30 mins a day and 5lbs per month anyone interested :)



  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    ok so 130 it is :) i`m sure you`ll get to your goal in no time.

    hey nancy counted in you have been :)
  • sineadmm
    sineadmm Posts: 190
    Just completed my 30 min :)
  • Count me in! I need to loose 30 more pounds and need all the help I can get! Am I too late?
  • Nmama
    Nmama Posts: 191 Member
    no your not too late. :)

    Well today is going to be a mostly veggie day since breakfast had bacon and sausage in it. :(
  • I would love to join also! I was 148.8 today and I am coaching and playing basketball during a 2 hour practice today.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    So glad to have this group for support because I am sooooo frustrated! I think I'm doing all the right things, but the scale just doesn't budge. Anyhow, enough moaning :-) Yesterday I ran 5 miles. Today, I ran 2 miles and plan to take my daughter swimming tonight after dinner/homework :-) I was introduced to TCBY by a friend and just had that as a snack. It was only 180 calories and very yummy :-)
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    it`s never too late :) welcome guys :) well i did a half hearted 30 mins my side is hurting so bad so took it easy. buttt my boyfriend is on his second week and had great results already he asks me why i dont do it and i say cos i dont wanna bulk up but i found a lean version so maybe tommorrow i`ll give it a go wish me luck. new friends that have joined i have logged your starting weights :) so lets just work towards burning off 5lbs off of them :)
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    So glad to have this group for support because I am sooooo frustrated! I think I'm doing all the right things, but the scale just doesn't budge. Anyhow, enough moaning :-) Yesterday I ran 5 miles. Today, I ran 2 miles and plan to take my daughter swimming tonight after dinner/homework :-) I was introduced to TCBY by a friend and just had that as a snack. It was only 180 calories and very yummy :-)

    wow 5 miles and 2 today :) you`ll be at the 5lb loss in no time :)

    what exercise did everyone else do today :?
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    So glad to have this group for support because I am sooooo frustrated! I think I'm doing all the right things, but the scale just doesn't budge. Anyhow, enough moaning :-) Yesterday I ran 5 miles. Today, I ran 2 miles and plan to take my daughter swimming tonight after dinner/homework :-) I was introduced to TCBY by a friend and just had that as a snack. It was only 180 calories and very yummy :-)

    wow 5 miles and 2 today :) you`ll be at the 5lb loss in no time :)

    what exercise did everyone else do today :?
  • Count me in... I'm at 175 miserable lbs :)
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Thanks Selinee! I'm hoping your words come true. So far, other measurements have changed but not my weight.
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    fishy kisses you are counted in :) weight is logged not miserable for long :) being on here is there first step believe me .

    don`t forget muscle weighs more than fat and the more muscle you have the quickr you burn calories :) so losing inches at first is normal keep going definately . well my boyfriend has convinced me to do p90x so as of tommorrow lets see what happens but he has lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks :noway: :noway: those kinda results can sway anybody :)
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    You read my mind... I was thinking of getting an exercise video to add to my exercise options. Currently I run or do Bikram "hot" yoga and that's pretty much it. Any recommendations?
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    30 day shred ( jillian michaels)
    p90x ( boyfriend loves it and results already in 11 days.
    wii fit if you have it
    biggest loser dvds :) these are what i do generally hope it helps i think best thing is to check them out on you tube plus reviews and results and pick whichever you feel suits you most thats what i did .
  • If it is not to late to join I would love to. This is my first time joining one of these challenges. I have never told anyone my weight so it is embarrassing to say it was 181 on Wed. Yuck.....How do we check back and forth and weigh in? Is there a link? Thanks
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    If it is not to late to join I would love to. This is my first time joining one of these challenges. I have never told anyone my weight so it is embarrassing to say it was 181 on Wed. Yuck.....How do we check back and forth and weigh in? Is there a link? Thanks

    hey jenn welcome :) no weight is bad so you shouldn`t feel like that :) we all shudder at our own weights but that just spurs us on i think pşus having a good support system :)

    well to be honest i just go into my profile and my last comment and trace the thred from there but i don`t personally now a quicker route but i`m sure other people do .

    how was everyone`s day ? hope that you all had the time and motivation to do your 30 mins. well i have had a back and front pain for more than 10 days and it keeps coming and going so didnt do the 30 mins( hypocrite i know ) :) but i think its my matress so will be sleeping on the guest bed to see if thats what the problem is.
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,378 Member
    After the birthday over eating day I got back to normal and actually posted my lowest weight yet, 189.4! In fact, I've been keeping track of my weight for the last several years, and this is the lowest weight I've ever written down. Te highest was only 203. I shooting for 175.

    I've been doing two 30 minute sessions on my elliptical each day. One in the morning and one in the evening. I either listen to music or watch Star Trek: The Next Generation. I got the whole series on DVD for Christmas :smile: . I tend to work a bit harder when I listen to music.

    This whole MyFitnessPal thing started last year for me. I am recovering from ACL surgery last July 7. The surgeon recommended I not jog (I was never a jogger) so I settled on the elliptical. I also throw in a couple sets of crunches, push ups, and some scissor leg exercises for my knee.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Hey Selinee - no you're not a hypocrite! Just human. Hope your pain vanishes quickly. I love my mattress so much I hate sleeping anywhere else!
    On another note, I just took my "before" pictures. Yikes. Never done that before. I am meeting with a friend tomorrow who is a Beachbody Coach so I can choose which workout routine would be best for me to add to my current routine. I do enough cardio and need to add weight training so I can burn more fat. I think (hope) that is what might be stalling my weight loss.
    As a check in note - yesterday I did a 90 minute Bikram yoga class. Today I ran 5 miles on the treadmill. Would have gone outside but its snowing here :-)
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey Selinee - no you're not a hypocrite! Just human. Hope your pain vanishes quickly. I love my mattress so much I hate sleeping anywhere else!
    On another note, I just took my "before" pictures. Yikes. Never done that before. I am meeting with a friend tomorrow who is a Beachbody Coach so I can choose which workout routine would be best for me to add to my current routine. I do enough cardio and need to add weight training so I can burn more fat. I think (hope) that is what might be stalling my weight loss.
    As a check in note - yesterday I did a 90 minute Bikram yoga class. Today I ran 5 miles on the treadmill. Would have gone outside but its snowing here :-)

    thanks yoga :) well my back and side werent as bad today so i think that it is indeed my matress so another has been ordered. wow a friend who is a coach at beach body is good :) i just posted a thread asking for the lowdown on p90x for women as i dont know if its the right programme for me so i hope someone can enlighten me :) your putting the rest of us to shame with all of your exercise :P 5 miles ??? i thşnk i would die ! how much more do you want to lose ? it snowed early this morning here as well ( london) but i still probably wouldnt have jogged even if it was nice i can`t lie :) i`m more a music jumping around and dancing kinda gal.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    My goal is to lose 5 more pounds...after that I'll reevaluate. This whole journey began a year ago for me and did not include weight loss. I trained for my first half marathon beginning in February of 2009 while raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I was inspired to do this because my Mom was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (a form of blood cancer) the year prior. After that first half marathon last May, Ive just kept on going! I ran my second half marathon in October and my first full marathon this January.
    Glad your pain has decreased. I hope your new mattress has memory foam! I swear its heaven!
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