Any Vegetarians or Pescetarian's?



  • rednavel
    rednavel Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a pescetarian. Add me if you like. :)
  • blushlady
    blushlady Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to ad me .... My dairy is open ... I eat less meat because it has less calories. A green diet has more nutrition, it also has cut my food cost in half.
  • I've been pesco since I was 11 (25 now). I always find it funny when people who don't agree with the lifestyle (how does it affect them?) always want to give "Another side to the argument" when you aren't trying to argue. Eat whatever you want. I refuse to try to convince people to eat the way I do.
  • I've been vegetarian for 9 months now and managed to lose weight as well as giving up meat, but, it does require some planning as rightly or wrongly, it is difficult to get everything the body needs eating a completely vegetarian diet. My advice would be as follows:-

    1. Supplements - take an omega 3 supplement, vitamin B complex, 5-HTP as well as a good multi- vitamin. I also take CLA from a veggie source which has really worked for me at spot reducing fat.
    2. Eat nuts and eggs and hummus - good sources of protein for veggies
    3. If you don't like cooking or don't have the time, cook in bulk. I do a soup and a pasta salad on the weekend which does me for lunches and quick suppers.

    My fave recipe book is the F2 diet as it has loads of veggie recipes which are low in calories and filling too.

    Good luck :-)
  • altacosturabeth
    altacosturabeth Posts: 62 Member
    I'm a vegetarian :D

    Only for 10 months though but I don't plan on ever switching back! I make all my own meals for tea/dinner/whatever and I prefer that to buying things. I wasn't much of a cook either but within a few weeks I've become pretty good!

    I use (can you make clickable links on here?) for most of my recipes. They do use English measurements though.
  • I'm vegetarian, and have been for 5 years now.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    I have found a lot of quick and easy recipes at, been eating a mostly plant based diet over the last couple of months here.
  • mamaclose
    mamaclose Posts: 179 Member
    In addition to the PPK and Happy Herbivore, my favorite site is! All three are great resources for veg*ns!
  • amylovescupcakes
    amylovescupcakes Posts: 146 Member
    I'm a vegetarian! :O I don't do eggs at all, but milk if it's already in something I wanna eat. I went completely vegan for a bit and felt all BLAAAAAAHHHH... Not dissing my vegans out there...more power to you. :) You can add me if you want! :D
  • I went from being a vegeterian for 10years to being a pescetarian and it's the best things I've done. My diets way healthier with fish. Why are you trying to change?
  • dedicated veggie here!
  • doreedawn
    doreedawn Posts: 11 Member
    Please add me if you'd like :)

    I was a vegetarian half my life and am now transitioning back. I am currently including more raw and vegan dishes in my meal plans and really looking into things like "Thrive" (Brendan Brazier, the Vegan Athlete).

    When I was busy in college, and right after, I used a lot of veggie convenience foods... I'd been slim all my life but started putting on a few pounds with all the "soyrizo" and "fake-on". I switched to a veggie whole food diet and the weight slipped off and I was in the best shape of my life. Busy again and circumstances had me adding meat and animal products to my diet. I gained 40lbs! Only now that I am committing to **healthy** veg/whole food eating again is the weight starting to come off. I still have some good quality cheeses and the occasional fish but am tying to move away from that altogether both for health, ethical and environmental reasons.

    Many international cuisines are built around a veggie-centric core so there is a world of easy recipe options and flavor profiles out there. If you have a blender and a few pots and pans you can do some amazing things! Bringing along veggie snacks, nuts, hummus, nut butters or rice/flax crackers can help you stay on track with a busy schedule. Inexpensive pulses (like lentils) can make some yummy, filling soups and stews.

    I hope this helps. :)
  • I'm a pescatarian. Most of the dinners in my diary are quick grilled fish recipes that can be made with a george foreman if you want to add me
  • I'm vegan, if that helps... I'm trying to get better about logging my food, since I've been slacking lately
  • I'm a no-dairy pescetarian, add me if you'd like.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    Vegetarian since I was 15, been trying veganism for the past 2 weeks. Anybody that wants is welcome to add me! :) Except that stupid guy up there that claims to know the "truth." He can't add me.

    HAHAHAHA FR sent! Awesome

    OP - you can add me too. I am always vegetarian, and mostly vegan.
  • YES long time pescetarian here, any other pescetarians/vegetarians/vegans feel free to add me.
  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    Oh god. Another one lost to the sound.

    My roommate (10 years vegetarian before waking up) and I just talked about this. Message me if you want the truth about vegetarian/vegan diets. I dont feel like starting another rampage with ignorance via MFP forum.

    Ever think it might not be everyone else creating the "rampage" but rather your insistence on telling other people they're wrong about their lifestyle and/or dietary choices?
  • I'm an evolving pescetarian/flexitarian. I never eat red meat or pork, rarely eat any diary (I've developed a deep and abiding love for cheeseless veggie pizzas!), eat mostly fish, fruit, veggies and whole grains. Every once in awhile I get a jones for chicken and I'll have a little, but that's getting more and more rare for me. I don't feel good about eating sentient animals, and I just like the fact that I feel so much better physically when I don't. My problem diet-wise has been too much sugar/carbs, and just plain eating too much -- not necessarily at any one meal, just being too much of a mindless grazer. MFP is really helping me with being a more mindful eater, and recognizing that I really do feel okay on fewer calories and that I don't need to eat something simply because I'm thinking about it. Anyway, feel free to add me (if you can tolerate such rambling in the future!!).