For the new people...

Just so you don't feel alone and you know that we all have had the same experiences, I'm just going to share my story real quick... a few things leading up to the point where I said-"that's it !!"
* I had to turn down a bunch of invitations this summer to go places because I literally had no clothes that fit. And I refused to wear too-tight clothes.Since I had lost my job, I pretty much wear pj's , and you don't realize how fat you're getting wearing pajama pants with elastic!
* I also skipped my high school reunion because I was thin/average size in high school and didn't want to show everyone that I had gained 100+ pounds. :(
* I was at my in-laws house and I sat on a chair and BROKE it! Mortifying! But still didn't do anything about my weight yet...
* And then, the final straw- I saw my reflection in our big screen tv when I was sitting down. That was a huge shock, being I haven't had a full length mirror in years. That night I rejoined MFP and have been here 6 days and am losing and love it!
So, please feel free to ask anyoneon here any questions-everyone is really nice and helpful and will support everything you do: Good luck!


  • kiangel
    kiangel Posts: 246 Member
    I too have turned down events for those very same reasons , good luck with your journey to a happier you x
  • You too!
  • twilightlvr79
    twilightlvr79 Posts: 130 Member
    It is amazing the things it takes for us to realize that we need to make a change in our lives. For me it was an "error" on my doctors part. I know I am high risk for diabetes in my family because I have it coming at me from all sides. I went to my endocrinologist (my thyroid specialist) and she ran my A1C because of my family history of diabetes. I had already switched to drinking diet soda but it had only been a couple of months so it wasn't long enough for all of that sugar to be completely out of my system yet. The lab result was a 5.9 which is slightly elevated. Your A1C should be 5.7 or below. My doctor started turning in on my charts that I was diabetic and I knew that I wasn't diabetic atleast not yet, because I check my blood sugar a lot and my daily blood sugars run between 70 and 90 depending on if I have eaten or not and a diabetic wouldn't run blood sugars that low without medicine and I had a major sweet tooth at the time so I knew that wasn't right. She checked my A1C at my next apt and it was 5.4 so when I go for my next appt in November I am going to make her remove the diabetes from my chart since I am not diabetic. Since then I have started the healthy eating and I do not eat any processed sugar and have even limited the amount of diet drinks I have now. I want the number to be even lower the next time she checks. I like having the power to tell her she was wrong!
  • I just joined. Would like to kmow if you will friend me.
  • Chrissie_R
    Chrissie_R Posts: 224 Member
    good for you, best of luck to you!
  • It is amazing the things it takes for us to realize that we need to make a change in our lives. For me it was an "error" on my doctors part. I know I am high risk for diabetes in my family because I have it coming at me from all sides. I went to my endocrinologist (my thyroid specialist) and she ran my A1C because of my family history of diabetes. I had already switched to drinking diet soda but it had only been a couple of months so it wasn't long enough for all of that sugar to be completely out of my system yet. The lab result was a 5.9 which is slightly elevated. Your A1C should be 5.7 or below. My doctor started turning in on my charts that I was diabetic and I knew that I wasn't diabetic atleast not yet, because I check my blood sugar a lot and my daily blood sugars run between 70 and 90 depending on if I have eaten or not and a diabetic wouldn't run blood sugars that low without medicine and I had a major sweet tooth at the time so I knew that wasn't right. She checked my A1C at my next apt and it was 5.4 so when I go for my next appt in November I am going to make her remove the diabetes from my chart since I am not diabetic. Since then I have started the healthy eating and I do not eat any processed sugar and have even limited the amount of diet drinks I have now. I want the number to be even lower the next time she checks. I like having the power to tell her she was wrong!

    LOL! Yeah- they for SURE are not always right.Good luck- glad it's not diabetes :)
  • I just joined. Would like to kmow if you will friend me.

    I just did!
  • kazzer1977
    kazzer1977 Posts: 1 Member

    Good luck with your weightloss!! I started mine Tuesday, finding the app for my phone a godsend :) we all have different reasons for wanting to lose weight but we all know the benefits it will give us, so thats got to make it worth while :)
  • Hi

    I have been on here a little while, took a break when things went pear shaped last month, back now determined to lose weight as i am getting married in January! Wishing you all success :) x
  • good luck to you all too!
  • mrswaite08
    mrswaite08 Posts: 93 Member
    Good luck on your journey op! My breaking point was going through a board at our local bogwalk. Talk about embarrassing. The board was probably weak, but that was that. I was 283 at that point and this morning I am 262. Isn't it funny how stupid little things will motivate us the way they do.
  • I think that would do it for me too!And awesome on the weight loss :)
  • cindyriel
    cindyriel Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I'm new to myfitnesspal and I was wondering, could someone please explain to me the "calories remaining" in the daily summary section? WHat does it mean but calories remaining? Is that how many calories I have to burn off to get to my ideal weight? Mine is in red and has a minue in front of the number :S

    Also, in our nutritional goals section, for the calories, are we supposed to eat OVER that amount of UNDER?

    And finally in the food diary section, when we enter all our results, how come some of the numbers are in red with a minus sign and others are in green?

    Haha, thanks in advance for anyone who replies! x
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Hi all! I'm new to myfitnesspal and I was wondering, could someone please explain to me the "calories remaining" in the daily summary section? WHat does it mean but calories remaining? Is that how many calories I have to burn off to get to my ideal weight? Mine is in red and has a minue in front of the number :S

    Also, in our nutritional goals section, for the calories, are we supposed to eat OVER that amount of UNDER?

    And finally in the food diary section, when we enter all our results, how come some of the numbers are in red with a minus sign and others are in green?

    Haha, thanks in advance for anyone who replies! x

    Basically, numbers that show up in green mean you haven't eaten up to your goal yet, and you can still eat the number in green. Red numbers mean you've gone past your goal.

    You are supposed to try to MEET your calorie goal. Don't stress if you are over or under by 100 calories on either side. Your daily calorie goal is what you should eat to safely lose weight. Eating too far under can be dangerous for you and eating too far over it will slow or halt your weight loss.
  • mbarmuta
    mbarmuta Posts: 165 Member
    Hi I am new too please friend me anyone who feels like it. I am 41 and a mother of 3 with 50kgs to lose. Thanks Meg