How many people have SUPPORTIVE partners?



  • chroniclesofthinoholic
    When I'm lazy to do my usual cardio routine...My boyfriend comes pick me up and we go out jogging at the beach together...That kicks in the energy to do my cardio as well!...double bonus on days i feel lazy :D!!...He makes sure i get my workouts every day and loves taking me dancing and bowling on weekends for a fun workout!

    But then he also has this habit of buying me awesome yummy foods ... He is one of those strict "non-vegetarians" as he calls it lol...lucky for him he's blessed with a great bod...For me each calorie i eat counts and thaaat lil part he doesn't get...but Im not complaining...I manage! :)...

    I do have an awesome guy!
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    I became vegetarian a few months ago (for health reasons) and my husband was extremely supportive. He and my daughter tried out different dinner recipes without complaint, helped me choose the ones we like best to go into regular rotation, and have only continued eating meat with their lunches (work and school, although my daughter decided over the weekend she wants to be completely vegetarian).

    When we go out for dinner, they've been really good about choosing restaurants with menus where I could get something I would really enjoy that was vegetarian.

    My only downfall has been that we have a wing place we love - probably our favourite restaurant - and it's been the last thing to go. Last week I went with the intent of ordering grilled cheese (not that healthy, I know, but eating out once a week is my "anything goes" meal) and I was almost pouting at the thought of not having my wings and almost going to give in when my husband suggested that I order a side of the wing sauce I love so much with my grilled cheese and dip the sandwich into it. I did and it was fantastic and I now have a way to enjoy my favourite restaurant with my family that won't mess up my hard work.

    When I work out regularly for a while, he notices and tells me he thinks I'm doing great. He offers to go for walks with me. Offered to sign up for a yoga class with me as something for us to do together (and because he's slender and fit but having some back issues). He supports me in whatever way I need it and always makes me laugh.
  • shadea4455
    shadea4455 Posts: 173 Member
    My fiance is definitely supportive! He eats the high protein / veggie meals that I cook without complaints and when I'm too busy to cook, he cooks the healthy stuff for us. He has a sweet tooth and doesn't complain that I eliminated all sugar, processed, and white-flour products from the house lol (okay sometimes he complains, but jokingly). Even though he isn't big on working out or fitness, when I get back from my workouts he always asks how much I'm lifting, how far I ran, etc. And he's always sure to tell me when he can see my body changing or when outfits are looking better on me. I've got a good one :)
  • GSB10
    My husband is by far the most supportive and encouraging person in my life. He puts together salads for us every night, eats my bland, healthy food without any complaints, and cheers me on when we go for our daily walks/runs. I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without him.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    My boyfriend is terrific. He never complains, encourages me to exercise, tells me how much he loves my cooking, and is constantly saying how sexy I am.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    My boyfriend constantly tells me he is proud of me, i look great, keep doing what I am doing, and I looked good no matter what weight I was :)
  • asprague917
    my boyfriend is supportive, he wants me to do this for me and not him, which i do. the other day i told him i had lost 3lbs and his reply was "no offence but how?" lol im not exercising all that much and its not enough weight for him to notice. but just changing my portion sizes, which he did notice is y i started losing.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    My husband supports me 100%. never complains. Says I'm looking good and my legs are getting skinny along with the rest of me. I probably would have quit a long time ago if he hadn't been so supportive. He see's it and he likes it.

    I feel so bad for those out there who's SO isn't so supportive, and downright mean about it. I think they do it cause they feel they are better than the other person and if they lose and look good then they won't any longer be the better of the two.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Mine largely apathetic, He doesn't eat my food but doesn't make a fuss about it. He does mildly tell me off when I buy chocolate and stuff, unless its for him.
  • jhner
    jhner Posts: 66
    My wonderful hubby supports me in many ways. One of the most important (in my eyes) is that he doesn't care to stay home while I go for a walk, and he's willing to watch the kiddos if I don't feel like taking them with me. Also, he's constantly telling me how hot I am, grabbing me and picking me up (which he can now do easily), and commenting on how I look. Thank goodess he's supportive, because I don't know if I could do it without him.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    in addition to taking the role of coach/mentor/manager for my competitions, giving constructive criticism, my husband also picked up photography to capture my first stage moments, etc. He liked it so much and had such an eye for it, that it is now his passion that I support him in doing.
  • NatashaRuz
    This is one awesome thread.

    Let's make sure we tell our awesome partners, just how awesome they are!!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    My husband and children were not supportive in the beginning but they are now. I started MFP in feb but had no support. In May I joined WW and thats when my husband saw that I was serious and finally started to get the hint. He no longer buys junk food or asks me if I want a box of candy when he runs to the store to get himself some treats. He used to just get me candy and then hand it to me when he got home. It's pretty hard to turn down a theater sized box of milk duds when they're right under your nose! Now that he's seen the results of my efforts he's all on board and loves the new me. He now enjoys buying me fancy lacy under garments and sexy thongs lol. He says look what I got you but I think its more like look what I got you to wear for ME! LOL

    Now he tells me how proud he is of me, how sexy I look. Says I was always sexy to him but now that I'm happier and smile a lot more that to him makes me sexier. Even my kids tell me how proud they are of me and how happy they are that I get out more now.
  • MIne is not supportive of me at all right now he has his mind set that i will fail but Ill prove him wrong hopefully he will come around and be there like I always wished.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    My finacee is awesome. He is doing this with me although he has some physical issues that keep him from exercisings as much. He always eats what I cook, pushes me to run even though I dont want to, he tells me Im hot and that he wants me daily. He is very proud of me.
  • Danam48
    Danam48 Posts: 129 Member
    My husband had a heart attack this winter and he did a complete 180 change in his lifestyle immediately. It took me a couple months longer to get on the bandwagon (I had to eat all the bad food in the house while I fed him healthy stuff) :tongue: One day I came home from work and there was the most awesome pair of walking shoes on my bed, (with my two fave colors in them) with a note that said, "Walk with me baby!" How could I possibly turn down an offer like that!? Between the 2 of us we have lost over 90 pounds and we feel like new people. It has definitely put a fun spark in our marriage after 26 years! He is absolutely my biggest cheerleader.
  • Marielagb
    Wow!! Is so good to read about all that supportive partners.

    My boyfriend eats all kind of food, and I don´t, and he is very understandig about that and respects me. When I ask him if I talk too much about calories and MFP he says the most important thing for him is to know that I feel good about myself. He loves my body and everyday tells me I´m beautiful, but encourages me to work out because he knows is important for me and I feel so much better when I do it.

    I think they should all understand this is very important for us, and we should all let them know how much we need them. Things are easier when you have support at home

    [English is not my native language, I´m Spanish, so I apologize if there´s something wrong or grammatically incorrect]
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    My husband is pretty apathetic to what I am doing and try to do ~ he neither hinders nor enhances my progress, but sometimes he notices the changes in my body and lately he hasn't been able to keep his hands of me... I'll still take that as a win. ;)
  • Lucyl0ck3tt
    Lucyl0ck3tt Posts: 15 Member
    It varies depending on my boyfriend's mood :( when I asked him to help me a few months ago, he gave up after a week. and again. and again.

    But I had a major stress out last week and burst into tears and since then, he's stopped me from snacking, stopped me from going through with my cravings, bought me healthy food and so far so good :)

    He loves me the way I am, I've gained weight while I've been with him and he's still here so I can't complain :)
  • nofailureallowed
    My boyfriend is supportive but destructive at the same time. He says how much he supports me but will buy me ice cream (which is my kryptonite) and other sweets cause he doesn't want to eat them alone lol. But I've found great support in my co-worker who has been AMAZING!