Why am I still hungry?!



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    If I dont get my fill of vegetables and water I'm hungry
  • manfredz
    manfredz Posts: 5 Member
    As others have said before, you have to eat to not be hungry. Personally I eat about 1500 calories per day spread over 5 times. A typical day looks something like this:

    - Breakfast: Fiber Enriched oatmeal (50g dry) with a banana or just a fruit salad

    - Snack 1: a banana or wallnuts

    - Lunch: 250g Fillet of beef or other lean meat, for this I have broccoli or other cooked vegetables (lightly cooked)

    - Snack 2: a banana or other fruit

    - Dinner: same as lunch

    If I get tired of meat, I usually replace it with fish and then mainly salmon
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    When I'm on my game with eating mostly fruits and veggies, yes I am hungry within an or two after every meal. My suggestion is instead of having 3 meals a day have 5 with small snacks. I used to never eat breakfast then when I started to eat breakfast I felt hungry all the time. I think this is because it wakes up my metabolism to eat breakfast in the morning.
  • Yani51
    Yani51 Posts: 48 Member
    I am not sure what will work for you, however this is what works for me.... (I notice others replies are saying similar things).
    I'm less hungry when I don't skimp (or skip) on breakfast.
    I'm hungry if I don't have at least 4 glasses of water a day,
    I notice that my hunger increases if I have high sugar foods on some days.
    Increasing my intake of high protein foods at lunch time helps reduce hunger through the afternoon.
    If I feel hungry before a meal, I'll have an apple (or two) which seems to supress the hunger long enough to make it to the next meal - especially if I eat it slowly.
    Finally, I notice some people recommend we get enough sleep. I'm experimenting with this at the moment and early signs seem to support this idea. Hope this helps....
  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    i think i have a fast metabolism, as i get hungry every two hours without fail. and painfully hungry, almost throwing an adult tantrum hungry. haha
    i have snacks, piece of fruit and nutty muesli bar (i know not healthy - but good for energy kick i find) for morning tea, 1 meat + salad sandwich for lunch, almonds or rice wafers+peanut butter, and another piece of fruit for afternoon tea.
  • floridachikk
    floridachikk Posts: 41 Member
    i think i have a fast metabolism, as i get hungry every two hours without fail. and painfully hungry, almost throwing an adult tantrum hungry. haha
    i have snacks, piece of fruit and nutty muesli bar (i know not healthy - but good for energy kick i find) for morning tea, 1 meat + salad sandwich for lunch, almonds or rice wafers+peanut butter, and another piece of fruit for afternoon tea.

    It's a sign of a fast metabolism? That's good, because I get hungry every 2 and a half hours like clockwork. For this reason, I plan to smaller meals to make room for several snacks throughout the day. And coffee works as an appetite suppressant.

    I'm also finding that vegetables other than leafy-greens fill me up much better. I started out with a lot of spinach and salad as my daily veggies, and I think they passed through the stomach way too fast.

    It's encouraging to hear that the stomach will shrink and adjust to the new food amounts... I'm starting to see this myself, actually as a side effect of having smaller meals. I went out to eat today and the plate they gave me was double what I would put on my plate at home. First thing I did was get a to-go box and put half of it inside for a meal later.
  • bettynicholls
    you need more protein. take a can of tuna or small amount of chicken etc, keeps you full for longer. should be eating protein at ever meal, even brekky.
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    I’ve been hungry for as long as I can remember (35+ years) and can/could count on my fingers the number of times I’ve felt full. That was up until three weeks ago. I started to eat bulky low calorie food, peppers carrots cucumber cottage cheese coleslaw cabbage, green vegetables tomatoes in large quantities and a small amount of protein and fat.
    Where as a small high calorie meal would take four or five minutes to eat, my meals were taking 15 to 20 minutes, purely because of the time it takes to eat.

    On the days it takes more than fifteen minutes or to eat my 500 calories of food, I’m not hunger for 4 hours.
    So what work for me, is mounds of low calorie food that take time to eat. You are tricking your mind into feeling full only because of the time spent eating.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I eat my bigger meal at lunch time most days, I find that works better for me than a small lunch and large dinner.
  • Serendipityunt
    Serendipityunt Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks to everyone for all of their suggestions. I took a couple of days to see what I could do differently. I always knew I felt better after having protein in my breakfast, so I've been starting out with a hard-boiled egg, a banana and some tea. I've kept a second egg around with me if I got hungry before lunch. I have kept something as a snack around, like string cheese or crackers. It's really helped hold me off till lunch better.

    After lunch, I've tried munching on fruit. Eating an apple has always somehow made me hungrier, so I've stuck with plums. :)

    I'll keep working on it, but I'm starting to find my way. But having a better breakfast with protein in it has really helped a lot.
  • Sounds like you're a carb lover like me. Fruit and a brownie at the same meal and the wheat in a bagel thin along with a high glycemic banana at breakfast would only make me a slave to cravings all day long. Even though conventional wisdom may suggest that eating our carbs early in the day is better so that we have time to metabolize the calories, I have found this to be counter productive. Refined carbs like wheat and flour products DO NOT give me energy either! They make me tired and sluggish.

    On the contrary, if I eat only protein and fruit for my meals and snacks up to and including dinner, I do not have any cravings or "hunger" for sweets, starches, or any type of junk food, fast food, or processed foods, and I am able to keep the weight loss moving. For my evening snack, I will sometimes treat myself to 200 calories of whatever I want---cookies, dark chocolate, ice cream, etc. If I don't need that extra snack, I will just skip it, or I will have a healthier snack like a Pure Protein Bar or another piece of fresh fruit with some plain Greek non-fat yogurt. That way, I have something to look forward to every night which keeps me on track and free from feelings of "deprivation". At that end of my day I am so tired that I don't have to worry about cravings or hunger anymore-I'll be going to bed soon enough.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    Try uping your protein and lowering the carbs...that should help.
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    You should consume more protein in your diet and maybe increase your fiber intake as well. Also, you shouldn't deprive yourself of certain foods you enjoy. That could set you up for heartache! Try oatmeal in the mornings along with fruit and maybe some egg whites instead of the bagel thin. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and that it is indeed hunger that you are experiencing, not thirst.

    Also, I hate to say it, but when adjusting to a new lifestyle and eating habit, you are going to be hungry sometimes and it is something you will have to just deal with.
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    Replace your bagel with protein....I find when I start the day off with protein and carbs, I am okay. However.....if I have only carbs.....especially things like bagels.......I am starving the rest of the day. Try Greek Yogurt and bagel.....or eggs and bagel....banana and peanut butter on toast......just add protein and that may help start your day off right.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    If you crave something, it usually means there is something lacking in your diet, but since your food diary is not public there is no way of knowing
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Your diary is not open, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you probably have a pretty carb heavy diet...I was the same way when I started out and thought I needed to eat a crap load of fruits and vegetables to lose the weight. I would suggest manually re-setting your macro goals to help you out here...you might want to start with a 50/25/25...carbs/protein/healthy fats respectively and see if that helps.

    A carb heavy diet is going to leave you hungry, even if those carbs are coming from nutritious sources like fruits and vegetables. They are important, but equally...and probably more important is to get plenty of lean protein and healthy fats in your diet; these will keep you feeling fuller longer. I usually eat 5 smaller meals per day and each one of those meals/snacks has a protein source and some healthy fats. I still eat my fruits and veg, but I eat them with a protein.

    You may also be at a larger deficit than you really need to be, particularly if you are set up as sedintary but are exercising and not eating those calories back. You should, at minimum, eat (net calories) to your BMR. Your BMR calorie goal is what is necessary for basic bodily functions and organ function.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,584 Member
    I have been at this for a while and still have this problem.

    First, snacking on high protein and high fiber snacks works for me. It takes longer to break down in your body and that is what makes you feel fuller longer. I eat a lot of veggies with light homemade dip or jerky for snacks. Also, yogurt, nuts, reduced fat cheese sticks or high fiber cereal seem to work for me.

    Second, eat more often. I tend to have some sort of small snack every 2 or 3 hours. It means I eat a lot but I rarely get that starving feeling anymore. And when I miss my snack I can tell because by hour 3 to 4 I start feeling like I could eat a whole buffet alone.

    Third, coffee or tea work really well for satisfying my cravings. If I really want something a bit sweet I'll make hot tea with sweet & low or I'll make a coffee and add some sugar free syrups to them (like Torani or Da Vinci syrups).
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    It's hard to say without seeing your diary.

    I would try eating more fiber in the morning, or more protein.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
  • LightersUp
    LightersUp Posts: 36 Member
    This!!! Earlier today I ate 2 huge bowls of soup along with 2 slim fast shakes all at the same time! I ate all of that at 3pm, then around 8pm, I started getting hungry/having cravings, so I just ignored it and kept drinking water. I should've separated those meals but I couldn't help it, I'm a huge binge eater. I got home and weighed myself thinking I gained weight but I'm still the same (thank god!) maybe because I was standing and walking all day. Plus I did a 30 minute cardio workout before all of that, so I'm not sure.