Mindful Mondays

Hey everyone, This is a group

Anyone can join and the point of the group is to have somethign to be accountable to and somewhere to share your goals, gains and loses. Its to help each other out.

So we will weigh in on mondays, and write out any goals we have for that week.

You can write your current weight if you want, and if your not comfertable with that you can write your weight loses, or even your goal

also the goals for the week dont have to only be weight orientated.
So everyone has the weekend to think about it, to decide to join or whatever


  • timehascome28
    see you monday!!
  • taneeshab
    I want in!!!

    Im new to MFP is there anything I need to do to join?
  • Brenna
    Brenna Posts: 126 Member
    I'm in too! I have always done weigh-in's on Mondays. I think its the only thing that keeps me from spiralling out of control on the weekend and I don't wind up eating an entire cheese pizza on a Saturday night after having a few too many glasses of wine:laugh:

    I think having a Mindful Monday group is great and happy to be a part of it!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    Yay! Found it! I'm just gonna kind of get the ball rolling. I'm Bailey - anyone can friend me. I'm 18 and I'm trying to lose 40 lbs by my 19th birthday on May.28th as my first big goal! I'm going to document my weight losses/gains/plateaus here every monday, not my actual weight, as i'm not completely comfortable with it yet! Anyways. I hope everyone will introduce themselves and good luck to everyone! :)
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    ive never done a group before, i think we just search this under community, and it should bring you to this convo/thread
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    Good Morning!

    Im gonna try to make myself three mini goals a week on top of trying to lose weight

    Not to drink any diet pop for one week-this is gonna kill me
    Drink lots of water, and only water
    Do 20 minutes on the stepper

    As for weight wise

    Lost a lb this week!
  • Brenna
    Brenna Posts: 126 Member
    Hi There!

    My week goal is simple, to get back on track with some excercise. I have been eating fairly healthy for awhile now and have been putting off my excercise. I am going to excercise 3 times this week to start up. I'm going to kick it into gear this week so I feel a difference next Monday!! No slacking on the weekend this time :laugh:

    Tamara: Way to go for giving up pop for a week!! Its so addicting! You are taking on a large feat and I wish you luck, girl!

    How are the other Mindful Monday folks doing???
  • Elfie1
    Elfie1 Posts: 30
    ARGHHHHHHHH........I am so whacking myself on the head...I really lost it over the weekend and am now 3lbs UP ....ohhhhhh poooooop....this is so depressing. I had pizza, drank some wine, ate several skinny cow ice creams...I feel like a total loser pig...or gainer pig. It is also pouring down rain outside and I am in the motivation deficit big time. It's so amazing to me how one can go from feeling really good about yourself...to utter disgust. Not sure how to get back on the right side here.

  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    ARGHHHHHHHH........I am so whacking myself on the head...I really lost it over the weekend and am now 3lbs UP ....ohhhhhh poooooop....this is so depressing. I had pizza, drank some wine, ate several skinny cow ice creams...I feel like a total loser pig...or gainer pig. It is also pouring down rain outside and I am in the motivation deficit big time. It's so amazing to me how one can go from feeling really good about yourself...to utter disgust. Not sure how to get back on the right side here.


    No worries. We all have bad weeks. Just start fresh today and work harder this week. You can do it! I didn't have a great weigh in either. I think I let myself go too much on the weekend. So my mini goal for the week includes being more strict with myself next weekend, Tam can you keep my accountable? Another mini goal is to try to lower my cholesterol more. I watch it and I'm always going over.

    So I lost 1 lb this week for a total of 2lbs.

    Congrats Tam for losing another lb, you're awesome :) And good luck to everyone for this week!
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    the pop thing is probably gonna kill me
    we went grocery shopping today and all the pop was on sale, and apple juice. lol but its just one week

    and whenever its gross outside like raining all i want to do is eat and eat and eat

    i wish everyone luck this week, we can do it!!
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    I am happy to say that i completed all my mini goals.
    The nothing but water to drink was the hardest, followed by no diet pop and then the 20 minutes on the stepper.

    i hope everyone had a good week this week
    i lost 1.6 lbs! pretty pumped, i worked really hard at the gym this week

    I am going to the city this weekend to visit friends so i really need to watch what i am eating while im up there, we are going out for supper for valentines so my plan is to only induldge then

    Mini goals
    Get a minimum of 240 mins of exercise
    Not go crazy while in Fredericton

  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    Hey Guys! I had a better week than last week, I lost 2 lbs, for a total of 4lbs so far. I kind of feel like I should've done better, but I have my period, so that kind of drags me down, and I maybe put on some water weight. You never know. 2 lbs is still great, better than nothing!
    Mini Goals
    1. lose 3lbs
    2. try not to eat past 9. this is actually going to be SUPER hard for me, as I stay up ridiculously late. i don't know if i can do it but it's worth a try!
    3. burn 500 calories at each work out. (at least 5 days)
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    No one kept with this but I'm still going to post, act like people use it and read it, and try to motivate myself.
    This week I lost 1.2lbs :) slow but steady i guess! 5.2lbs total. and i feel great even though i still have 34.8 to go until my first goal.

    My mini goals for this week are : a)do 15 minutes straight on the stepper by the end of the week
    b) have a 2 lb week!
    c) try to not sketch out all next wkd about weighing in on mondays, it makes me crazy!!!