Are you putting it as "sedentary" or are you including the fact that you work out?

    I ran my numbers at sedentary so that I can accurately log my workouts and eat back my exercise calories.

    If I ran the numbers as "moderately active" or something, I would not log my exercise at all.
  • Ok so I used the fat2fit calculator and it says I have to consume over 2300 calories. I know I'm not going to be able to eat all of thos calories. Why are their numbers so much greater than MFP?

    Are you putting it as "sedentary" or are you including the fact that you work out?

    I ran my numbers at sedentary so that I can accurately log my workouts and eat back my exercise calories.

    If I ran the numbers as "moderately active" or something, I would not log my exercise at all.
    So it would be over 1600 and then I would burn 450 cal and eat them back?
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    If that's what comes out of finding your sedentary TDEE and creating a deficit, yes. As long as you are accurately logging your exercise calories burned and food consumption.
  • Ok thank you, I will try that for a while and see how it works out.