


  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    Take the meds your doc prescribes. Get thyroid levels checked at least once a year. Have a calorie deficit like a normal person.

    HA! If it were only that easy w/thyroid issues lol

    What, you don't do this? No accurate meds means an imbalance remains uncorrected. No checkup means your meds could be inaccurate. No calorie deficit means no weight loss.

    I don't pretend to know every variation of thyroid imbalance. I know some people really yo yo with getting the right medication and the right amount, but if you take the medication to get normal levels you can lose weight normally.
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    How long did most of you find it took for your body to adjust to the medication and to find the right levels? My doctor says that I'm within normal ranges now, but I'm still tired most of the time. I suggested whole thyroid medication but he pretty much said that wasn't an option because it can be very hit and miss. He also couldn't understand why the meds are making me breathless. It's not like I can go off them though.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    Take the meds your doc prescribes. Get thyroid levels checked at least once a year. Have a calorie deficit like a normal person.

    HA! If it were only that easy w/thyroid issues lol

    Yeah, kinda what I was thinking... Pretty asinine. Oh, and I'm REALLY not trying to be rude, but you really think they only check them once a year? :laugh:

    As the bare minimum baseline to check the levels? Yes, yes I do.
  • Jen_Jennings
    Jen_Jennings Posts: 124 Member
    Take the meds your doc prescribes. Get thyroid levels checked at least once a year. Have a calorie deficit like a normal person.

    HA! If it were only that easy w/thyroid issues lol

    What, you don't do this? No accurate meds means an imbalance remains uncorrected. No checkup means your meds could be inaccurate. No calorie deficit means no weight loss.

    I don't pretend to know every variation of thyroid imbalance. I know some people really yo yo with getting the right medication and the right amount, but if you take the medication to get normal levels you can lose weight normally.

    My levels are checked about 4x a yr usually. Sometimes more when I've had to have adjusted doses. I don't want to go into a list of things but thyroid disease has a slew of secondary problems that it causes and losing weight isn't always as easy as it may sound when there are other conditions occurring within the body. Not everyone's body is the same just as ppl's bodies are not all the same who don't have thyroid disorders. If you have thyroid disease and have had success in losing weight and keeping it controlled, that is wonderful :)
  • Jen_Jennings
    Jen_Jennings Posts: 124 Member
    How long did most of you find it took for your body to adjust to the medication and to find the right levels? My doctor says that I'm within normal ranges now, but I'm still tired most of the time. I suggested whole thyroid medication but he pretty much said that wasn't an option because it can be very hit and miss. He also couldn't understand why the meds are making me breathless. It's not like I can go off them though.

    I think it takes me about 90 days to stablize. I just recently had to have my meds lowered. For some reason all the sudden after 16 yrs of taking the same dose my body decided to change things up a bit lol. My fatigue never went away.
  • mindy_moorehead
    I have hypothyroidism and I have lost 140+ I just take my meds daily (levothroxyin-and FYI all it is-is the generic form of synthroid) and exercise and try to eat as healthy as possible and I have had no problems whatsoever!!!
  • Exill
    Exill Posts: 155 Member
    Getting pregnant really throws things off too. I was having bloodwork every month and it took a long time afterwards to get back on a steady dose (would bounce between hypo and hyper) and I'm taking a higher dose now than before. It does take awhile to find the right dose. I also used to have a goiter that I could easily feel in my neck, but it's gone now.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    I was having the hardest time losing the weight that I gainded from my low thyroid until I got put on a 2nd Rx Cytomel which is a synthetic T3 as well as being on the Synthroid (T4). I feel like I'm back to my old self again! I'm running farther than I ever would have dreamed of before. My thyroid weight is melting off with my calories lowered and I no longer feel like I'm wear cement shoes! Life is good!
  • Exill
    Exill Posts: 155 Member
    I always had issues with fatigue--I would sleep 10-12 hrs a day. The best thing, for me, is getting at least 30 min of walking in everyday. Sunshine and exercise are great boosts to mood and energy! I sleep 8-9 hrs now. I also feel a lot better when I eat healthy (fruits and veg as opposed to refined carbs), no surprise there.
  • Jen_Jennings
    Jen_Jennings Posts: 124 Member
    I always had issues with fatigue--I would sleep 10-12 hrs a day. The best thing, for me, is getting at least 30 min of walking in everyday. Sunshine and exercise are great boosts to mood and energy! I sleep 8-9 hrs now. I also feel a lot better when I eat healthy (fruits and veg as opposed to refined carbs), no surprise there.

    ^^^this for sure!
  • Sly_Blue
    I have hypothyroidism and I have lost 140+ I just take my meds daily (levothroxyin-and FYI all it is-is the generic form of synthroid) and exercise and try to eat as healthy as possible and I have had no problems whatsoever!!!

    It may be, but why am I responding to levotyroxin differently as compared to synthyroid? There are differences.
  • aremiw
    I was diagnosed last month, currently taking Armor Thyroid, I haven't seen any noticeable difference in weight loss other than the usual yo-yo between 7 lbs. I also was told I have sluggish Adrenal and was given Cortisol to help regulate sleep patterns. I've had wonderful results with the two for my chronic fatigue. I love the energy! Hoping to see all my hard work with diet and exercise pay off.
  • ferb03
    Is anyone who is taking Armor having issues getting it? I can't get mine 9they keep giving me generic) and I don't know if it is just this one place or if it is everywhere. When I ask I am told they are having issues with their supplier and will keep trying. Problem is I am running low and don't want to be left pill-less.