Newbie lots of pain when walking.



  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I was in sooo much pain when I started exercising, but it does get better. I would see a doctor first before doing anything physical. My back pain is gone now and I think I will have even less aches and pains as the weight comes off.
  • jonwv
    jonwv Posts: 362 Member
    pace yourself..if you get 200yds today shoot for 201yds tomorrow.
    When i started p90x i couldnt bend over without getting out of i am actually able to raise my legs up and tie my will get better. Just do it at your own pace...a little is better than nothing.
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    I had same issue. Actually losing weight to help my knee pain was my initial goal, but it didn't get better, just worse. MRI showed arthritis and lack of cartilage. So, walking was more painful. Dr. recommended elliptical or swimming. No running. Elliptical has kept me moving and doesn't hurt. At our age, its probably your weight on your knees/hips and arthritis. I would do something that does not add stress to your joints. Keep going...
  • Tarin626
    Tarin626 Posts: 101 Member
    Just another echo of encouragement - talk to your doctor if you have one to make sure that it is safe for you to walk on concrete/asphalt, etc. Otherwise the pool walking idea is a great start that will have less stress to your joints.

    Forgive me but based on your stats and you pic I'm going to guess that you might not be that flexible - see if you can get someone to help you stretch. You lay on the floor and they manipulate your legs for you to stretch them out until you can do it yourself! It feels awesome - my trainer does it for me and I can do them myself :-)

    I agree that the right shoes do wonders - I like the new Reebok RealFlex but I agree that New Balance make really good shoes as well!

    Some pain will be normal as you have not worked out before but remember it is 80% diet and 20% excercise!

    Good Luck and feel free to add me as a friend :-)
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    In March this year, I was lucky if I did 2500 steps a day. I started on a walking program, but eased in gradually. At 40 minutes I would get tired, my trainer told me to be careful, last thing you want is to stress a joint or muscle and be off your feet for 6 weeks. He suggested alternating short and longer walks day by day and to not push myself. I was very lucky not to experience any serious muscle problems, just exhaustion from walking. Now its easy to do 10K in a day, the main issue is finding time to walk.

    Within a month I was up to doing at least an hour walk a day, and some days longer. By July I was able to go on vacation on New York and walk for an entire day, well over 20,000 steps

    Good shoes are important, I have several pairs, but in the end found that some cheap $45 Nike shoes are best for my feet, Stretching after walking is for sure required. I don't stretch before walking, I just walked slower for 5 minutes (I don't bother doing that now)

    I would suggest finding a trainer at least for one session who is able look at your walking gait, you might have problems in other parts of your body that cause you to walk off centre and stress yourself.

    Don't give up.
  • I had a doctor tell me last year that the stepping up idea is the best way to go from NO activity (which was me) to walking 4 miles a day now.
    Week 1 He suggested that you start by walking for 5 minutes 4 times a day, a steady can still carry on a conversation pace.
    Week 2 Step Up to 10 minutes 3 times a day
    Week 3 Step Up to 20 minutes 2 times a day
    Week 4 Step Up to 30 minutes 2 times a day
    Week 5 - he said that you should be able to walk with the strengthen joints and muscles upto 2 hours a day.

    Good shoes, proper posture (as best as you can - this will improve with weight lose), LOTS of water (this will help with some of your joint pain too - I know it sounds strange, but it works), and a safe somewhat level area to walk in.

    I'm happy to say I can now walk a mile in about 12 minutes, but I seem to keep losing my motivation and energy to get up and walk every morning and every evening when I get home from work.
  • hsmaldo
    hsmaldo Posts: 115 Member
    Just want to echo what others have said, consult your dr, Good shoes make a HUGE difference. When I first started walking, my lower back would KILL me. Stretch your lower back AFTER you walk, every time! Also, the shin splints are painful!! Watch out for inclines, take a shorter stride and focus on trying to move your body with your larger quads (upper thigh/leg muscles) rather than trying to use your feet to 'pull/push' your body--that make any sense? Don't know any other way to try and describe it--sorry!

    Good luck!!
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    I'll recommend the Chi Walking book (or program, anyway, I think there are different formats). It sounds dumb, but there is actually good form to walking and the closer you stick to that better you'll do. It also has really good advice for ramping up at the right pace.

    I'm recovering from a running injury, because I'm an idiot who didn't listen to her body when it said "hey, that tendon shouldn't feel like that". Push if you're tired, stop if you hurt.
  • leodb66
    leodb66 Posts: 3 Member
    Wow, that was great! it's nice knowing there are others out there that are going through what you are. I am going to take all that advice and compress it into a list of things I need to do...some I already have. I been to the doctor and he wants me to start out walking. I think the treadmill is the way for me to start, if I rest my hands on the bars of the machine it seems to take a lil of the strain off my back. Thanks to all that responded.
  • velmaisvelma
    velmaisvelma Posts: 90 Member
    When I first started this journey and rehabilitation after falling and breaking my ankle - I started with water aerobics. It took the pressure off and helped me drop my initial 15lbs. After starting to condition my body and build the strength... I then moved to a recumbent bicycle.. and eventually the treadmill and elliptical.

    I highly recommend starting off with something low impact in order to get the ball rolling - so to speak.

    I am in the same boat, now I am in the recumbent bicycle, so I agree with the above post. I have a muscle disease, and am very sedentary. There are weeks where I may only be able to ride the bike 3 miles (altogether) The trainer told me to listen to your body, to lead up (you have to start somewhere) I now can do weight (pushing) with my legs and pulling with arms. It does get better!
  • GFON
    GFON Posts: 8 Member
    I found this place when I had already lost 25 lbs. Now I am down 34lbs. I did it by watching what I ate and walking, I think walking is the greatest tool we have as almost anyone can do it. I am just like you as to how much I weigh.. As others have said you need the right shoes. New balance cross trainers have worked well for me. It will hurt at first. Your muscles are not used to walking and they were not designed to handle the weight that we put on them. Take it slowly if you have to. You will get through the pain if you keep at it. I really enjoy my walks now. Good luck to you.
  • New shoes helped my shins. I use cross trainers, but I'm just a noob too.
  • Along with setting mini goals regarding distance/time spent walking, I recommend also setting mini goals for stretching. It doesn't really burn calories, but it can help ease certain aches and pains and it can help you do something positive for your body (and psyche) even if you can't put the miles in yet......... Last year, I had trouble with plantar fasciitis (which was aggravsted by walking too aggressively when I weighed too much- after I stopped and analyzed the situation, I realized that daily stretching of my feet was AS important as the walking I wanted to do, but couldn't yet.
  • Hi leo,

    I was 321lb i am now 306.4 in 15 days i was suffering the same problem as you with the pain don't over do it but keep up the walking but when you have the pain take a rest i can now walk for miles before the pain comes on again. I also ride a bike which is very good i have just completed the London to Brighton bike ride which is 60 miles so keep it up friend it does get easier.


  • AtlantaWriter
    AtlantaWriter Posts: 91 Member
    Leo, I had to take some weight off before I could do any serious exercise, even walking. My joints were in bad shape. What I discovered, though, was water aerobics. It was something I could do and not be in pain. It's great exercise. I've gained some weight back, so walking is hurting me again, so I"m back in the pool. Also, if you can get one of those little trampolines and exercise on that to an exercise video, it keeps impact down on your joints. Good luck and DON'T GIVE UP!
  • Jolene8992
    Jolene8992 Posts: 127 Member
    Leo, I started out at 270. Tried walking in my worn out adidas tennis shoes. Bac pain and shin splints. Got fitted at. A running shop for a pair of Asics nimbus gels. OMG. The differencwe was incredible. I have ad 4 back surgeries so the treadmill is easier for me, because holding on to side rails decreases my back pain. Started out at only 3 minutrs. Now I am at 2 miles. Oh yeah get some good running socks. Was wearing my loose diabetic socks and the friction was causing my feet to burn. All this was just trial and error. Good luck. I really do understand.
  • Thanks for your thoughts! I, too, broke my ankle-last Sept.. It was broken in 3 places. I had surgery and months of rehab. Walking is not much fun. I'm thnking maybe I should join our local community center and just walk in the pool for an hour. Maybe 3 times a week. How does that sound? ( I've tried water aerobics. I'm not very coordinated and it was stressful).