McDonalds...ohhh god.



  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I've never had that problem as long as I didn't overeat. It may have been a combination of nerves and the greasy food. It's hard to say.
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    So I am in no means a "health nut," I usually eat mostly chicken and veggies but also can eat more starches and "whites" (bread, rice, chips) and empty calories than I should. BUT- I haven't had fast food in awhile and was seriously craving it today. I had a horrible day, fought with a coworker, found out the guy I had been dating is a complete douche, (10000 of excuses) and I finally said F it and went to McDonalds.

    I had a cheeseburger and an order of fries, scarfed it down, and less than 20 minutes later I threw up. I haven't had McDonalds in a LONG time, did my body just freak out because of it? I don't feel sick or anything now and actually worked out a few hours later....but I am still a little confused on why that happened.

    Has this happened to anyone else before?

    I now know that I will NOT go to Mickey D's again. YUCK!

    The last time I went there I had a Quarter Pounder with Cheese...a half hour later I was in the bathroom and lets just say throwing up was not my problem LOL That grease ran right through me but I had a HUGE craving for one so I thought ok where's the harm; I figured out in a huge hurry where the harm was :laugh:
  • polishmehappy
    polishmehappy Posts: 92 Member
    So I am in no means a "health nut," I usually eat mostly chicken and veggies but also can eat more starches and "whites" (bread, rice, chips) and empty calories than I should. BUT- I haven't had fast food in awhile and was seriously craving it today. I had a horrible day, fought with a coworker, found out the guy I had been dating is a complete douche, (10000 of excuses) and I finally said F it and went to McDonalds.

    I had a cheeseburger and an order of fries, scarfed it down, and less than 20 minutes later I threw up. I haven't had McDonalds in a LONG time, did my body just freak out because of it? I don't feel sick or anything now and actually worked out a few hours later....but I am still a little confused on why that happened.

    Has this happened to anyone else before?

    I now know that I will NOT go to Mickey D's again. YUCK!

    My best guess (based on a similar thing that happened to me last week) is that your body (liver) reacted badly to the sudden intake of fat because you have been eating healthier, low fat foods.

    I ate a piece of chocolate cheesecake last week at work (going away party for a co-worker) and less than one hour later I felt physically ill. My liver & stomach twisted in pain and I felt like I was going to throw up. I have bad stomach issues, including a large, sliding hernia that squeezes food back up into my esophagus. I have been feeling incredibly better since I started eating healthier but...if I do eat anything high in fat I feel sick all over again.

    Hang in there :) we all have setbacks from time to time :) you are not alone :)
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    I know I have to use the bathroom a lot more after eating something greasy. My stomach doesn't agree with it at all anymore.
  • I've been eating clean"er" than most for awhile now and every once in awhile i eat something really bad and greasy. I ALWAYS get sick to my stomach. I think if more people ate better All the time, fast food wouldn't be as bad as it is. Just a theory.

    I totally agree!! I cant eat it any more, makes me sick and im in the bathroom right away afterwards.
  • Hmmm...interesting. I've never had anything like that happen to me.
  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    It was probably all of the grease. When I go there I order from their new "low calorie" menu. It lists things based on calories. I'll usually get a yogurt parfait and something else. In the morning I get an egg muffin with no ham.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    There is just something about McDonalds that makes me not feel right. I haven't had it in years, but back when I'd have it maybe a couple times a year, I would feel lethargic and just disgusting for the rest of the day. I never threw up from it though, but that doesn't seem like a stretch to me.
  • I'm sorry that you had a rough day :( and its probably because of inhaling it so quickly. No worries :) McDonalds is a weakness of mine as well. The mcnuggets are sooooo good though! Its so terrible for my stomach though. Grease doesn't sit well there...hope you're feeling better and all is well!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Maybe you're pregnant
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I almost NEVER go to fast food, and when I do, I feel ill. I make sure our visits are only twice a year, max.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    When your body gets used to being treated right, it revolts when you throw a greasy, salty, nasty gut-bomb into it.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Maybe you ate too fast...or maybe your body said..."ugh what is this"
  • amh50530
    amh50530 Posts: 17 Member
    I have eaten "clean" for the past 4 months (started a brand new workout/clean eating regiment) and my husband was begging me for some Mickey Ds. I really don't like to eat out since I'm trying to lose weight, but once I walked through the doors the french fry smell was just deliciously intoxicating lol. Figured I would get what I wanted since it had been a while since I had eaten at McDonalds. Got that and a Ranch BLT Chicken sandwich (the fried one, not grilled like I shoulda done) and an order of french fries and I had stomach cramps all evening. I felt like my stomach was twisting around my spine! Must be my body's way of saying I was eating the right stuff for the past 4 months, and decided it was ticked I decided to eat something unhealthy. So good...but makes me feel so bad later. Guess it is a sign that you have been eating healthy though if your body reacted poorly to grease!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I've been tracking for about 20 days.
    And eating really healthy.
    Yesterday I had a chicken and cheese toasted sandwich and some cookies. I felt really sick. Managed to keep in down but then today I have been in so much pain, my liver hurts and I'm bloated.

    your liver hurts?

    Yes it does

    * may be completely unrelated though

    How exactly does "liver pain" present?
    Where are you feeling this pain? How do you know it is your liver?

    Genuinely curious as I have never in my LIFE heard ANYONE say "my liver hurts"!
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I think the stress of your day caused it. I do notice it stinks really bad like grease when i use the bathroom after eating McD.
    A guilty pleasure like McD is fine every once in a while if it keeps you on track and sane.
  • I've had that happen to me before. I think it's because I ate too fast!
  • jennifer282000
    jennifer282000 Posts: 128 Member
    well Im not sure if its like that for everybody but Ive been eating healthy as well lots of chicken and fish. well last weekend went to a bbq and had a ribeye and I paid for it big time. I was so sick .
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    Yes I did the same thing on Friday except with Hardees. Learned my lesson there.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member