avg 1373 cal over last 4 weeks = 2kg :(

hey all, hoping for some suggestions of alternatives to try.

(male, 31yo, 178cm, 104kg, spare tyre)

I started my journey 55 days ago according to MFP, and i've only lost 4kg. I started at 107, now 103kg, and I was 90kg about 5 years ago after losing 10kg (that came off as expected).

I have always been a moderate exerciser (run/walk 3x/4x a week for 60mins minimum), but never that good on my diet, or my love of beer and a cigarette.

I didn't expect results instantly and have been slowly stepping up the diet and exercise. I gave up smoking, cut down alcohol to one day a week and not excessive, bumped exercise to 6 days a week, changed exercises to mix things up.

So over the last 4 weeks I have average net cal of 1373, started really pushing my exercise, added stair case runs and les mills RPM to try some HIIT, but still only lost 2kg. Last week I did RPM twice, and lost 5g from my previous week weigh in.

I use Nike+ to get calories for run/walks.

my diet probably could be tweaked to get some more nuitrients, rather than just focusing on calories.

Can someone please give me some suggestions? I'm a bit lost....

I don't understand how the scales aren't budging. Yes I have lost a couple of cm around the waist/belly, but nothing noticable to anyone else.

Everyone seems to be really impressed by my dedication (food/exercise), but no one can help me lose kg's....

Thanks :)


  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    Making your diary public would offer you better advice, but depending on your workout/exercise, you may need to up your calorie intake. But once again w/out being able to see your diary your not gonna get alot of "good" advice
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Sounds like you are averaging about a 1lb-1.5lb a week loss.

    which is fine, if anything it's better than average.
    I don't understand how the scales aren't budging. Yes I have lost a couple of cm around the waist/belly, but nothing noticable to anyone else.

    the scales ARE budging, you ARE losing I don't understand your negative mindset here you should be proud of your work so far not disappointed.

    Weight loss takes time, have some patience.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    2 kg over 4 weeks is fantastic weight loss. How much were you expecting to lose?
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Sometimes just the 'toning' is what happens, as opposed to a number on the scale. yes, it's great to see the scale move, but your belly getting smaller is even better. Remember, nobody can see what your number on the scale is, but they CAN see a smaller you :)

    Scales are mean, evil devices of torture. They plot against us at night. I'm convinced!

    Don't get frustrated, you'll see results if you keep it up!
  • simonlcube
    simonlcube Posts: 73 Member
    You are losing weight. Well done!

    You are losing weight more slowly than you would like. The psychological consequences of this can be either positive or negative.

    The positive -- and it is a big one -- is that once you get down to the weight you want (and at this rate you will get there eventually) you will do so within a likestyle close to maintenance, so it should be easier to maintain that.

    The negative is that you lose motivation and give up.

    You seem to be teetering close to the negative. Do you have any ideas what might help you feel better about the good progress you have already made? You are doing it, so stick with it and keep it up. It will happen. Give it another couple of months and at this rate everyone will notice, and some will comment.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    don't put so much emphasis on the random number generator.

    Measure progress from measurements, pics, mirror etc.
  • ashnm001
    Thanks for the positive feedback people :smile:

    the 4kg i have lost over 8 have all occurred in 3 weeks.... so the weeks in between have been hard.

    i will continue tweaking things, and pushing the exercise a bit harder.

    i thought i had made my diary public, but i only made my profile public, fixed now.