back again and still need support!!

So ihave not succeeded in this dreadful, ooong battle of the buldge. I was an active logger but then stopped!! Life got busy, blah, blah,blah but i am so tired of being FAT!! hate the word but it is what it is!! I'm tired of covering up and saying next year! Started up is hard for me and would love all the support i can get! I'm a structured person and would love a work out program to get me going!! anyone willing to help out i'm here!! Thank you!!


  • add me! I've been there too and am slowly trying to break my bad habit of loving food too much!
  • I know the feeling!! Starting this journey once again today, and I am in need of alot of support!!!
  • Send me an add ladies... I'm in the same boat and I could use a little motivation. Thanks!
  • pattie317
    pattie317 Posts: 43 Member
    add me if you would like!
  • Ditto! I'm on week three of the healthy life style. I lost a bunch of my buds since I went AWOL and could use some new folks to help keep me motivated. I'm currently doing the Rockin' Body DVDs, but I've also been known to walk, swim, elliptical, and dabble in couch25K. Add me, if you'd like.
  • Add me:) Im in the same boat i used to log all the time then i stopped/started but never added friends or got involved and im hoping this change will help!
  • i started only 4 days ago after ignoring for months. My weight went from 198 to 184 last year and shoot back up to 200lb last week. I started it only for 4 days ago but already feel different.Burning 500 to 600 calories per day and cut 300 calories in food. Planning to cut 200 more calories in food from this week.
    Goal to reach 169 lb.
  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    Add me too! I was so into this, lost 40 lbs, then gained about half of it back. Now I'm back to it. 6 lbs down!! :)
  • I came back a few months ago and being back feels good. I have plenty of support to give, feel free to add me! Good luck!
  • january179
    january179 Posts: 23 Member
    I have definitely been there. It wasn't til I signed up for my first race that I started working out regularly cause I didn't want to embarrass myself. Now I am in school for an exercise science degree and I have stayed on track for the past 2 months!
  • JEG2012
    JEG2012 Posts: 158
    Please add me if you wish. I have a great Pals that have supported me and would love it if you joined us!
  • Same story as you, same struggle. You can add me! Just completed my first week!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I'll send you a friend request, as I am also back in the game and tired of being FAT! I hate counting and logging and all - I feel like I stress myself out too much over it, which then makes me just wanna eat/drink calorie-packed foods! - but I decided better that than a whole new wardrobe! :laugh:
  • robyn0123
    robyn0123 Posts: 30 Member
    I am almost a month into my journey and would love to join you! I'll send you a request!
  • cadesmom12
    cadesmom12 Posts: 12 Member
    I am on the same boat..the boat of excuses..I am getting off today.. I am adjusting my goals.. I am currently 209 and my new goal is 170 by December 31st. I started logging again today and going for a 2mi walk/jog..more walking than jogging and my jogging is a fast

    Ok, so please add me, I need friends and lets get it together.. TOGETHER

    Operation: Sexy Back is underway :)
  • Yeah....I'm one of those back again people too! Add me if you like
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I've been back at it for a while but it seems a lot of my friends are not active anymore. I can definitely use all the motivation and support I can get! So feel free to add me as well :)