Unsolicited advice

dusty_712001 Posts: 172 Member
A little background:

I was walking this morning as usual when a man going the other way stops me and ask if I am walking to lose weight. I of course told him yes. He asked how long I had been doing that and how much I had lost. So I told him I had been doing this for 3 months and had lost 91 pounds. He said, oh about 20 pounds a month (wrong I know, but I let it pass). He asked if I had been doing any special diet. I told him that all I was doing was eating less and keeping my carbs low (I really did not want to get in depth).

So, he starts talking about how eating 90% vegan would help me lose weight faster and helped keep the body in balance because its healthier.

Faster......30 pounds a month isn't fast enough????

Healthier......All my blood work is perfect. Bad cholesterol and triglycerides are low, good cholesterol is high. BP and pulse rate are perfect. Blood sugar is normal.

I definitely did not feel like discussing the benefits of a low carb lifestyle. I wanted to get on with my walk. I am not knocking a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, but its not for me. I believe different people respond well to different methods. It's just annoying that the guy thinks he knows better for me than I do because he has seen me for 30 seconds one time.

End of rant.

P.S. I plan on posting progress pics soon. I created a photobucket account. I just need to upload and crop some pics.


  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    91 lbs in three months is awesome!

    There will always be people out there who think their way is better. Sometimes it's easier to nod your head and then go on your way.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    A little background:

    I was walking this morning as usual when a man going the other way stops me and ask if I am walking to lose weight. I of course told him yes. He asked how long I had been doing that and how much I had lost. So I told him I had been doing this for 3 months and had lost 91 pounds. He said, oh about 20 pounds a month (wrong I know, but I let it pass). He asked if I had been doing any special diet. I told him that all I was doing was eating less and keeping my carbs low (I really did not want to get in depth).

    So, he starts talking about how eating 90% vegan would help me lose weight faster and helped keep the body in balance because its healthier.

    Faster......30 pounds a month isn't fast enough????

    Healthier......All my blood work is perfect. Bad cholesterol and triglycerides are low, good cholesterol is high. BP and pulse rate are perfect. Blood sugar is normal.

    I definitely did not feel like discussing the benefits of a low carb lifestyle. I wanted to get on with my walk. I am not knocking a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, but its not for me. I believe different people respond well to different methods. It's just annoying that the guy thinks he knows better for me than I do because he has seen me for 30 seconds one time.

    End of rant.

    P.S. I plan on posting progress pics soon. I created a photobucket account. I just need to upload and crop some pics.

    There will always be that person who thinks their way to eat is the only way and they think they're bestowing some amazing gift on you by sharing their lifestyle. Best thing you can do is smile, nod and be thinking *this is such crap.*
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Do you want to know another way to drop the weight off REALLY fast?
    Thats right. Eating absolutly nothing will gaurentee the fat will just MELT away.
    Imagine how jelous your friends will be when you look like a concentration camp survivor.
    Granted, there are a few unplesent side effecs but, those are unimportant right now.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Do you want to know another way to drop the weight off REALLY fast?
    Thats right. Eating absolutly nothing will gaurentee the fat will just MELT away.
    Imagine how jelous your friends will be when you look like a concentration camp survivor.
    Granted, there are a few unplesent side effecs but, those are unimportant right now.

  • dusty_712001
    dusty_712001 Posts: 172 Member
    91 lbs in three months is awesome!

    There will always be people out there who think their way is better. Sometimes it's easier to nod your head and then go on your way.

    That's the method I was going with. It would have been easier, but he was trying to give me web addresses to look up.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    He shouldn't do that. He'll go into starvation mode and put all of the 91 pounds back on!
    Do you want to know another way to drop the weight off REALLY fast?
    Thats right. Eating absolutly nothing will gaurentee the fat will just MELT away.
    Imagine how jelous your friends will be when you look like a concentration camp survivor.
    Granted, there are a few unplesent side effecs but, those are unimportant right now.
  • vqnerdballs
    So, he starts talking about how eating 90% vegan would help me lose weight faster and helped keep the body in balance because its healthier.

    Faster......30 pounds a month isn't fast enough????

    I've noticed that many vegans tent to proselytize about these sorts of things using whatever "in" they can - if this person saw you gardening, they probably would have cited environmental reasons, or if they saw you walking a dog they'd have cited animal rights.
    I have vegan friends who don't talk about it at all and who stick to the diet for very personal reasons, so they're not all like this, obviously, but don't get too upset about it. Being vegan is like being religious in my opinion - if it's what you chose for yourself, that's great, and if you enjoy talking about it to people who are curious, good for you, but if you make a point to try to persuade strangers that your way is the best way, then you're just going to make yourself look bad.
  • nc90
    nc90 Posts: 83 Member
    He shouldn't do that. He'll go into starvation mode and put all of the 91 pounds back on!
    Do you want to know another way to drop the weight off REALLY fast?
    Thats right. Eating absolutly nothing will gaurentee the fat will just MELT away.
    Imagine how jelous your friends will be when you look like a concentration camp survivor.
    Granted, there are a few unplesent side effecs but, those are unimportant right now.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    This is so bizarre.
  • sirthickness
    91lbs lost is AWESOME! Whatever you are doing, keep doing it because it is working for YOU! I am sure the guy meant well, but everyone is different and what works for some doesn't work for all. That is exactly why I framed in one of my three garage bays and built my own gym. I have 3 pieces of cardio equipment, a very nice bench with cage (for squats, lats, etc.), a flat bench, adjustable dumb bells and other equipment. I got tired of listening to everyones advice on how, why and when to work out. Everyone has an opinion and their's is "always" right because they went to "this class" or have "that degree". Most are pretty cool about it and just want to give a different perspective on what to do and how to do it, but some were absolutely overbearing and rude. I have told more than one person to pound sand and stay on their side of the gym and worry about themselves.

    Keep up the good work!
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    It is obivious to me that what you are doing is working for you. You were much kinder than I would have been. I might have advised him that I was in practice to become a Zombie and you have never heard of a vegan Zombie, have you?
  • Takarameri
    Takarameri Posts: 152 Member
    It is obivious to me that what you are doing is working for you. You were much kinder than I would have been. I might have advised him that I was in practice to become a Zombie and you have never heard of a vegan Zombie, have you?

    This is an awesome answer!

    OP- Great job on your loss!
  • Celestialfairie
    It is obivious to me that what you are doing is working for you. You were much kinder than I would have been. I might have advised him that I was in practice to become a Zombie and you have never heard of a vegan Zombie, have you?

    This is an awesome answer!

    OP- Great job on your loss!

    Agreed! With both! :D
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    Fainted after the *91 pounds in 3 month*:noway: AWESOME!!!!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,167 Member
    I've yet to meet a vegan who doesn't proselytize their diet. Like the reformed smoker who chides those who haven't kicked the habit, vegans seem to assume they merit a position of moral superiority.

    91 lbs in 3 months sounds a bit frightening. My dietitian wants me to lose between 1 & 2 lbs per week.
  • dusty_712001
    dusty_712001 Posts: 172 Member
    Fainted after the *91 pounds in 3 month*:noway: AWESOME!!!!

    It sounds like alot but I started with over 250 pounds to lose. When you have that much weight, any activity has some pretty serious calorie burns. Include taking in a resonable amount of calories and I was dropping pretty fast. I know the next three months I probably wont lose at the same rate, although I would like to drop at least another 70.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    It's just annoying that the guy thinks he knows better for me than I do because he has seen me for 30 seconds one time.

    I find most people think they know better than most people, regardless of how long they've known them. It's not worth getting annoyed at the delusions of other people, particularly strangers.

    I am, however, quite astonished at the idea that someone would stop someone who was walking and ask if they were walking to lose weight. I can see stopping someone who's jogging or running - that's obviously a fitness thing - but most people walking are walking to get somewhere, or because they like the scenery. I would be quite amused if someone stopped me as I was walking to work and asked if I was walking to lose weight.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    That's a lot of weight lost in a very short time.

    As for the vegan, they aren't all zealous nuts but enough to make them all look bad in the eyes of many LOL
  • agsears
    Do you want to know another way to drop the weight off REALLY fast?
    Thats right. Eating absolutly nothing will gaurentee the fat will just MELT away.
    Imagine how jelous your friends will be when you look like a concentration camp survivor.
    Granted, there are a few unplesent side effecs but, those are unimportant right now.

    Bahahahahahaha! Good one!
  • jensauce
    jensauce Posts: 150 Member
    I've yet to meet a vegan who doesn't proselytize their diet. Like the reformed smoker who chides those who haven't kicked the habit, vegans seem to assume they merit a position of moral superiority.

    SOOO true...i have lots of vegan friends, but i'm getting sick of them telling me how awful it is that i eat meat, and GASP! bacon?! i am a straight up carnivore, and while i've focused a LOT on fruits and veggies recently, i can never give up meat. and no, those vegan "substitutes" are nothing like the real thing.