I'm losing weight but I feel so fat/bloated

Hi, I'm 20 and I went from 218 to 199 in a little over a month... Everyday I drink lots of water and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, never go over my daily caloric goal. I also go to the gym everyday but Sunday and see my personal trainer three times a week. I take my vitamins daily and supplements such as fish oil etc. Still, I feel so bloated and fat, like I'm not doin anything! I have never worked this hard in my life and I'm proud of myself but it's hard to stay motivated, especially when I don't FEEL like I lost weight, even though I obviously did and am. I'm 5"6, my goal weight 150 so I have 50 pounds to go. Any comments, tips, speculations woul be greatly appreciated!


  • I know what you mean! Although I've only lost 2 pounds so far, I've started exercising & eating healthily. But I feel worse for it, strange body.
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    I dropped grains and my strength, endurance & composition improved. It took 3-4 weeks for it to kick in. Maybe you're allergic to something in your diet? Experiment, drop things out for 2 weeks at a time. Keep a daily diary (blog) and see how it affects you. Some things can take 10 days before you notice any changes.
  • 72elkiedude
    72elkiedude Posts: 21 Member
    Turn on the carb and sodium tracker in your diary, try to get under your daily allowable amount.
  • Hi,

    Are you feeling bloated as if you just had a coke or something? Or when you look in the mirror you still yourself as a bigger person than you know you are. Perhaps you can talk with your trainer about this to see if this is common for someone who has lost as much weight as you have.:smooched:-)
  • cleanandlean2012
    cleanandlean2012 Posts: 71 Member

    I used to feel bloated, until I got rid of all processed foods - bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits, pizza, sushi. Feel free to have a look at my diary. I have 1 free meal a week and since my change, even that has been a challenge. One week we make home made pizza's and I could only stomach a 1/4.

    There is a huge difference in feeling full and satisfied, versus bloated and uncomfortable. Essentially from what I understand, it is a matter of eliminating food groups and reintroducing slowly and seeing what reaction you have. For instance, I only have limited dairy, usually natural greek yogurt and milk. If I have heavily processed yogurts I feel bloated, but not with greek.

    Hope you find the solution.

  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    I would take a look at your sodium and carb intake - perhaps that the source of you feeling bloated? Also, not sure if you're already of this, but it's very common that women fluctuate a couple of pounds in water weight when they hit their t.o.m.
    Keep in mind too a month into your weight loss journey is still very new, if you want to loose weight the healthy way, it takes time to come off. Immediate results are almost always due to an unhealthy or unreasonable approach (I myself support intermittent fasting, but people that rely on liquid diets for example can't sustain that lifestyle for forever). Be proud of yourself, you've already accomplished a lot in just over a month! :)
  • feel free to add me. dont get discouraged i am/was the same way. your body changes but your normally the last to notice. i like to look at my "before" photos to see the difference. I'm 5'6" and started at a whopping 280 and am down to 167 and am still working on getting down to my goal of 150. there are still some days when i look in the mirror and see all the bumps where i would like them to be flat. but keep truckin and keep saying/thinking that you can do it. plus being a woman we get all the fun side effects of being bloated and water weight from mother natures monthly gift.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    There are so many variables in the body: water retention, digestion, allergies, sodium, carbs, water intake, DOMS, inflammation, the list goes on. People mistakenly think they lose or gain weight when they eat more or less because of these fluctuations.

    I feel bloated a lot. If it bothers you then you need to experiment with foods to find what does it and avoid those foods. I've finally learned to just ignore it. If I want to feel lean for a pool party or something I eat and drink in a way that prevents me from getting bloated ahead of time and during.
  • NiqueKristan
    NiqueKristan Posts: 152 Member
    I dropped grains and my strength, endurance & composition improved. It took 3-4 weeks for it to kick in. Maybe you're allergic to something in your diet? Experiment, drop things out for 2 weeks at a time. Keep a daily diary (blog) and see how it affects you. Some things can take 10 days before you notice any changes.
    I never thought of that! Thank you for the comment, I have oatmeal and nuts almost daily, I'll start eliminating them for a while and see how I feel.
  • NiqueKristan
    NiqueKristan Posts: 152 Member
    Turn on the carb and sodium tracker in your diary, try to get under your daily allowable amount.
    Will do, thanks!
  • NiqueKristan
    NiqueKristan Posts: 152 Member

    Are you feeling bloated as if you just had a coke or something? Or when you look in the mirror you still yourself as a bigger person than you know you are. Perhaps you can talk with your trainer about this to see if this is common for someone who has lost as much weight as you have.:smooched:-)
    Hello, I feel bloated as if I had a coke or ate something fattening. I see I look smaller but I'm still VERY critical. As in "How could you let yourself get this big??" I will talk to him, thanks(:
  • NiqueKristan
    NiqueKristan Posts: 152 Member

    I used to feel bloated, until I got rid of all processed foods - bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits, pizza, sushi. Feel free to have a look at my diary. I have 1 free meal a week and since my change, even that has been a challenge. One week we make home made pizza's and I could only stomach a 1/4.

    There is a huge difference in feeling full and satisfied, versus bloated and uncomfortable. Essentially from what I understand, it is a matter of eliminating food groups and reintroducing slowly and seeing what reaction you have. For instance, I only have limited dairy, usually natural greek yogurt and milk. If I have heavily processed yogurts I feel bloated, but not with greek.

    Hope you find the solution.

    Processed food may e a contributing factor! I can't cook that well so sometimes I rely on lean cuisines and other frozen foods. Dinner is almost always healthy and home cooked because I cook with my grandmother but breakfast and lunch could definitely use improvements! Thanks for taking the time to comment!(:
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    When I began drinking half my body weight in water I literally felt like I was going to 1) float away at any moment or 2) accidentally pee in my socks for lack of being able to ground myself during a sudden attack of #1 and make it to the bathroom in time.

    Have to agree with another post in regards to sodium and carbs though. When I started watching those 2 like hawks, that icky bloated feeling went away. Since both will hold onto water and make you feel sluggish, it's a good idea to watch your daily intake. I have my sodium set to 2000mg daily and try to aim for 1500mg if I can.
  • NiqueKristan
    NiqueKristan Posts: 152 Member
    I would take a look at your sodium and carb intake - perhaps that the source of you feeling bloated? Also, not sure if you're already of this, but it's very common that women fluctuate a couple of pounds in water weight when they hit their t.o.m.
    Keep in mind too a month into your weight loss journey is still very new, if you want to loose weight the healthy way, it takes time to come off. Immediate results are almost always due to an unhealthy or unreasonable approach (I myself support intermittent fasting, but people that rely on liquid diets for example can't sustain that lifestyle for forever). Be proud of yourself, you've already accomplished a lot in just over a month! :)
    Yeah, idk why I didn't think of sodium or carbs before.. I think I will start to track those more carefully.. I do know about the t.o.m. :( I actually am not anticipating it until the end of the month but I feel like that time!! Weird. Thanks so much!(:
  • its my second day and i lost 2 lb already!:tongue:
  • Crisitunity
    Crisitunity Posts: 98 Member
    Frozen foods can be great! I like to make larger batches of healthier recipes on weekends (ie: sweet potato burgers) and store them in the freezer to eat during weekdays. Cutting out processed foods overall is great, they should only be eaten in moderation.

    The number one overall thing is patience. The change does not happen in two weeks.
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    I dropped grains and my strength, endurance & composition improved. It took 3-4 weeks for it to kick in. Maybe you're allergic to something in your diet? Experiment, drop things out for 2 weeks at a time. Keep a daily diary (blog) and see how it affects you. Some things can take 10 days before you notice any changes.
    I never thought of that! Thank you for the comment, I have oatmeal and nuts almost daily, I'll start eliminating them for a while and see how I feel.

    You can also go to your doctor for a food allergy scratch test. They can also run blood panels to make sure that everything else is up to speed.
  • areemeyer
    areemeyer Posts: 9 Member
    It is probably as most have suggested still having processed foods in your diet (I can not see your diary, so if that is not the case you will have to excuse me for assuming). The other is also that as you drink your water and eat healtier (eat as clean as possible, whole foods, not processed). Your body starts to flush out all the toxins that you have had storing up. it is not unusual to feel unwell at times in this case. Keep going, you are making fabulous progress in such a short time. You won't be sorry that you stuck to it.
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    oh... watch out for the flatulence...it does fade but it can be toxic between weeks 4-5 for people. Buy charcoal tablets to help ;)
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    It can be hard to get past that feeling. I've lost 58lbs (I started at 208, now 150) and sometimes I still don't feel like there is any difference. I really didn't feel or see a difference in myself until I hit 30lbs gone...so, maybe I'll notice it in 2 more lbs haha and see it every 30lbs.

    I think sometimes it happens when I drink a lot of water or have something when I have more sodium. Other times, there really isn't any reason that i can pinpoint.

    I think the best advice is just to keep plugging along. It can take a long time to get past the feelings that you've had for so long and see yourself differently, even when the evidence is right in front of you!