


  • Shrinking_Stacey
    That **** will KILL YA! Quit putting chemicals into your body...eat clean and drink water. There is NO pill that's gonna make you skinny/fit. It takes hard work & good food decisions. That being said, please excuse me while I finish my doughnut!! :wink:
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    What's an alternative product like hydroxycut that I should use?

    DIET AND EXERCISE... And yes I am yelling at you.. Please do it the old fashioned way.... :glasses:
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
  • NuggetBrain
    NuggetBrain Posts: 526 Member
    If it really worked the way it says that it does, it would cost eleventy billion dollars and everybody and their momma would be out buying it, and also the FDA probably would have approved it. So...no.
  • Cookie_Monster_69
    People rely on pills as a means of total weight Loss. IMO these pills are meant to help with the bitty stubborn BF when your ALREADY at a low BF. and want alittle boost to get it off without brute force. there not a pill to take eat like crap and still lose weight NO.
  • Sexyvampirebill
    I took the product years ago when they used to put Ephedra in it. I loved the product and lost just a ton of weight on it. I never ever had any issue with taking the pill other than it curbed my appetite considerably. A few years back they removed the Ephredra from the product and I don't know if it was due to that or my age but when I tried it this time I did not nearly get the same results. I was sadly disappointed. It may work for you but it is definately not the quick weight loss fix it used to be. I think you may have better luck through diet and exercise.
  • juliefurry
    I take the drink mix but only once a day before lunch. I have never had very much energy and I like to chow down in the afternoon between lunch and dinner. Since taking this product I have noticed I have afternoon energy and no more afternoon binge eating on candy. Not saying it will work for weight loss I will know more as I continue to weigh in but I am also not sure I want to continue taking it. But it is also too expensive for me to throw out, so I am going to finish the box off and see what I want to do from there.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    The original old Hydroxy cut was the **** until it got pulled off the shelf because some lady had a liver problem. This new Hydroxy cut is garbage..
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member