question about goal weight..



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm 5'3" and at 140 I definitely have room to improve. But that is at the high end of the healthy BMI scale and if you have a larger frame, you should be OK there.

    Your nutritionist's statement doesn't make sense. What if you were 300 pounds when you were 14?

    Anyway, my advice is aim for 140 and then reassess when you get there if you want or need to lose more.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I think that's realistic. You're a shorter person, so 140 is pretty resonable. Just make sure you lose it healthy and incorporate some weight training so you keep muscle on your frame. But if you start noticing that you look "too thin" in your opinion, focus on your health and not the number on the scale. :)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    It should be more than realistic. My best suggestion is to kind of take stock every 5lbs or so as you get down near your goal weight. I got as low as about 128, and that was just too low for me (saw a little bit of rib bone in the mirror one day!). My goal was 140, then 135, then 130. I found that I was most comfortable with my body between 132 and 136 (I know that sounds odd, but when you hit a range you like, you really will know it) which is where I'm trying to get back to now (It's been a craaazy summer).

    I suggest taking pictures at the beginning or ending of every month to compare and give yourself a chance to evaluate a bit objectively.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Im 5'3 as well and looking at your pics, it seems we have about the same build/structure. I personally set my goal weight for 145, just because I dont recall ever seeing that number since my late teens/very early 20's. Im now 31 and have had a child. The lowest I got last year (doing hcg) was 162 and I still thought I was enormous :(

    If/when I ever get to 145, I'll reevaluate to what I want to be lower than that, but for now thats what Im shooting for. Everything I see, it has my "normal range: being anywhere from 113-143.

    I feel huuuge at 165 (where i am now).. its so tough the self-image stuff... i just keep lying to myself and telling myself i look great... maybe one day i will believe it. I woud love to see the 150s even, and then 140s and take it from there...

    My highest was 166. I was a size 12. I'd been 110-120 and between sizes 3 and 6 (which felt huge to me) most of my life. I definitely know how you feel. Just the difference in my face at a lower weight is amazing.
  • wrbiii
    wrbiii Posts: 151
    So, my goal weight is 140, I am 5" 3'. I have been overweight my entire life and the last time I weighed 140 was when I was 14 years old, do you think it is possible and realistic for me to get to 135-140? My nutritionist was telling me that it wasnt so realistic because the last time I was there was when I was 14, but I feel like my body is changing and the last time I was at the weight I am at now was when I was 16-17. She said it might not be realistic to maintain that weight, but that is the highest healthy weight for my height range.. do u think its realistic... anyone have a similar situation? would love feedback! thanks so much!

    This is a horribly pessimistic way to look at it... but: Doctors don't want you too sick or too healthy. Too sick and you are too much work, not sick at all, and they don't make money off of you.

    Do what works for you, and try to be as healthy as you can.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So, my goal weight is 140, I am 5" 3'. I have been overweight my entire life and the last time I weighed 140 was when I was 14 years old, do you think it is possible and realistic for me to get to 135-140? My nutritionist was telling me that it wasnt so realistic because the last time I was there was when I was 14, but I feel like my body is changing and the last time I was at the weight I am at now was when I was 16-17. She said it might not be realistic to maintain that weight, but that is the highest healthy weight for my height range.. do u think its realistic... anyone have a similar situation? would love feedback! thanks so much!

    This is a horribly pessimistic way to look at it... but: Doctors don't want you too sick or too healthy. Too sick and you are too much work, not sick at all, and they don't make money off of you.

    Do what works for you, and try to be as healthy as you can.

    Did you even read her post? A nutritionist is not a doctor.
  • alison0511
    I agree with people who said it's reasonable to shoot for 140 since it's the top of your "healthy" range, and then reassess when you get there if it's a good weight for you, or if you would be comfortable going further or backing off a little.

    I'm 5'4.5" and my goal weight is also 140. The top of my BMI healthy range is like147 or 149... (I'd have to look again to be sure), but anyway, I decided to shoot for a little lower, because I was about 145 in high school, and I remember my body then being pretty fit from sports, but still with some problem areas... so I think I could stand to go past that. But I will also re-evaluate my body when I get down that far, because I can't determine exactly how that will look or feel until I get there! Mini-goals are great though... just last week I got my BMI from low-end 'obese' into "overweight" and was pretty happy about that! I also set goals for upcoming vacations, holidays, and things like that to see if I can reach them. Good luck! :smile:
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    It is realistic, but you will probably have to work constantly to maintain that once you get there. Losing weight is hard, but keeping it off is harder if you are lighter than your "comfort zone".
  • wrbiii
    wrbiii Posts: 151
    So, my goal weight is 140, I am 5" 3'. I have been overweight my entire life and the last time I weighed 140 was when I was 14 years old, do you think it is possible and realistic for me to get to 135-140? My nutritionist was telling me that it wasnt so realistic because the last time I was there was when I was 14, but I feel like my body is changing and the last time I was at the weight I am at now was when I was 16-17. She said it might not be realistic to maintain that weight, but that is the highest healthy weight for my height range.. do u think its realistic... anyone have a similar situation? would love feedback! thanks so much!

    This is a horribly pessimistic way to look at it... but: Doctors don't want you too sick or too healthy. Too sick and you are too much work, not sick at all, and they don't make money off of you.

    Do what works for you, and try to be as healthy as you can.

    Did you even read her post? A nutritionist is not a doctor.

    Yes, I did. I realize a nutritionist isn't a doctor. Same principle applies. Why would the nutritionist want her to do everything perfectly? If she did, why would she need the nutritionist anymore?

    There is little money in a cure, a lot of money in treatment.
  • inkandsheep
    inkandsheep Posts: 101 Member
    While it is true that our body changes as we get older, I can't see why you shouldn't be able to get to that weight or even lower again!

    I'm just under 5ft3 and was 141 when I started, now 125. I haven't been lighter than this since my teens either (I'm 29 now) but I think it's perfectly possible for me to get to a lower weight than this now. For what it's worth, I know I'm now eating a much healthier diet than I was in my teens, so for that reason alone, it's pefectly possible!
  • shonovo
    shonovo Posts: 104
    While it is true that our body changes as we get older, I can't see why you shouldn't be able to get to that weight or even lower again!

    I'm just under 5ft3 and was 141 when I started, now 125. I haven't been lighter than this since my teens either (I'm 29 now) but I think it's perfectly possible for me to get to a lower weight than this now. For what it's worth, I know I'm now eating a much healthier diet than I was in my teens, so for that reason alone, it's pefectly possible!

    so true me too!!! im definitely willing to get there and then reassess the situation and see how i feel/look :)
  • Jenny111372
    Jenny111372 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm 39..soon to be 40 in Nov..I was 118 at age 19..I started at 164.2 in Jan and I'm currently 119.7..point is..if I can get pretty much to the weight I was 20 years can too! Obviously I've had 2 kids so my body shape isn't the same as it was 20 years ago but I prefer the curves I have now compared to then! :) Good luck in reaching your goal..whatever that may be! :)

    Forgot to add..I'm 5'2"
  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    I can relate :)
    I'm 1.64 (5'3.5''?) and I remember weighing 65 kg (143 lbs) when I was 15, so that was sort of my out-of-reach ultimate-goal, even though i wasn't really thin at that time. I'm 25 now, and I've dropped almost 15 kg down to 64 kg. I eat a lot and exercise moderately, so this weight is definitely maintainable for me. I'm still losing slowly and steadily, so I will probably try to lose a few more kg. It feels good to be able to wear something I haven't worn since I was 14 :)