Exercise Advice....

I am 24, and sitting at 260 lbs (b/w two back to back pregnancies, chemo, and two back miscarriages in a five year time period) and yes I know a lot of it is/was lack of exercise with extinuating circumstances. I am working on our eating plans and changing slowly to a much healthier way of eating. But exercising is now my biggest hurdle. I have a really bad left knee, fluid and the knee cap moves around so it's weaker and makes running almost impossible....I also have medical conditions (PTSD/Clinical Depression/Panic/Anxiaty) that when I get the endorphin "high" it sets off the anxaity especially, also anything that makes you become short of breath (like fast sprints and what not) causes chest pains due to the tumor still on my left lung. I am not trying to talk my way out of it, just giving all the basic facts. Any advice on what to do or try with these types of setbacks would be greatly appreciated.


  • lindsiswatchingyou
    Have you tried light swimming/water exercises or yoga?
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    If you're just starting out, and with a bad knee, I'd stay away f rom running/jogging. Have you thought about getting one of the video gaming systems? I got carried away playing Wii tennis last night and burned 400 cals in a little over an hour. Swimming is excellent because it's easy on your joints. At this point, anything that gets you moving is good.
  • AlissaFL
    AlissaFL Posts: 80 Member
    Yes I would suggest Pilates or Yoga...Pilates first actually. It is nice because you never get winded like you do with regular exercise and you build strength and stamina and flexibility. I have been doing both for 10 weeks and I haven't injured myself yet or not felt like going...actually it is the only exercise class I feel better after going than before I went. And Yoga has meditative properties that help release or relieve issues in your mind...you know that constant chatter in your head and worry, that all leaves. And you don't have to meditate or chant or anything...it's just in the movements. Also every other exercise takes me a while to "zone" into..like a good 45 minutes or so, but I am right there within 2 minutes of starting class. I hope you find something that works! : )
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Have you tried light swimming/water exercises or yoga?

    I think this is going to be good, especially on your knee. You might also just try walking. I have bad knees too and can't run, but I can get on a elliptical forever! I have noticed that since I started strength training my knees have really improved. Have your doctors ever recommended strengthening your knees to help? You may see a big differece once your knees are stronger.

    Are you working with your doctor to find a solution to your PTSD/Anxiety when you work out? I think that will be key in getting you better also.
  • edjoyce13
    WOW...thanks for all the advice guys. I did yoga a few years ago when i was preggers with my son, will have to look into it again. Swimming isn't an option right now, I babysit during the day and the pool here is closed by the time husband gets home from work. Walking though is something I plan on start doing, we have a dog and I think now that it's cooling down (live in the south and the heat would cause severe swelling in the knee and the humidity makes it harder to breath) I am going to start taking him on a walk in the evenings. I am on about five diff meds for the mental stuff (three of which cause weight gain). I was talking to my husband about it too (he's military so is use to more rigoures type work outs) but after the first of the year I am thinking about joining Curves...researching their program it seems to be something that would be good....any of you tried it or do it?
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Water aerobics would be an ideal fit for you!! Also, try a slow walk around a park or your neighborhood.

    Diet will plan a big part in your journey, so watch the calories and you'll see change. Best of luck!
  • Ashley3213
    Ashley3213 Posts: 8 Member
    I would strongly suggest water aerobics. Its easy on your joints and muscles and so good for you! Most local gyms have classes now, I know my LA Fitness does!
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    Exactly what everyone says - Water based anything, Pilates or yoga - Be a devil try all three. Most importantly - Keep moving
    If you are a gym member talk to them, explain the problem, they are usually very kind and there to help - Good Luck