My goal for tomorrow

My goal for tomorrow is to have something positive to post on my news feed! I want to exercise and I want to be under my calorie goal, and have people pat me on the back!! Feel free to list your goal for tomorrow and lets see if we can achieve our goals together :happy:


  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member
    My goal for tomorrow (Sunday) is to run 10 miles. I'm training for a half marathon next month. I'm up to running 9 miles. Unfortunately I'm not losing any weight :(
  • arielpatt
    arielpatt Posts: 6 Member
    My goal for tomorrow is to ride a tandem bike with my Dad at the beach to get in some much needed exercise and father/daughter bonding time.
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    I will pat you on the back just for setting that goal up!
  • aedlife
    aedlife Posts: 39 Member
    Great idea. My goal for tomorrow is to get up at 7:30 and workout before church. That way I will not stress about it all day. Really going to try all week to exercise in the am, before work! Also, my goal for next week is a 2 pound loss!!!
  • liberty0624
    liberty0624 Posts: 23 Member
    It's 8.40am in Australia, so "tomorrow" has arrived. I'm also taking a plunge and opening my diary. Might give me some motivation to stay on track. Here goes...
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    My goal for tomorrow is no late night snacking!
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    My goal for tomorrow is to wake up. "Aim low, achieve your goals, die happy."

    Just kidding!! :wink:

    Seriously, to wake up in a timely fashion (yeah, I have some form of sleep disorder) annnnd, well, it could go a couple different ways:

    breakfast, walk/hike, maybe/maybe not church, maybe/maybe not Dungeons & Dragons, oh...and cooking something before D&D. Eating well is also up well as getting in all my water.

    Here's to all & hoping you all rise to reach your goals! :smile:
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    My goal for tomorrow is to have something positive to post on my news feed! I want to exercise and I want to be under my calorie goal, and have people pat me on the back!! Feel free to list your goal for tomorrow and lets see if we can achieve our goals together :happy:

    To get to the gym tomorrow!

    BTW, you want to MEET your calorie goal. Going under it doesn't really do you any favors in the long run. :wink:
  • My goal for tomorrow is to up my calories to 500, and not purge. (ED recovery day 1)

    I figure I should start small.
  • niftyfifty47
    niftyfifty47 Posts: 87 Member
    My goal for tomorrow is to go for my walk....whether I want to or not!!
  • liberty0624
    liberty0624 Posts: 23 Member

    To get to the gym tomorrow!

    BTW, you want to MEET your calorie goal. Going under it doesn't really do you any favors in the long run. :wink:

    LOL thanks for the reminder!! I do try to eat my calories (its really not hard to do!!) but I am trying not to "eat my exercise" - at least not all of it lol
  • liberty0624
    liberty0624 Posts: 23 Member
    Well, may day has gone really well, I think that putting my goal out there for all to see was a great motivator (although still a few hours until bed, hopefully I can keep it together!)
    So I'm trying it again... My goal for tomorrow is to be in control of my afternoon snacking by making better food choices (thanks to all who gave me some great suggestions).
  • rede2go
    rede2go Posts: 82 Member
    My goal for (Sunday) is to get in a quick workout and more importantly stick to good eating habbits. The weekends are tough, everyone eating out and drinking tempted to follow suit, but I am sticking to my guns had one drink this weekend and havent had junk so far. wish me luck lol.
  • niftyfifty47
    niftyfifty47 Posts: 87 Member
    Well I DID IT....It was cloudy and overcast all morning and then the sun peeped out so I goes get out and walk. Within about 2 minutes it was raining but I kept going and walked for 32 minutes. I had to wear a rain jacket so that made me sweat and I smelt like a sewer when I got home....still a nice shower had me smelling human again.
  • liberty0624
    liberty0624 Posts: 23 Member
    Well I DID IT....It was cloudy and overcast all morning and then the sun peeped out so I goes get out and walk. Within about 2 minutes it was raining but I kept going and walked for 32 minutes. I had to wear a rain jacket so that made me sweat and I smelt like a sewer when I got home....still a nice shower had me smelling human again.
    Lol...great effort!!:happy:
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    my goal for tomorrow is after spending all day in the hospital with my mom I'll still make it to the gym and put in work.
  • liberty0624
    liberty0624 Posts: 23 Member
    my goal for tomorrow is after spending all day in the hospital with my mom I'll still make it to the gym and put in work.
    Good luck:smile:

    My goal for tomorrow is to stick to controlling my afternoon snacks, get on the treadmill after work, and just maintain this feeling of control over my eating that I have found in the last few days.