P90X starting 9/10/12

Hi all,

I thought I would start a thread in case anyone else wants to do P90X and is starting today are within a week of two of today. I'm following a thread over on the BB message boards but since I have so much success with the MFP app I wanted to start one here too.

Took all my measurements and before pics yesterday as well as an expensive run to the grocery store to stock up on the right food.

Got up extra early this morning and already finished my chest & back and ab ripper X work outs today.

Any other takers out there?


  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Me,me, me! My sis and I started last week so I will join your thread. We started at 5:45 and also did chest and back. We are still trying to recover from last week. The only thing is that we will be doing our own cardio on the cardio days instead of P90X. Tomorrow we will go hiking. Hope more people join the thread. :smile:
  • tawnierose
    I have had MANY restarts this year since April.. but I want to finish the year off STRONG! I would love to join this thread! With less than 16 weeks left in the year.. this will be my last restart! :) And first completed round.

    I have already got ARX done.. Plan to do that first on it's scheduled days for the rest of the program.. I'm going to do Chest & back soon.. Before pics and measurements taken already.

    I'm hoping a DAILY accountability group will be that last thing I need to stay on track! I just hope it doesn't get too large like the FB one I'm a member of that you just get lost in the crowd.

    Are you starting a group? Or keeping this thread?

    I'm excited to finally get this done!
  • Tricia82
    I am just starting today also, but I am doing the lean version of the program! Good luck everyone!
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Planning on starting tomorrow but have to modify, will be basically doing the upper body workouts and stretch at this point. Dealing with runner's knee and need to get that to heal so I can go back to running. Probably will have to hold off on plyo and kenpo for at least 2 weeks at this point and not sure about yoga with all the warrior poses. I will be doing one of the upper body workouts every other day and concentrating on stretching and flexibility the other days for now.
  • fitQueenbeast
    I started today after a week break in between this and Insanity. I'm following the Lean program as I don't want anymore Plyo moves whatsoever. lol My knees needed a BIG break. Today was Core Synergistic. I actually enjoyed it!

    I did my grocery run two days ago so I wouldn't have to deal with it at that last minute. I'm following the portion control under Endurance Maximizer Phase 2. I didn't much care for making stuff from the recipes for the meals. I prefer to create my own based off the book, though. I use a cardio core elliptical at home to compliment my workout programs, too.

  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    I'm glad there are others out there starting that will help us all stick to it!

    I also have suffered from the restart syndrome in the past. The first time I tried P90X was about 3 years ago and it rocked. I was on day 72 without missing a single workout and sticking to the nutrition plan 100% (except for two days, Thanksgiving & Christmas) when I aggravated a sports injury that forced me to stop. Since then I have never been able to really get in the groove. I'm counting on my recent success with loosing weight with MFP translating into extra motivation with P90X and this will be the time I make it all 90 days!
    I have had MANY restarts this year since April.. but I want to finish the year off STRONG! I would love to join this thread! With less than 16 weeks left in the year.. this will be my last restart! :) And first completed round.

    I have already got ARX done.. Plan to do that first on it's scheduled days for the rest of the program.. I'm going to do Chest & back soon.. Before pics and measurements taken already.

    I'm hoping a DAILY accountability group will be that last thing I need to stay on track! I just hope it doesn't get too large like the FB one I'm a member of that you just get lost in the crowd.

    Are you starting a group? Or keeping this thread?

    I'm excited to finally get this done!

    I haven't participated in a MFP group in the past but if there is interest or if it helps with accountability and motivation I'm all for it. I'd be willing to set it up if folks want to do it.

  • tawnierose
    I thought I'd pop back in to say I got Chest and Back completed! Felt great! (I'm doing classic)

    IS everyone keeping work sheets/logs? I printed them off my coach website. I've done it too may times to count with my restarts lol But this WILL be the last time for this year! :)

    btw welcome to everyone! Look forward to hearing about your progress tmrw!

    Dude.. if you started a group I'd definitely join. Was hoping you'd keep the number of "members" at a decent number so we can actually help, encourage and motivate each other! I've found when you start getting higher and higher in the double digits then triple digits you just get lost in the mix and it just adds to the frustration.. at least that's been my experience.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Way to go on completing your workout!

    I'll look into setting up the group.

    I just finished eating a P90X approved dinner of chicken breast, Broccoli and I substitute a single multi grain or wheat English muffin in place of wild rice for my carb.

    Plyo is going to come all too soon tomorrow lol.
  • Akious
    I just started my first ever run of it this morning. I am starting with the doubles routine. I didn't feel it at the time but now that I am about to goto sleep, all i can say is ouch and damn I am tired.
  • fitQueenbeast

    I haven't participated in a MFP group in the past but if there is interest or if it helps with accountability and motivation I'm all for it. I'd be willing to set it up if folks want to do it.


    I say start a group. It'd be more easier, in my opinion. Different topics could be posted in relation to P90x.

  • blueeyeddragon2115
    if you are starting a group or just keeping this thread i would be interested. My fiancee and i are 7 months away from our wedding and plan on starting P90X together next week it is supposed to arrive in the mail by this Friday. I'm pretty excited to have a go at it. Its something I've wanted to do for quite a while but just haven't had the money to purchase. I personally don't have time to do a restart before i need to lose the main portion of my weight which is about 60lbs. Ordered my dress a size down so i need to lose at least 30lbs to make it fit. I'm hoping P90X will give me the extra motivation to lose the full 60lbs. Anyone else here to lose? My fiancee on the other hand only has like 15lbs to lose and wants to build muscle and tone up.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Ok I started a group and called it: P90X starting September 2012

    Primary purpose of posting this thread originally and now setting up the group is to find more ways to hold my own self accountable and make the journey over the next 90 days more fun. For now the group is public but I want to keep it focused on those of us actually doing the workout and participating with a September start date. So I will make it private after September or if we get too many spammers.

    I've even started setting up a fitness challenge at work and am hoping to get some good participation!

    One thing I've been a bit turned off by is the marketing/selling by coaches on the main BB website so I will be looking to keep the group focused on the participants rather than selling us supplements (even though I am using some BB supplements).

    PS I got up at 6:00am again and did Plyometrics. I have this memory of hating this working (by hate 50% good 50% true hate) but man it kicked my butt!!! I kept up fine the first 20 minutes or so but had to start modifying some of the moves after that. I am stoked I only had to pause it once though and that was to go put some recovery drink in my water because I think I was "bonking" seeing as how doing this workouts before work doesn't let me eat until after the workout.

    I have chronic lower back pain which is one of the motivators for doing P90X for me and so some of the higher impact moves, like the air guitar one and jumping and hitting your hands I can only do about 10 seconds each of before I have to modify to keep my lower back from spasming.

    Bring it!
  • wilder94us
    wilder94us Posts: 4 Member
    I would like to join as well I just start p90x yesterday and my goal is to eat right and complete the program. I tried so many times in the pass but I always failed after two weeks. Hopefully by joining this group I can relate with others and hold myself accountable.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    P90X is an amazing program. Good for you! Good luck :)
    I'm starting the P90X/Insanity Hybrid on Monday :)
  • jacqueb98
    I plan on starting today.
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    Im in....starting my 2nd round of p90x tomorrow=)
  • HeikkiLaukkanen
    HeikkiLaukkanen Posts: 123 Member
    I've had the P90X program for over a year. I don't do it 90 days at a time but I use it in conjunction with regular lifting at the gym and running. I travel for a living so it's a great program that I can do in my hotel rooms when I need to.
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    Feel free to add me if you'd like (anyone).... I'm currently on week 5.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Sweet! Glad we've got a group coming together to help keep the motivation up and make the challenge of completing P90X a little more fun.

    Make sure you guys take your starting measurement's and day 1 photos :)
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    I'd like to join. I started August 27th (close enough?) so I just finished Plyo for week 3.

    I did the 90 days last falls. I'm convinced that the weight loss, stronger core, and yoga saved me from back surgery.

    Keep the worksheets. You'll be amazed at the improvement you'll see, and it helps you to set a goal for the number of reps.