Confession: I had a total meltdown for dinner. :*(



  • Thanks for sharing I think thats your main "gain" from today.. anyone who struggles with weight or losing it knows that its the mind and the things in the dark that get us the most.
    You had the courage to acknowledge and share what you felt like was a failure and that is the most important.
    You are right that MFP is the key it keeps us "honest" and the light shining where we need it.
    Good luck take care of yourself.. positive energy to you and yours and for your tiny one..
    Thanks for sharing
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day- enjoy the Chinese food and just move on. No reason to let it derail your efforts beyond a little bump in the road- everyone tries hard but still has bad eating days- lousy workouts- all of the above and then some.
  • It's okay. Tomorrow is a new day. You had a day, it's only one day. I have been there and I'm sure I will again. You just have to start tomorrow fresh. Your doing your best. Having several kids and a preemie is not easy. My daughter was born 8 weeks early, and it was extremely hard during that time. You will make it through, learn from today and move on. Keep your head up high, your still fighting this fight. Feel free to FR me if you would like, I would be more than happy to support you.
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    It's ok to have meltdown. Just try as best as possible to get a good night's sleep (with a newborn, I know that's hard). Tomorrow's another day--just keep tracking and it will all come together again.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Lot of anxiety today and had a total meltdown at dinner time. Wife and I just decided to order chinese and before that I pigged out on cookies. I don't feel too terrible about it but I wish I had just eaten the 6oz. of lean steak and vegetables I was planning on eating. Why couldn't I have just eaten the healthy stuff I was going to eat? I've been doing so good. I think maybe part of the problem is that yesterday I ate like 500 something calories because I passed out before I could eat dinner after chasing around three kids all day because my wife was taking care of the fourth. I think maybe the stress of having our newborn who is 5 weeks premature on top of all of the normal stresses we live under just made stuffing myself seem like the quick fix I needed. Tomorrow is the third workout of week four of c25k and I'll be hitting the road early. Well, this is my confession. Thank God for MFP; without this place I would probably let this incident be a breaking point and just throw all my progress away. That's how I know that MFP is going to work for me. It let's me regain control as quickly as I lost it.
    Making a lifestyle change like this is a big deal, and you are doing a great job!
    I also have 5 children all within 10 years, so I understand what you are going through:smile:
    Don't be hard on yourself, you are doing everything right:
    You've stepped out to do it
    You're becoming aware of your patterns and habits and are changing them for the better
    You are using this great tool!

    So you know that if you eat a small amount on one day, you will likely be crazy hungry the next.
    It can be kinda like driving a car for the first time...overcorrecting this way...then that way...
    You will stabilize!

    Keep doing the best you can, making changes here and there as you can.
    Don't be hard on yourself if you can't do it all perfectly!

    See if you can keep simple staples around that satisfy and nourish you
    as well as a few treats that will keep you happy, but within limits.

    You will just keep improving!
  • mconway79
    mconway79 Posts: 49 Member
    Dont beat your self up. We all have those days. Tomorrow just get right back on track and keep your chin up. {HUGS}
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I've been there before. It's okay, one day isn't going to make you gain a ton. Don't even weigh in for another week... it will just be water retention.

    Yay! MFP helps.

    Sounds like a stressful time, make a list of ways that help you destress. Journaling, candles, bath, walking outside, listening to music, etc etc. changes! <3
  • roohill
    roohill Posts: 87 Member
    Lot of anxiety today and had a total meltdown at dinner time. Wife and I just decided to order chinese and before that I pigged out on cookies. I don't feel too terrible about it but I wish I had just eaten the 6oz. of lean steak and vegetables I was planning on eating. Why couldn't I have just eaten the healthy stuff I was going to eat? I've been doing so good. I think maybe part of the problem is that yesterday I ate like 500 something calories because I passed out before I could eat dinner after chasing around three kids all day because my wife was taking care of the fourth. I think maybe the stress of having our newborn who is 5 weeks premature on top of all of the normal stresses we live under just made stuffing myself seem like the quick fix I needed. Tomorrow is the third workout of week four of c25k and I'll be hitting the road early. Well, this is my confession. Thank God for MFP; without this place I would probably let this incident be a breaking point and just throw all my progress away. That's how I know that MFP is going to work for me. It let's me regain control as quickly as I lost it.

    You sound very committed... I can even hear in your last couple lines that just writing it all and confessing here was already helping get you back on track before you even hit enter. .. and who knows, tomorrow could be your best day yet. :)
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I'm tired just *thinking* about all those kids. How is your newborn doing?

    Since you had a 500-calorie day, I really, honestly wouldn't worry about it. Things happen. Sometimes we need cookies and Chinese food. Crazy, exhausting nights like that are the reason take-out was invented. :)
  • Mybta3
    Mybta3 Posts: 3 Member
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself, things like this happen to the best of us. I know that when I am over-restricting calories (either on purpose or by getting too busy) I am far more likely to overeat down the road.
  • kissedbytheocean
    kissedbytheocean Posts: 131 Member
    Don't feel too bad. It happened to me today, too. I didn't each but about 500 calories yesterday, woke up starving and had a decent sized breakfast, skipped lunch, and then gorged myself at dinner. I ate about 3,000 calories today.

    It sucks, but like you said, MFP and everyone here will help you regain control. Don't beat yourself up about it. Have some water and relax. We all mess up sometimes.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Sounds like, on balance, everything is fine. Carry on.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Sounds like, on balance, everything is fine. Carry on.

    Lol, your profile is awesome. Love it.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Today was my unintentional low cal day, so tomorrow will be my hungry day. Except I may have just saved it by eating some ice cream. So, tomorrow being a new day and all, I will shoot for staying on track.

    You have a great attitude!
  • Every once in a while life will kick you when you're down. It will happen, the only thing I can say for you my friend is learn what you can from it, see what it is that caused the problem. You seem to have identified it pretty clearly from my viewpoint. Now all there is to do is go round two with life, and fight back twice as hard. Take life by the throat and let it know you're not backing down. Best of luck in your endeavors and know we're all with you.

  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    It happens. I believe it's all part of the process of changing habits, but even when habits are mostly changed there will be some difficult days. Kudos to you for recognizing your triggers and reaching out for support. Tomorrow is another day and another chance to practice new habits. Good luck with your c25k! Tomorrow is week 2, day 2 for me. :drinker:
  • britfout
    britfout Posts: 86 Member
    If it makes you feel any better I've strayed away for the past couple weeks, binge eating almost every night and almost no exercise. Your post has inspired me to get back on track. We can do this :) thanks for posting.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Thanks for all your support everyone. I've learned so much from MFP about nutrition, calories and exercise and I'm normally a fairly misanthropic and pessimistic person but I've learned that there are some really awesome people out there.
  • Don't hate yourself for slipping. This once, will not hurt your progress. We all have days like this. Tomorrow, you can keeping working at eating healthy.