
Hi is anyone on the atkins diet?? I am currently on my 11th day and loving it :) 8 pounds weight loss already.


  • Im on the 7th day of atkins and tomorrow ill check my weight and finally see the results of the first week... I dont know how many pounds I've lost but I my clothes are a bit loose.. so its working :wink: !!!!
  • Is the Atkins diet a low carb diet?
  • Deb2chef
    Deb2chef Posts: 43 Member
    Sure you will be happy, I have just started this too, add me as a friend if you like:happy:
  • Deb2chef
    Deb2chef Posts: 43 Member
    I am too add me if you like:happy:
  • Deb2chef
    Deb2chef Posts: 43 Member
    Is the Atkins diet a low carb diet?

    Hi Yes it is I have started it and love it, it has worked for my friends and my sister and the science is so clever I love it.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Tried it in '05. It's a non-sustainable diet, in my opinion.
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    Tried it in '05. It's a non-sustainable diet, in my opinion.
    i think shes trying to find others doing it that she can discuss it with, not people who just want to critisize it. and its every bit as sustainable as a vegetarian diet
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    i have been eating low carb for a while now and as far as my health i have im down 50 lbs ,my blood pressure is down and my skin has cleared up
  • Deb2chef
    Deb2chef Posts: 43 Member
    i have been eating low carb for a while now and as far as my health i have im down 50 lbs ,my blood pressure is down and my skin has cleared up

    That's great to hear, Medical benefits are also what I am looking for, I hope to see results in my blood pressure and maybe cholesterol and maybe my Dr will reduce my meds
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Tried it in '05. It's a non-sustainable diet, in my opinion.
    i think shes trying to find others doing it that she can discuss it with, not people who just want to critisize it. and its every bit as sustainable as a vegetarian diet
    The OP posted in a PUBLIC forum, and as i have personal experience with this diet, i spoke up, and i make no apologies for that. If you ask a question to a group of strangers, you are going to get answers, and not all of them will be what you want to hear. If the OP wanted to hear fluff, they could have just as easily gone to an atkins website.
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    Tried it in '05. It's a non-sustainable diet, in my opinion.
    i think shes trying to find others doing it that she can discuss it with, not people who just want to critisize it. and its every bit as sustainable as a vegetarian diet
    The OP posted in a PUBLIC forum, and as i have personal experience with this diet, i spoke up, and i make no apologies for that. If you ask a question to a group of strangers, you are going to get answers, and not all of them will be what you want to hear. If the OP wanted to hear fluff, they could have just as easily gone to an atkins website.
    ill remember that next time i see a thread asking if there are any vegetarians out there. You could at least be honest instead of saying something like its unsustainable. it may have been for you personally but the fact is many people have done quite well on lower carb higher protein diets so for many people it is sustainable i have read a lot of people say they couldnt remain on a vegetarian diet but it would clearly be wrong to call it unsustainable since many people do it for long periods of time.
  • Hey sorry I haven't replied I'm normally on here using my mobile. Im on my 8th week of atkins now and have lost 24 pounds :) Loving all the good and healthy food it encourages me to eat...

    In response to the remark thats its unsustainable, it's a matter of opinion. I am on a support group on minimins with lots of other atkins supporters who have been on it for years and are losing weight at a delicate pace, and for me it suits both my tastes and my lifestyle.

    The only reason for my weight gain in the first place was the fact I had a child 10 months ago and decided to pile on the weight whilst I was pregnant. Before I was pregnant, I ate very similar foods as I do now, only difference is I now have lots of online support to discuss tasty recipes with.

    However, your comment did not offend me. I know my own mind and my own body.
  • Tried it in '05. It's a non-sustainable diet, in my opinion.
    i think shes trying to find others doing it that she can discuss it with, not people who just want to critisize it. and its every bit as sustainable as a vegetarian diet
    The OP posted in a PUBLIC forum, and as i have personal experience with this diet, i spoke up, and i make no apologies for that. If you ask a question to a group of strangers, you are going to get answers, and not all of them will be what you want to hear. If the OP wanted to hear fluff, they could have just as easily gone to an atkins website.

    Agree. It is your right to state your opinion. FWIW, every person I know who did Atkins lost weight. Some people lost quite a bit. However, every person I know who did Atkins eventually went off it and gained back more weight than they lost.

    Take this FWIW. I am losing weight the normal way for the 5th time in my life, so maybe nothing works in the long term unless you stick with it.
  • Madholm
    Madholm Posts: 167
    I think people refer to it as a fad diet or unsustainable because most people stay on it for short periods of time. I know at least 2 dozen people who have tried it and stopped within 2 months. Some of them had moderate success loosing up to 30 pounds, but it's not a diet that I would personnaly recommend.
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    its just a high protein way of living

    dont see a problem
  • [/quote]
    Agree. It is your right to state your opinion. FWIW, every person I know who did Atkins lost weight. Some people lost quite a bit. However, every person I know who did Atkins eventually went off it and gained back more weight than they lost.

    Take this FWIW. I am losing weight the normal way for the 5th time in my life, so maybe nothing works in the long term unless you stick with it.

    So true, losing weight is hard no matter how you do it.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Agree. It is your right to state your opinion. FWIW, every person I know who did Atkins lost weight. Some people lost quite a bit. However, every person I know who did Atkins eventually went off it and gained back more weight than they lost.

    Take this FWIW. I am losing weight the normal way for the 5th time in my life, so maybe nothing works in the long term unless you stick with it.

    So true, losing weight is hard no matter how you do it.

    It's only hard if you follow a fad diet. For what it's worth, it's not recommended by government, health service, doctor or any member of the NHS who is struggling with obesity epidemic. It's not sustainable and extremely difficult to follow due to society's lack of support for it. It will make exercise extremely difficult for no good reason.

    Eating a wide variety of foods, following Department of Health/NHS recommendations with a moderate deficit and moderate increase in activity is by far the easiest and most sustainable way to lose weight and increase health.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I don't really follow Atkins but if my weight loss slows down I drop carbs and it always speeds it up. The only time it effects my exercise is first couple of days when I go through carb withdrawals but after that it is fine. I don't eat particularly high protein but I tend to eat very low carb, high fat and moderate protein.

    Once I've been doing it a month or so I tend to start introducing some healthy carbs in terms of higher carb veggies, milk and fruits. And I keep on losing at a slower pace. I've heard so many people say you will pile it all back on once you eat carbs but that isn't the case with me.

    I do know people who eat anywhere between 20-50g of carbs a day and have done for years and they are healthy and don't do it to lose weight. For some people it is sustainable and others not. I enjoy higher carb veggies and fruit too much to do it for the rest of my life but it totally depends on the individual.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Tried it in '05. It's a non-sustainable diet, in my opinion.
    i think shes trying to find others doing it that she can discuss it with, not people who just want to critisize it. and its every bit as sustainable as a vegetarian diet
    The OP posted in a PUBLIC forum, and as i have personal experience with this diet, i spoke up, and i make no apologies for that. If you ask a question to a group of strangers, you are going to get answers, and not all of them will be what you want to hear. If the OP wanted to hear fluff, they could have just as easily gone to an atkins website.
    ill remember that next time i see a thread asking if there are any vegetarians out there. You could at least be honest instead of saying something like its unsustainable. it may have been for you personally but the fact is many people have done quite well on lower carb higher protein diets so for many people it is sustainable i have read a lot of people say they couldnt remain on a vegetarian diet but it would clearly be wrong to call it unsustainable since many people do it for long periods of time.

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  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member

    It's only hard if you follow a fad diet. For what it's worth, it's not recommended by government, health service, doctor or any member of the NHS who is struggling with obesity epidemic. It's not sustainable and extremely difficult to follow due to society's lack of support for it. It will make exercise extremely difficult for no good reason.

    Eating a wide variety of foods, following Department of Health/NHS recommendations with a moderate deficit and moderate increase in activity is by far the easiest and most sustainable way to lose weight and increase health.

    I'm not sure what health service you are referring to, but would be interested to know. My doctor specifically recommended a low-carb lifestyle to me. I feel better when I eat less carbs, so exercise is easier to accomplish. I don't base my diet on what the government recommends, either. The government has changed their food groups/food pyramid junk so many times recently I can barely keep up. Clearly, this is a science that they haven't perfected, either.

    I can't speak specifically to Atkins since that's not the one I follow. But a low-carb/good carb lifestyle IS sustainable IF it's what you want to follow. Nothing is sustainable if you don't like it or don't want it. But it's definitely not the best recommendation for everyone.