I love my hubby



  • mama4loca
    Google is my friend - apparently you call them elements or burners!

    LOL no one calls them elements.Just burners :)
  • mama4loca
    Great news!!! How long have you two benn married?

    tgether 12, married 10 (I think) lol
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    Google is my friend - apparently you call them elements or burners!

    LOL no one calls them elements.Just burners :)

    Google lies!!
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    I find it amazing that although in the Uk and US we speak English we have sooooo many different terms or words for the same things...
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    First step toward us living longer together :)

    i said the same thing to my girlfriend the next morning i woke up with 57 candy bars under my pillow .
  • mama4loca
    First step toward us living longer together :)

    i said the same thing to my girlfriend the next morning i woke up with 57 candy bars under my pillow .

  • mama4loca
    I find it amazing that although in the Uk and US we speak English we have sooooo many different terms or words for the same things...

    You know what I think is funny? We both speak English, yet if I am watching a movie whre British people are speaking, I have to put the captions on so I can see what they're saying! lol
  • amanda_catherine
    me and my husband do this as well.... I count calories and work out.. and he loses the weight.... its great.. i do the work and we both lose :)
  • neveradullmoment
    That is fantastic!!!
    I too am hoping that at some point my hubby will join me with my journey as well! He has put on some weight and he has even recognized that he needs to lose weight as well but it is hard to take that first step and stay with it. He has seen me remain strong at cookouts/party's that we have recently been too and has also seen me stay strong when someone has brought sweets to my house, like my MIL!
    I am waiting for him to say hey I want to do this with you!
    Until then I will continue on my journey!

    Again congrats and what fantastic news!! Good luck to you BOTH on your journey!!
  • tidetevo
    tidetevo Posts: 45 Member
    My Husband and I are also in this together, he eat the same thing as me.... but he his worried because he does not lose weight.at all since I start 26 pounds heaviest... maybe i's because the garage effect lolll ... I found empty bags of chips, chocolate wrappers and empty beer bottles in the garage garbage lolll.... I'm very happy that he does not eat those garbage food in the house in front of me.
  • dezi718
    dezi718 Posts: 118 Member
    That's Awesome! Makes it so much easier when you can do it together!!
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I love my hubby too. He jumped on it as soon as I did. Health is contagious. Getting healthy together is liberating. My friend who is 43 who doesn't eat very well or exercise just had a brain aneurysm and almost died. She was lucky that she is a doctor and was at a doctor's convention but she is thin and beautiful so you would never expect anything like this to happen. As we get older we have to maintain our bodies all the more. I am so thankful she didn't lose her life. Now hopefully she will think more about her lifestyle and make some changes, of course after getting her beautiful brain back to the way it was.
  • jen_fitnhappy
    jen_fitnhappy Posts: 102 Member
    Nagging doesn't work, does it?

    My husband is overweight, needs to take BP medicine, now prescribed cholesterol medicine, and his doctor strongly advises him to lose weight. I am always working out and eating right. He knows he needs to change. I have pushed him and pushed him and he doesn't get it... I know this nagging has the opposite affect, he's even told me so.

    He needs to come to the realization on his own and make the change when he's ready, right?

  • mama4loca
    That is fantastic!!!
    I too am hoping that at some point my hubby will join me with my journey as well! He has put on some weight and he has even recognized that he needs to lose weight as well but it is hard to take that first step and stay with it. He has seen me remain strong at cookouts/party's that we have recently been too and has also seen me stay strong when someone has brought sweets to my house, like my MIL!
    I am waiting for him to say hey I want to do this with you!
    Until then I will continue on my journey!

    Again congrats and what fantastic news!! Good luck to you BOTH on your journey!!

  • mama4loca
    I love my hubby too. He jumped on it as soon as I did. Health is contagious. Getting healthy together is liberating. My friend who is 43 who doesn't eat very well or exercise just had a brain aneurysm and almost died. She was lucky that she is a doctor and was at a doctor's convention but she is thin and beautiful so you would never expect anything like this to happen. As we get older we have to maintain our bodies all the more. I am so thankful she didn't lose her life. Now hopefully she will think more about her lifestyle and make some changes, of course after getting her beautiful brain back to the way it was.

    Sorry about your frend! Hope she continues to get better:) My friend is tall and thin- looks healthier than I do but she's a mess- low iron, high blood pressure, migraines, she eats terrible. sleeps terrible and doesn't exercise. Yeah, it's amazing how much more AWARE you are when you get older of your health. People in their 40's are probably healhier than people in their 20's, just because they realize it's now or never.
  • mama4loca
    Nagging doesn't work, does it?

    My husband is overweight, needs to take BP medicine, now prescribed cholesterol medicine, and his doctor strongly advises him to lose weight. I am always working out and eating right. He knows he needs to change. I have pushed him and pushed him and he doesn't get it... I know this nagging has the opposite affect, he's even told me so.

    He needs to come to the realization on his own and make the change when he's ready, right?


    Mine has diabetes and high BP and high cholesterol.He's not obese but overweight and all in his belly. I am heavier than him but probably just fortunate to not get it also. He is Mexcan and the food, although yummy, is sooo high in fat and sodium and calories. His family doesn't help, always pushing the food on him.Idiots. He's going to have to learn to say no all by himself.I tell them, no- we can't eat that! I have never seen people who eat that much or that unhealthy- it's crazy.It will catch up with them later....So no, nagging does NOT work!!!! He will come around.