Stuck in a rut!!!

HELP!!! I'm getting discourage because the scale is not moving. I lost 3 lbs but gained them back and I have not change one thing.
I have a plan prescribed by a nutritionist which is 45g of carbs per meal. If I go over the 45g in one meal I compensate it in another meal by eating less carbs. Please help because this is my last chance before surgery. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    Good info here - see if your calorie goals are set for sustainable weight loss.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    how many carbs per day are you consuming? I am not a nutritionist but 45 per meal sounds high to me...

    are you working out too? How many calorie per day are you consuming? What is your height/weight right now..
  • kn336a
    kn336a Posts: 2 Member
    That's okay. Stop looking at the scale and get some cheap body fat calipers; that will definitely tell you if you're getting any gains. There are many factors that can affect your weight, such as retaining water.

    Once you've purchased some body fat calipers, take a measurement once every three weeks right in the morning. Use the jack pollack system where you take measurements of your abdominal region, chest, and thigh. There are plenty of websites that will calculate your lean body weight after you've taken those measurements, and you can subtract that with what you see on the scale to see how much body fat you actually have.

    If you're trying to lose weight, go on a high protein, low carb diet. I like to use a 50 protein, 30 carb, 20 fat ratio. I've seen a lot of success doing that.

    Also, make sure to check out your BMR (basal metabolic rate) to see how many calories you need to sustain your weight and maybe knock out 500 calories off of that number by exercising or lowering your caloric intake.
  • @ ndj1979 1500 calories Height 5 5. I run and walk maybe 1-2 per week.
  • @kn336a. Thanks for all the info. It makes alot of sense. Will try.:D
  • @2hobbit1 Thanks!!! Still reading.:D
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    @ ndj1979 1500 calories Height 5 5. I run and walk maybe 1-2 per week.

    I would suggest upping the exercise to include strength training/circuits and running...something like this..

    Monday - strength train/ or circuit train
    Tuesday - run
    Wens - strength train/circuits
    Thurs - run
    Friday - strength train
    Sat - run
    Sunday off ..or take saturday off and run sunday..or take the weekend off!

    When I first starting working out circuit training really melted the weight off me...

    KN's protein/carb/fat mix is sound too...

    feel free to add me on here...
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    @ ndj1979 1500 calories Height 5 5. I run and walk maybe 1-2 per week.

    So your doctor has you on a diet that is 81% carbs? That seems unusual.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    that seems way high to me...

    you should probably be getting about 20% of your body weight in carbs....anyone else have any thoughts on that?
  • I was told this by a Nutritionist because i'm diabetic and the insulin will balance out the carb intake and help me to lose weight and maintain sugar levels. It's called 3 carb choices per meal = 45g plus 3 snacks only 1 carb choice per snack=15g. They assumed it was the best for me but it really does seems like alot.
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    How many calories are you eating per day? Then you need to figure out about how much you burn per day, use one of the online calculators. First and foremost... make sure you are getting ADEQUATE protein & fat... then fill in the rest with carbs. It's going to mostly come down to energy expenditure... you want to find the sweet spot of burning a little more than you take in. That should do it. Don't obsess over carbs and macro %... find out how much protein you need. You need around 1g per lb of lean body mass.
  • @ ndj1979 1500 calories Height 5 5. I run and walk maybe 1-2 per week.

    So your doctor has you on a diet that is 81% carbs? That seems unusual.
    According to the insulin I take for diabetes they are keeping me up so I won't fall into the danger of low blood sugars. If you know anything about diabetes than 45 g would make a little more sense. Both has to balance out. Hope this helps.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I was told this by a Nutritionist because i'm diabetic and the insulin will balance out the carb intake and help me to lose weight and maintain sugar levels. It's called 3 carb choices per meal = 45g plus 3 snacks only 1 carb choice per snack=15g. They assumed it was the best for me but it really does seems like alot.

    Oops, I made a math mistake.

    So you're eating 180 grams of carbs per day, which is 720 calories from carbs. So just under 50% of your daily calorie goal of 1500.

    45x4= 180

  • How many calories are you eating per day? Then you need to figure out about how much you burn per day, use one of the online calculators. First and foremost... make sure you are getting ADEQUATE protein & fat... then fill in the rest with carbs. It's going to mostly come down to energy expenditure... you want to find the sweet spot of burning a little more than you take in. That should do it. Don't obsess over carbs and macro %... find out how much protein you need. You need around 1g per lb of lean body mass.

    According to MFP, it was 1500 per day but now that I gained 3 lbs back it states 1687 calories. I love meat and can't live without it in a meal so that sounds like an absolute plan. I'm using the calculator but still not understanding the numbers so I'm asking for help with that from the link posted above on 2hobbit post.
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    How many calories are you eating per day? Then you need to figure out about how much you burn per day, use one of the online calculators. First and foremost... make sure you are getting ADEQUATE protein & fat... then fill in the rest with carbs. It's going to mostly come down to energy expenditure... you want to find the sweet spot of burning a little more than you take in. That should do it. Don't obsess over carbs and macro %... find out how much protein you need. You need around 1g per lb of lean body mass.

    According to MFP, it was 1500 per day but now that I gained 3 lbs back it states 1687 calories. I love meat and can't live without it in a meal so that sounds like an absolute plan. I'm using the calculator but still not understanding the numbers so I'm asking for help with that from the link posted above on 2hobbit post.

    Dan will steer you in the right direction. Good link. Just Google Fat2Fit's BMR calculator and you can't go wrong... It takes into consideration your age, sex, height, weight etc. along with activity level...

    Since you are diabetic, always listen to your doc of course. But it still needs to be stressed that you get adequate protein & fats for your lean body mass, size, activity level. The link above (2hobbit) will steer you in the right direction. Good luck!
  • annairene8200
    annairene8200 Posts: 22 Member
    i didn't read any of the above comments so not sure if anyone has suggested this but i used to be on a low carb diet and when i would eat more carbs and weigh myself i would weigh more roughly 3 to 5 pounds more b/c of water weight...not sure what you are doing but if you are not already you might wanna just check the scale once every week or two and make sure you are eating low carbs a couple days before you weigh in.
    hope this helps
  • How many calories are you eating per day? Then you need to figure out about how much you burn per day, use one of the online calculators. First and foremost... make sure you are getting ADEQUATE protein & fat... then fill in the rest with carbs. It's going to mostly come down to energy expenditure... you want to find the sweet spot of burning a little more than you take in. That should do it. Don't obsess over carbs and macro %... find out how much protein you need. You need around 1g per lb of lean body mass.

    According to MFP, it was 1500 per day but now that I gained 3 lbs back it states 1687 calories. I love meat and can't live without it in a meal so that sounds like an absolute plan. I'm using the calculator but still not understanding the numbers so I'm asking for help with that from the link posted above on 2hobbit post.

    Dan will steer you in the right direction. Good link. Just Google Fat2Fit's BMR calculator and you can't go wrong... It takes into consideration your age, sex, height, weight etc. along with activity level...

    Since you are diabetic, always listen to your doc of course. But it still needs to be stressed that you get adequate protein & fats for your lean body mass, size, activity level. The link above (2hobbit) will steer you in the right direction. Good luck!

  • i didn't read any of the above comments so not sure if anyone has suggested this but i used to be on a low carb diet and when i would eat more carbs and weigh myself i would weigh more roughly 3 to 5 pounds more b/c of water weight...not sure what you are doing but if you are not already you might wanna just check the scale once every week or two and make sure you are eating low carbs a couple days before you weigh in.
    hope this helps
    Thanks!!! Sounds like a plan to me. :D
  • Get a fitbit! It's my best friend and I have lost 15 lbs so far!
  • I was told this by a Nutritionist because i'm diabetic and the insulin will balance out the carb intake and help me to lose weight and maintain sugar levels. It's called 3 carb choices per meal = 45g plus 3 snacks only 1 carb choice per snack=15g. They assumed it was the best for me but it really does seems like alot.

    Oops, I made a math mistake.

    So you're eating 180 grams of carbs per day, which is 720 calories from carbs. So just under 50% of your daily calorie goal of 1500.

    45x4= 180

    Cool beans:)