sugar sugar sugar!!!!!!

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!

I am trying to find some quick and easy breakfast ideas that aren't full of sugar. Normally I have a Slim fast alternative (Costco brand) weight loss shake and a Sunrise Nutrition bar with Omega 3 as I run out the door for work. Well just these two things puts me over my sugar allowance for the whole day and I want some better alternatives that are quick and I can eat in my car on the way to work that aren't so full of sugar. I have exactly 3 minutes when I hit the kitchen til I have to walk out the door and that is just enough time to pour my shake in a to go cup and grab my bar and run!!!!


  • TenaciousTAZ
    TenaciousTAZ Posts: 135 Member
    3 oz costo beef jerkey, 9 almonds or 3 walnut halves and piece of fruit
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    I don't know about eating these in the car but...I LOVE morningstar farms breakfast patties - it's soy sausage. I put one in the micro for about 40 seconds and hold it in a paper towel and eat it while I'm getting ready for work. gives me a little bit of protein in the morning. I also frequently bring a packet of oatmeal with me to work and make it in a coffee cup. You can get low sugar instant oatmeal just about anywhere.
  • sara_f
    sara_f Posts: 29 Member
    Someone on here said he will use egg beater in a micro container add veggies, alittle cheese and throw in the microwave and you have a quick yummy omlete!! You could prepare the night before!!!! I am going to try this out too!!!
  • volks80
    volks80 Posts: 56
    What about mixing up your shake/ smoothie type thing. You could make up a big batch on the weekend and store it in the fridge to use each day.
  • ambervargo
    ambervargo Posts: 67 Member
    You can try plain nonfat yogurt (normal or greek) with frozen or fresh fruit mixed in. Maybe even some type of cereal mixed in if you want crunch. I think that is car friendly if you have time to stop and take a spoonful before you go.

    I do not wake up early enough to have breakfast at home so I always eat at my desk and have instant plain oatmeal with fruit or the yogurt I mentioned. Occasionally I will go for cold cereal but it never keeps me full.
  • SnakePlissken
    SnakePlissken Posts: 34 Member
    HELP ME!!!!!!!!!

    I am trying to find some quick and easy breakfast ideas that aren't full of sugar. Normally I have a Slim fast alternative (Costco brand) weight loss shake and a Sunrise Nutrition bar with Omega 3 as I run out the door for work. Well just these two things puts me over my sugar allowance for the whole day and I want some better alternatives that are quick and I can eat in my car on the way to work that aren't so full of sugar. I have exactly 3 minutes when I hit the kitchen til I have to walk out the door and that is just enough time to pour my shake in a to go cup and grab my bar and run!!!!
    If you look closely at your post you'll see a large part of your problem is time management.
    You have built up the bad habit of deciding its OK to woof down whatever food fits your schedule in the car. Grasp the concept that the car is NOT a breakfast nook.
    Quit buying solutions out of a box (Slimfast type baloney) and learn to eat clean.
    Get your butt out of bed 10 minutes early, make yourself some oatmeal, drop a handful of craisins in there and eat it. Now you've got a time released carb with a little natural sugar that's good for you. Good luck.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    HELP ME!!!!!!!!!

    I am trying to find some quick and easy breakfast ideas that aren't full of sugar. Normally I have a Slim fast alternative (Costco brand) weight loss shake and a Sunrise Nutrition bar with Omega 3 as I run out the door for work. Well just these two things puts me over my sugar allowance for the whole day and I want some better alternatives that are quick and I can eat in my car on the way to work that aren't so full of sugar. I have exactly 3 minutes when I hit the kitchen til I have to walk out the door and that is just enough time to pour my shake in a to go cup and grab my bar and run!!!!
    If you look closely at your post you'll see a large part of your problem is time management.
    You have built up the bad habit of deciding its OK to woof down whatever food fits your schedule in the car. Grasp the concept that the car is NOT a breakfast nook.
    Quit buying solutions out of a box (Slimfast type baloney) and learn to eat clean.
    Get your butt out of bed 10 minutes early, make yourself some oatmeal, drop a handful of craisins in there and eat it. Now you've got a time released carb with a little natural sugar that's good for you. Good luck.

    first and foremost I know that I have time management issues. :laugh: However, I don't WOOF!!!!! down my food seeings as how my commute is 30 minutes!!!!! :mad: That is plenty of time to eat something on my way to work. I would rather "GET MY BUTT OUT OF BED" 10 minutes earlier and exercise than waste it in the kitchen trying to make breakfast. :drinker: So I am looking for some other alternatives to have that aren't loaded with artificial sweeteners.:mad: :mad:

    Thanks for the new ideas and some of these sound like things that will work for me. :wink:
  • SnakePlissken
    SnakePlissken Posts: 34 Member
    HELP ME!!!!!!!!!

    I am trying to find some quick and easy breakfast ideas that aren't full of sugar. Normally I have a Slim fast alternative (Costco brand) weight loss shake and a Sunrise Nutrition bar with Omega 3 as I run out the door for work. Well just these two things puts me over my sugar allowance for the whole day and I want some better alternatives that are quick and I can eat in my car on the way to work that aren't so full of sugar. I have exactly 3 minutes when I hit the kitchen til I have to walk out the door and that is just enough time to pour my shake in a to go cup and grab my bar and run!!!!
    If you look closely at your post you'll see a large part of your problem is time management.
    You have built up the bad habit of deciding its OK to woof down whatever food fits your schedule in the car. Grasp the concept that the car is NOT a breakfast nook.
    Quit buying solutions out of a box (Slimfast type baloney) and learn to eat clean.
    Get your butt out of bed 10 minutes early, make yourself some oatmeal, drop a handful of craisins in there and eat it. Now you've got a time released carb with a little natural sugar that's good for you. Good luck.
    I would rather "GET MY BUTT OUT OF BED" 10 minutes earlier and exercise than waste it in the kitchen trying to make breakfast. :drinker: So I am looking for some other alternatives to have that aren't loaded with artificial sweeteners.:mad: :mad:

    Thanks for the new ideas and some of these sound like things that will work for me. :wink:
    In Cap letters at the top of your post is HELP ME!
    So I cut to the chase with some tough love. I'm not trying to be insulting you. But i'm not gonna bulls%$t you either.
    I can tell by what you're eating in the morning that you're trying to do something good for yourself, but you want it quick and out of a box. It's the American way, and its why we have weight problems in this country. A chocolate or vanilla shake in the morning is just continuing a legacy of how not to eat. You have to get away from ready made processed food. You'd be better off eating a banana with 2 tspoons of raw unsweetened peanut butter.
    When you say, "waste my time in the kitchen trying to make breakfast." I shake my head. The stove is Not a giant cigarette lighter and the kitchen is your best ally for weight loss. Applying 10 minutes to make a good breakfast is hardly a waste of time. Boiling water and adding oats barely qualifies as cooking.

    Take a look here at Michi's ladder.
    It's a 5 tier breakdown of food from very good Tier 1, to very bad Tier 5. If you eat stuff from the first 3 tiers you'll have a lot of success. You'll notice that there's not a lot of stuff out of the box.
  • atauds
    atauds Posts: 41
    Preparation is key. Some suggestions:

    The night before,

    To satisfy sugar craving you might want to stash an apple in your bag the night before. Or place a handful of grapes in a sandwich bag in the fridge or even the freezer. Take it out in the morning as you head out the door.

    Cut up celery and fill with peanut butter. Place in a small plastic container. Take out of fridge the next morning and you can munch on it while driving.

    baby carrots and a cheese stick in a plastic bag. Place in the fridge. Munch during drive. You get the idea.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I'm a breakfast loser. If I don't have a breakfast plan every single day I will end up eating potato chips and candy for breakfast. I always eat either Kashi or Special K with soy milk and a banana. I take it to work and eat at my desk most days. You can make your own breakfast bars, they're way lower in sugar because you can control what you put in them. Some weeks I make them, a batch lasts all week.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I didn't eat breakfast for 40 years. But my habits needed to be changed in order for me to lose weight. One of my changes was to start eating breakfast. For me, it's worth getting up 15 minutes earlier and making a filling meal, then taking the time to eat it. I used to gag at the thought of food, first thing in the morning. But I have done it anyway. For the last 8 months, I have never missed sitting down and eating breakfast.

    Some suggestions:

    Steel Cut Oats with a pinch of brown sugar + hard boiled egg (both can be made in advance).
    Egg fried in pam with two slices of turkey bacon (microwave the bacon).
    Naturally More peanut butter + naturally sweetened Marmelade on whole wheat toast.
    Kashi Go Lean cereal with skim milk
    Kashi Whole grain waffle, sugar free syrup and Morningstar sausage patty (toaster and microwave)
  • faile486
    faile486 Posts: 21 Member
    Why not make stuff the night before? That way you control exactly what is in it, and you can have more variety! People have already made good suggestions, parfaits are easy and car friendly - Just don't put the granola in until you're ready to eat it. Make an egg casserole the night before and stick it in the fridge. The next morning pop it in the microwave when you get up, it'll be ready to go by the time you walk out the door.

    Once a week skip the morning workout and have oatmeal or cereal with fruit, nuts and skim milk.

    Make your own granola bars. Recipes can be found on the web.

    Prepare healthy pancakes - You don't need syrup if you can find the right ones = ) You could also try crepes with fresh fruit - if you fold it right you can eat it in the car.

    Bananas are great in the car.

    Make smoothies the night before. Cook This, Not That has a nice 'smoothie chart'.

    There are also some great breakfast muffin recipes out there. They can be made in large batches and frozen for added longevity. If you do this, you can make a few different types, then pick one in the morning and pop it in the microwave. Just make sure to look up proper freezing techniques so they don't get too dry. the G.I Diet Boot Camp book has some great recipes. They mostly rely on Splenda, but I hate sugar substitutes for the most part. I did the conversions for using real sugar or honey, which I find more satisfying. Just make sure to get an accurate calorie count.
  • altmorn
    You got so many answers I couldn't tell if my favorite was among them I eat Allbran or Fibre one with fruit and milk for breakfast.
    It sure is working. That sugar will sabotage your weightloss and insulin response so badly. I'm trying to limit sugar and flour.
    But I think the fibre in my breakfast pretty much trumps any sugar in the two cereals I mentioned.
  • altmorn
    You got so many answers I couldn't tell if my favorite was among them I eat Allbran or Fibre one with fruit and milk for breakfast.
    It sure is working. That sugar will sabotage your weightloss and insulin response so badly. I'm trying to limit sugar and flour.
    But I think the fibre in my breakfast pretty much trumps any sugar in the two cereals I mentioned.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Try a lowfat plain yogurt with Kashi or other granola in it. I like cold and crunchy in the morning. Get a big tub of yogurt and a container of granola, then on your way out just mix a cup of each in a tupperware bowl and go. Add some fruit if you want, too.
  • Glendawilliams
    You got so many answers I couldn't tell if my favorite was among them I eat Allbran or Fibre one with fruit and milk for breakfast.
    It sure is working. That sugar will sabotage your weightloss and insulin response so badly. I'm trying to limit sugar and flour.
    But I think the fibre in my breakfast pretty much trumps any sugar in the two cereals I mentioned.
  • sineadmm
    sineadmm Posts: 190
    Rice cakes, cheese, cherry tomatoes and salad leaves.
  • karoske
    karoske Posts: 38
    HELP ME!!!!!!!!!

    I am trying to find some quick and easy breakfast ideas that aren't full of sugar. Normally I have a Slim fast alternative (Costco brand) weight loss shake and a Sunrise Nutrition bar with Omega 3 as I run out the door for work. Well just these two things puts me over my sugar allowance for the whole day and I want some better alternatives that are quick and I can eat in my car on the way to work that aren't so full of sugar. I have exactly 3 minutes when I hit the kitchen til I have to walk out the door and that is just enough time to pour my shake in a to go cup and grab my bar and run!!!!

    I don't worry about my sugar intake as long as it is not huge, sugary candy, if it is natural from my approved food list then I eat it. I have either oatmeal w/banana & 1/8 t vanilla or kashi cereal for breakfast. I am a creature of habit and I understand the rush.. eat breakfast as you do your make up or hair. other options that are fairly quick and you can take on the road is a breakfast burrito with egg beaters, turkey sausage 2 T cheese & salsa and carb balance tortillas.

    Know it is hard when you balance work and making the choice to eat healthy.. Remember just put yourself FIRST... take time for you and eating healthy is for you... :)
    good luck!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    If you like the ease of the shakes, why not make your own in the morning, then pour it in a travel mug to go?

    8 oz OJ, 1 container of yogurt, whatever fruit you like...

    8 oz milk, protein powder and out the door, or add fruit or peanut butter or whatever....

    Only takes a few seconds to blend. The long part is getting the blender clean when you get home from work :tongue:
  • karoske
    karoske Posts: 38
    If you like the ease of the shakes, why not make your own in the morning, then pour it in a travel mug to go?

    8 oz OJ, 1 container of yogurt, whatever fruit you like...

    8 oz milk, protein powder and out the door, or add fruit or peanut butter or whatever....

    Only takes a few seconds to blend. The long part is getting the blender clean when you get home from work :tongue:

    quick fix for the blender.. rinse good and put about a cup of water in it and a LITTLE squirt of soap and back on the stand.. blend it a couple of times and good to go.. all clean!