Any bypass surgery patients out there?

victoriouslady Posts: 4
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello from Marietta, Georgia. Joined MFP yesterday. Having had BPD/DS surgery in June 08, my needs are slightly different than the average person. Want to lose about 15-20 lbs. However, after losing almost 100 pounds and dropping 8 of my 9 medications, I'm having trouble getting motivated to lose the last 15 or 20 since I feel so good! Anyone like me out there?:happy:


  • Had it done in Oct.2005 Lost 125Lbs so I know how you feel, In just started riding my bike to work and joined this site with a co worker hoping to lose another 20lbs. Good luck 1lb at a time.
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    Had RNY sept 08'. Lost 135 lbs. Had complications and now am bach up 25 lbs. plus never came close to goal weight. I like that the site tracks protein, calcium and iron as you know are v.v. important. I have been yo-yoing for the last year or so with 15 lb. Ideally need to lose at least 50lb. Grazing is my thing and i am trying to just keep busy to keep my mind off food. Also a fan of Biggest Loser and the advice about gum really works! I thought is was just a corny ad w/in the show but i gotta say it does take the edge off. Plus i gave up coffee (again) and liquor. I also starting eating tons of fish, which I used to hate, but now love. I'll take that over fried chicken any day. Good luck and congratulations on your current success. I'm sure those last pounds will drop in no time! :o)
  • hi-just joined this week my brother led me here and i have talked 4 co-workers into joining me! six years out from gbs and i am frustrated, similar problems as dwarfer 22 not even close to reaching goal as well as additional surgeries for hernia's. although i can't eat huge amounts i am also a "grazer" and have trouble fitting in exercise.
    i love what i am seeing here as far as options and support. maybe this time i can actually change my lifestyle. i need to inspire my kids as well to be more healthy!
    this week has been a change and gradually i have been able to whittle down my intakes to *hooray* staying under where i need to be! good luck to all of us!!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I am just starting the process toward Gastric Bypass Surgery. I would appreciate any advice any of you have for me.

  • Advice about GBP surgery...don't give up. If you are trying to get insurance to pay for it, they will usually try their best not to, but often will. Don't let them talk you into the lap band (which they want you to do because it is so much cheaper for them.) I mean, it is right for some people, but insurance would like for everyone who must have surgery to choose that one. Yet it is the least effective and it leaves you with a foreign body in your body. Those are two major problems with it. And if you have Type 2 Diabetes, the lap band does not cure this. Only the surgeries which bypass the duodenum actually cure Diabetes in most cases. Still, anything that will help you lose weight will improve the Diabetes. But I know so many people whose last insulin shots were before the surgery (before any weight was lost!). For me it took a couple of months, but I did get off my 5 shots a day!

    You have to just keep on after insurance companies if they give you a hard time. Your surgeon's office has experience with this. It takes months usually to get qualified anyway (even if you have cash to pay for it) because of all the specialists you have to see before getting approval for the surgery. Just don't give up. And remember that these never-ending specialist visits are for your own good.

    Don't let anyone criticize you telling you that this is the "easy way out." It isn't easy, it is just a tool. But it is a tool that actually DOES WORK long term most of the time, unlike most "diets."

    One more thing...if you are obese it is not your fault, regardless of what people say. It is because your body does not process food right. Skinny people don't realize this. Yes, we have some measure of control. But for those seriously overweight, it is a medical condition...not just that we eat a few too many desserts.

    Also, make sure the hospital you use is a "center of excellence" for the type of surgery you want. And make sure you attend a support group, preferably starting BEFORE surgery, and for months or more afterwards. You will need this. I went for about a year, and should still go but I'm just so know how it is.

    I chose the duodenal switch because it leaves the pylorex intact. Some doctors who do not perform this one and don't know much about it criticize it and say it is unsafe. I'm healthier than I've ever been after having it. I just have to take vitamins 4 times a day. Yes, it is inconvenient, but better than 9 medications including 5 insulin shots a day!

    I wish you the best!
  • I know what you mean about grazing. I could eat small meals every hour! Even after surgery it is hard, but at least it is doable! My weight went from 237 to 143! Now I'm up to about 156. I'd like to be 140. But 1200 calories is HARD to stick with, even if you have a reduced size stomach! I need to start by giving up sugar...and I KNOW this, but doing it is something else. Hang in there.
  • I'm not crazy about fish, but I really dislike most fried foods. I used to love ChicFilA, but can't eat them anymore. They are so salty and just don't taste good to me anymore. I prefer grilled or rotisserie chicken. Problem is, I still love rotisserie chicken skin! Not quite as bad as fried, but still pretty bad.
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