i need more support & friends on here

hi there,
my name is chenin, i'm a 20 year old college student who struggles with binge eating- the main source of all my excess weight.
i have about 60 - 70 lbs to lose before i reach my goals.
i've been trying to use logging to help my control my poor habits, but i need more help than i thought.

anyone who has similar struggles or just wants a supportive friend, please add me. the more feedback i receive, the more invested i become in using this awesome tool.



  • dmoore0677
    dmoore0677 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there, i have started my change in life and going to make sure i am successful this time. I'm 35 and have been over weight for a good 10 years and i'm sick of it. I want to dress my age and feel amazing with all my new energy. I too look forward to talking with people with the same goals. My goal is to be under 200lbs by Feb 14 2013.
    I have a 5yr old daughter that i would love to enjoy and participate in her life more. I don't want her to hear about this diet that diet. I would love to help you keep on track. I have told myself how ever bad i think i had screwed up one day with food, tomorrow is a new day. You are very smart to be getting this weight off at such a young age.
    Good luck and let me know if i can help.
  • aedlife
    aedlife Posts: 39 Member
    I too need more friends! I am 38 and trying to be fit by 40. I have struggled with my weight since college. Now with 2 children, finally gaining independence, I have time to put into myself and lose this baby weight. You can both add me as your friend. I have just started Insanity and hope the exercise and diet will help me on my journey. I typically log in after dinner or once my kids are in bed! Hope we are all successful on this journey, building a great support system! Amy
  • HeatherPH
    HeatherPH Posts: 125 Member
    Hi guys! I have a bunch of friends on my account but not many are really that supportive (I don't get a lot of comments on my diary/exercise), so I'd appreciate the extra support, too!
  • I could always use some extra motivation, too! I'm 20 and am a college student, also working and volunteering. It gets really hard sometimes so I'd like having someone that's dealing with the same things as me so we can help support each other :)
  • Hey, I think you've made a great decision to use myfitnesspal and become a part of the community on here. I'm 63 and a former distance runner and martial arts instructor. Back then (20+ years ago) I was averaging 170-175 lbs. And, because I ran 10 miles a day or more, plus worked out all the time, I could easily burn the necessary calories to eat what I wanted. After reaching 220 lbs and gaining at least four pant sizes, I decided I was long overdue to get back in shape. I now weight 182 and work out every day, doing eliptical, treadmill, walking, weights, body weight exercises, balance ball, and even martial arts workouts. I also use myfitnesspal religiously to record all that I do. I really like how I look and feel now! If I eat more than I should, I jump on the eliptical or do other exercises to work off the extra calories. It works for me, and I bet it can work for you. You just have to want it! Good luck.
  • liberty0624
    liberty0624 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, I've also tried to go it alone, but have recently taken the plunge into the community here. I will definitely add you as a friend and hope we can give each other some mutual support! I have to admit I'm a bit unsure of how to support others, and sometimes feel that I am "inadequate" to offer support to others, as I have only been back here for about 10 days. I hope we can all stick it out and achieve our goals!