What counts in water allowance



  • Kimi0371
    Kimi0371 Posts: 19 Member
    I think there are a lot of different ways to look at this that still come out with good results.

    The bottom line is: if your pee is nearly clear, you are hydrating enough. If not, you aren't. That's the test that will tell you if your method is right.
  • jburka522
    I log plain water as water, everything else I log under beverages, including the diet pop and sugar free fruit drinks. There's nothing wrong with drinking those, but for me, it's important to drink some plain water throughout the day as well. For example, I drink a cup of water for every 2 cups of coffee I drink, and I only drink water at work. But I definently DO drink diet pop as well :) hope that helps a little :)
  • Cassie8877
    Water. ONLY WATER! Those other things tend to only dehydrate you more.

    yeah coffee and tea for one are not the best thing for you at all.. and make you even more thursty.. your going ot need to love water! your body needs it and you will feel so much better if you drink enough! but i personal dont count fruit or anything as my "water allowance" i count the 2-3 liters of water i drink and thats it!
  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    i am confused on this as well, so i don't count anything other then water itself. I drink coffee but i do not count that towards my intake.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    The whole reason for adequate liquid intake is to keep your metabolism at a healthy level. As the human body becomes dehydrated, it slows the metabolism down to preserve what liquid it has on board. So a slower metabolism equals a slower weight loss.

    The human body takes all liquids {except alcohol} and uses the water content as hydration. Water is, by far, the best way to hydrate. But, hydrating can come from foods, as well as any liquid intake. As long as you log your intake as calories {if present}, than any liquid will be hydrating.
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    water.....anything with caffeine, alcohol, sugar, fake sugar etc doesnt count....they dehydrate you and plus some of them will have lots of sodium added to make them taste good which will cause you to gain more water weight.