Want to run.....

jchapple Posts: 26
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
But how do I start? I know it's all about putting 1 foot infront of the other, with a bit of energy involved somewhere - but where do start with shoes? How far to begin with (I can barely run up the stairs :( )

I'm fairly active in my life - I'm an infants teacher, I own a horse and this requires quite a bit of activity - digging, carrying bales and sacks, I'm quite strong in my core muscles but when it comes to cardio fitness...... forget it!

Is there a programme I can follow? a website that anybody could recommend? any other ideas?


  • itamer
    itamer Posts: 15 Member
    Having a base fitness is essential I reckon because running when you aren't fit at all is ghastly - so you're on the right track. I find the first couple of weeks are really hard because you have to "break in" a whole heap of muscles to their new activity and I only try to do about 2km and I don't even worry about how fast I do it.

    Then depending on how fit I actually am the distances can start building up quite quickly after that first couple of weeks and once you have settled into the sort of distance/time you want to do you can start getting funky and putting in some interval work and messing about with mini-challenges to keep it fresh.

    Interval work is great because it can increase your overall running speed and the fat burning - a win:win :)

    But right now, make sure you have comfy shoes, decent lycra leggings and a good sports bra (actually I like those clamp everything in, nothing can move tops). Then you just have to get out and do it. If you end up walking set some goals like walking between X powerpoles and then running between the next X powerpoles.

    Have fun :)
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Google couch 2 5K. It trains you to run a half hour straight in 9 weeks. Its awesome.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I would suggest C25K training (couch to 5K). You can find information on Cool Running's website and free pod casts that will cue you when to walk/run. The program takes 9 wees and takes you from being a couch potato to running 31 min. I just finished and it feels great to be able to run. The first week has 8 runs of 60 sec and power walks between runs. You will find several groups on here dedicated to running and C25K.

    Most people suggest you go to a store that specializes in running to get advice and proper fit on shoes. You should buy 2 pairs of shoes and log the miles on the shoes. Start wearing 1 pair. When you get to 100 miles on them, alternate between the 2 pairs. That way you will know when the first pair is wearing down. You cant tell by looks when running shoes no longer give adequate support. I bought mine in early Dec and already have 60 miles on them. Running shoes generally only last from 200 to 400 miles depending on terrain, frequency of use, etc.

    Best of luck to you.
  • CareyT
    CareyT Posts: 43 Member
    I have a great book called "Women's Running for Health and Beauty." It recommends walking briskly for 30 minutes every day, then in a week or two adding little 2 minute jogs. You continue walk/running, increasing the running, until you can run for a mile straight. Every time I go back to running after being out for a little while, I start this way: walking and adding running bit by bit. I pick an object in the distance like a street lamp and run to it, then walk for a while and pick something else to run to. But don't be afraid to go slow and make sure you stretch a lot because your lower back will be sore for a few weeks after starting to run. Good luck!
  • Thankyou, lots to thinks about there.

    I've seen the C25K on iTunes and wondered about it......

    I'll get some proper shoes and start moving.
    Thanks again.
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