Looking for supportive friends.

I need some active, supportive friends. I hate people adding me and then never saying a word to me. I'm not here to be a high count on your profile.

I don't care how many friends somebody has. I just want people to support me and for me to support.

So you can check out my profile and if you think we'd get along, then add me!


  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Bump :smile:
  • HeatherPH
    HeatherPH Posts: 125 Member
    I completely agree, and sent you a request! I have a ton of people on my list (most of whom I've now deleted) who never say a word to me, so it seems a bit pointless to have them on there at all. I don't care about my number, but I appreciate the support!
  • liberty0624
    liberty0624 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm new to the community, so I'm not sure yet of who talks to me and who doesn't!! But I am also looking for support, so hopefully we can help each other out, will add you now