I'm so sick of toast



  • Penelope2Plyr
    Penelope2Plyr Posts: 166 Member
    couple of hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese and pineapple, english muffin & 2 T almond or peanut butter

    limitless ideas
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    You could make over night oatmeal in a travel coffee mug and grab it from the frig on the way out of the door.
  • AlyssaNorth
    AlyssaNorth Posts: 57 Member
    refrigerator oatmeal. LOVE IT

    1/4c old fashon oats
    1/3c skim milk
    1/4c greek yogurt (i use vanilla so it sweeter and i dont have to add anything else to sweeten it up)
    1tbsp chia seeds (only important if ur interested in staying full for longer. i love them)
    *shak, or mix*
    then add fruit or whatever. i like to put a tbsp of bp2 and some bananas. or ill add blueberrys or raspberrys.

    let it sit in the frige over night.

    keeps my good till lunch time
  • mlkiel
    Oatmeal, boil eggs at home and take to work, goggle microwaving eggs, yogurt, or protein shake. It's tough eating right/healthy, it's either expensive and/or inconvenient, but with the commitment and determination, we will reach our goals, good luck:smile::smile:
  • Wilson336
    If you want to stay along the same lines as toast, how about Eggos?

    2 slices of toast ~ 160 calories

    2 eggos ~ 190 calories

    Neither will do much for you nutrition-wise, but Eggos do taste better, especially if you don't use butter.
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    Vitamuffins and yougurt. I have a 100 calorie vitatop muffin at my desk every morning, sometimes that is enough sometimes I have yogurt with it. I love them and they are preservative free and it meets 50% of most of my daily vitamin requirements.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    If you like breakfast sandwhiches---- An english muffin with 1/3 fat breakfast sausage, and non-fat cheese (190 calories) use turley bacon instead of sausage( with 1 slice turkey bacon 175 calories, with 2 slices turkey bacon: 205 calories), I also do apple slices and 1 serving of jam on a croissant,( 243 calories) oatmeal or hot cereal (150 calories)....
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I usually have protein bars along with granola during the week because I'm in a hurry and then I will usually have fruit around 10
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    A good fast go-to is Berry Wafflewich- 1 frozen waffle (you can also look up healthy waffle recipes and pre freeze for max health benefit) + 1 tbsp of PB + a handful of raspberries (or fruit of your choice).

    Quick and easy.

    Also you might look into premaking oatmeal- 1/2 c oats, 1/2 c milk overnight in the fridge it will soak in nicely and you can mix in any flavors you want- berries, cinnamon, maple syrup, banana.
  • healthy4heidi
    healthy4heidi Posts: 113 Member
    It might not be low fat but it is healthy, satisfying and delicious - add a half an avocado to your toast and sprinkle a little sea salt on top. You won't regret it. =)
  • FoodPwnr
    FoodPwnr Posts: 153 Member
    Overnight oats

    Orange Pineapple oats

    1/4cup quck oats
    1/3cup coconut milk
    1/2tsp chia seeds
    1/4 cup pineapple
    Few drops of orange extract
    If i have geek yogurt i add a tsp or two

    Put all ingredients in a mason jar...((Shake)), and put in fridge...in the morning just grab jar and you can eat hot or cold...also you can add any fruit or extract you want ..sooo yummmy
  • gaboudreau
    gaboudreau Posts: 12 Member
    :happy: I just discovered the oatmeal in a jar craze right now..skiinytaste.com has a recipe for one that is 245 calories and is wonderful and can be altered. It's super healthy and easy to throw a few together at one time if you want. can be warmed up or eaten cold in a rush and "sticks to your ribs" so you're not starving right away. do some web searches and see options for it..there also is a salad in a jar on some sites if you are having trouble with lunches..
  • jonielena
    I hear ya. I have to be to work pretty early, and my office has no cooking facilities. I prepare a bunch of easy-to-pack foods on the weekend. Try baking breakfast bars on Sunday night. That way, you can just grab one from the pan in the morning, and eat it at work with some yogurt. I do this all the time, and the pan will usually last me the entire week. This weekend I made vegan chocolate oatmeal breakfast bars, and they're delicious (and super healthy - vegan and GF, with lots of protein). You can find great recipes online for oatmeal, chocolate, etc. If you need more protein, hard boil some eggs on the weekend and keep them in the fridge - also really easy to grab and bring to work. I also usually make some 'healthy' muffins (oatmeal, gluten free, vegan, with lots of protein), and a fruit salad with mint and agave that I divide up into 5 tupperware containers.

    If you prepare everything on the weekend, you'll have no trouble mixing up your breakfast options! Every morning all I have to do is grab a breakfast bar/brownie/muffin (depending on how I'm feeling), and/or a tupperware container of fruit salad, a yogurt, and a hard boiled egg, and throw them all in a lunch box. Easy!

    If you need any recipes/ideas/support, feel free to friend and/or message me!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I do overnight oats too.

    Standard: Oats, almond milk, FF plain yogurt

    Toppings I play with: Pumpkin pie filling, cinnamon, applesauce, bananas, PB, cherries.

    Mix to what you like and desire. Put in fridge before bed and take with you in morning!
  • fleerik
    fleerik Posts: 29 Member
    I do oatmeal (quick oats) and fruit every morning! It takes a little time, but if you boil water in the microwave it takes just 3 minutes and you've got a heart healthy delicious breakfast!
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    Well, eversince MFP, I have been enjoying preparing lunch, snacks. Anyway, today my lunch is 3/4 of Dairyland Strawberry Yoghurt (from costco) with a cup of strawberry halves mixed in. Yum! In total <230 cals. I love mixing fruit into my yoghurt. :P Fills you up too!
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    Banana, yogurt (dannon light & fit carb & sugar control is my choice 50 cals), english muffin with PB
  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    smooothie :) or oatmeal with a ton of fruits cut into it , or if not i eat granola and yogurt mixed
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    1/3 cup oat bran
    1 tbsp honey
    3 tbsp chobani greek yogurt vanilla

    edit: 210 cals, 3 g fat

    Mix 1/3 cup oat bran with 1 cup water. Microwave in a big deep cup or bowl for 2 mins 30 seconds. Watch for it to go over (it shouldn't). Mix with 3 tbsp greek yogurt and 1 tbsp honey. It is the best breakfast in the world! Rich, creamy, and filling.
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    THANK YOU! I normally have time to eat breakfast, but one or two times a week I start so early, my body just refuses to eat. I have often thrown out half the breakfast because I can't finish in time - mainly from pure stress. Now I can just grab the box from the fridge, run off and eat when I arrive. Less stress all around, and I am in place half an hour earlier!
    Overnight oats

    Orange Pineapple oats

    1/4cup quck oats
    1/3cup coconut milk
    1/2tsp chia seeds
    1/4 cup pineapple
    Few drops of orange extract
    If i have geek yogurt i add a tsp or two

    Put all ingredients in a mason jar...((Shake)), and put in fridge...in the morning just grab jar and you can eat hot or cold...also you can add any fruit or extract you want ..sooo yummmy