Looking for a few "older" friends



  • moonpieto
    moonpieto Posts: 76 Member
    You can add me I am "old as dirt.":bigsmile:
  • joeecce
    joeecce Posts: 7 Member
    I'll hit the big 70 next year but don't feel like it. I am 6'3, 222 lbs. & my goal is 200. 3 months ago I was 258 . Joined MFP recently at 230 and lost 8 lbs. Do cardio 5x/wk and strength building 3x/wk (machines). No friends thus far but would like some to give me incentive and encouragement. You can add me.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,969 Member
    I am 57, almost 58. I've got at least 50 lbs to lose, even more if I want to get back to my early adult weight. Feel free to visit my profile and add me if you think we're a fit.
  • Tori1205
    Tori1205 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi....I'm 53 and you can friend me if you like. I love MFP...discovered it about five months ago.
  • I'm not "older" quite yet, but I did just get over having cancer (chemo/surgery/radiation). I'm going to a gym (buying 1 month groupons), and trying to lose some weight that I thought I'd lose during cancer....but didn't. I was struck by your post...I can relate. I'm 42 (at the end of the month), and sometimes working out and everything seems futile!! It takes so long to take it off and it's like a job to keep it off. But now that I've joined MFP, i like logging in my food....can see it add up much clearer...and giving it a go. I'm 3 months out from treatment...and done with emotional eating...and want to be lean once and for all! Wish me luck ;)
  • Hi Lynn,
    My name is Eileen, and I just came across your message here. I'm already past you, I'm 65, but very young at heart! My body isn't, it feels like it's a hundred and ten years old...lol...Wow, I sure wish that I only had 10 pounds to lose...I want to lose at least 86-95 pounds. But I know it's gonna be a long journey, but I'm determined to do it this time..

    If you'd like, I would love to be friends with you and give eachother support. The more the merrier, and the more, the easier to do it and succeed.

    I've heard so much about MFP, but what is it???? Someone tried to tell me, but for some odd reason that part of her reply was cut off or something to that effect. I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me what it is and what it does!?

    Thanks so much and hope to hear from you soon...God bless you
  • Hi again Lynn,

    I swear I must be the dumbest person on earth!!! lmbo...I just looked up and found out what MFP is!!!! Duh and double Duh!!!! It's my fitness pal...I really need a new pair of glasses or a new brain!! lol..I always just called it fitness pal and never added the word "MY". So how stupid am I???? Pretty darn stupid....lololol...

    So, thanks anyway...have a great night...
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Just signed on to MFP. I am 68 years old and way into the obese category. I need to have knee replacement soon. It is really important that I get some weight off before and after the surgery. Right now exercise is limited to my chair exercise videos. I can hardly wait to be able to walk again.
  • seventeendayer
    seventeendayer Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me. I will be 58 in Dec. I have lost 26ibs. since signing on to MFP the end of March. I too don't like to exercise just to exercise. I try to incorporate it into my daily life such as: walking to and from work sometimes, (about 3 miles round trip), walking our lab in the park, socializing with friends by going for walks instead of going out to lunch with them, etc. I do Zumba, Fit Plus, and Just Dance on the Wii which I find fun and I have gotten some exercise DVDs from our local library. For my eating I have mainly just tried to eat healthier such as whole grains instead of refined flour products, more fruits and vegetables, lean meats, limit my salt and fat intake. I have found doing the food diary very helpful and try never to go over my limit for the day. Evenings are the hardest for me to control my eating. I am an emotional eater and crave carbs after work to relieve stress and fatigue, (I work with special needs children).
  • seventeendayer
    seventeendayer Posts: 40 Member
    I just noticed MFP has me joining March, 2011 which I did but never did anything with it till this past March. All the weight lost has been from this March.
  • Would be glad to make new friends, I'm in your age bracket! See ya lighter!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Another 57 year old here (as of yesterday). Great to see all of you here, we've still got it going on!