Tears...Women, Oh My : A Rant About Co-Workers

SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
Why do women use tears to try to get men to feel bad?

No I'm not going to take pity on you because you are shedding some alligator tears. If anything, I'm going to smell blood and make you do your freaking job. Tears be damned.


  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Yeah, I don't understand it either. I'm more likely to run mental circles around someone to get out of doing something I don't want to do. Not cry.
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    This makes me want to cry.


    I don't cry when I want something my way. I mindf*ck or create an elaborate distraction.
  • MsVeeFletcher
    MsVeeFletcher Posts: 2 Member
    Reminds me of Tom Hanks in A League of Their Own, when he asked, "Are you crying?!?! Are you crying?!?! There's no crying in baseball."
  • lynda155
    lynda155 Posts: 112 Member
    I only cry when i can't punch someone!!! lol :sad: :grumble: :explode:
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Yeah, when I cry it's genuine, not manipulative, and not usually in front of people. :sad:
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Most women don't "use" tears. Tears just happen. It's part of the biology of a woman. In fact, most women get frustrated when they start to cry, because they know men are a**holes who will act just as you do.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Most women don't "use" tears. Tears just happen. It's part of the biology of a woman. In fact, most women get frustrated when they start to cry, because they know men are a**holes who will act just as you do.

    WHOA! How did I become an Ahole? Oh wait, because I'm in the general vicinity of the tears, I become the A-hole in this scenario right?
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Most women don't "use" tears. Tears just happen. It's part of the biology of a woman. In fact, most women get frustrated when they start to cry, because they know men are a**holes who will act just as you do.

    WHOA! How did I become an Ahole? Oh wait, because I'm in the general vicinity of the tears, I become the A-hole in this scenario right?

    No, because you said "if I smell blood..." "tears be damned" and you assumed the woman is crying to get her own way.

    That makes you a jerk. Think about someone else besides yourself.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Most women don't "use" tears. Tears just happen. It's part of the biology of a woman. In fact, most women get frustrated when they start to cry, because they know men are a**holes who will act just as you do.

    WHOA! How did I become an Ahole? Oh wait, because I'm in the general vicinity of the tears, I become the A-hole in this scenario right?

    I think her assumption is justifiable - especially on the premise that YOU'RE assuming women are being manipulative by crying. I work in an occasionally high stress enviroment (I have 1 client that just KNOWS how to make me feel like ****) and sometimes I have to go lock myself in the bathroom or an empty conference room and cry until I feel like I can handle his crap and return to my responsibilities.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Most women don't "use" tears. Tears just happen. It's part of the biology of a woman. In fact, most women get frustrated when they start to cry, because they know men are a**holes who will act just as you do.

    Have any pent up hostility?
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Most women don't "use" tears. Tears just happen. It's part of the biology of a woman. In fact, most women get frustrated when they start to cry, because they know men are a**holes who will act just as you do.

    Have any pent up hostility?

    No, just hate a**holes.
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    If I am crying at work, I am pissed and you should probably stay away-I never have cried to get my way-could never understand that mentality
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Most women don't "use" tears. Tears just happen. It's part of the biology of a woman. In fact, most women get frustrated when they start to cry, because they know men are a**holes who will act just as you do.

    WHOA! How did I become an Ahole? Oh wait, because I'm in the general vicinity of the tears, I become the A-hole in this scenario right?

    No, because you said "if I smell blood..." "tears be damned" and you assumed the woman is crying to get her own way.

    That makes you a jerk. Think about someone else besides yourself.

    She cried because she wasn't able to meet a deadline that I've asked if she could meet...and I've asked on more than one occassion. She's used tears in the past to manipulate others...namely those that will fall for her fake DD's and her little sniffles. She cried because I won't let her off the hook and now she has to stay late to meet her deadline.

    Ya'll are jumping to conclusions...step off bishes.
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    What even is this post? Wow. I personally don't know how to cry on command but I have indeed cried at work when I've been put under added and/or unnecessary stress from a co-worker or a supervisor. When I am upset, I cry.. so shoot me. Not all of us are made of iron.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    While I agree that some women do use tears to manipulate, a lot of us are just genuinely upset. We are not taught to "suck it up" the way men are.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Most women don't "use" tears. Tears just happen. It's part of the biology of a woman. In fact, most women get frustrated when they start to cry, because they know men are a**holes who will act just as you do.

    Have any pent up hostility?

    No, just hate a**holes.

    I think that would qualify as hostility.
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I hate it when women do that. I get upset when things aren't going right whether it be at work or at home with my boyfriend, but I don't use tears to win an argument or get me out of trouble.

    I know a girl who does, and it pisses me off to no end when she posts about how mean and horrible her boyfriend is, when he won't fall for her using tears to get her way.

    When she or other women do it, it makes all look bad. :/
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    She cried because she wasn't able to meet a deadline that I've asked if she could meet...and I've asked on more than one occassion. She's used tears in the past to manipulate others...namely those that will fall for her fake DD's and her little sniffles. She cried because I won't let her off the hook and now she has to stay late to meet her deadline.

    Ya'll are jumping to conclusions...step off bishes.

    As a woman who hates criers..and has once cried at work because I couldn't control myself..I would say this:

    There ARE two kinds of women who cry at work:
    1. the manipulators - I've worked with a few. They were both younger 20's though I'm not trying to stereotype here, it was fact in my case. They cry more often than most and you know the difference, so OP, I can't say you're lying, thats for damn sure.
    2. the women who all of a sudden can't help it and cry for whatever reason. Hormones, so pissed off you either cry or start swinging (me that time), etc.

    Unfortunately for the females so much can make us cry and some are more sensitive than others. It is a ****ty thing to deal with. I still hate myself for crying and that was over two years ago.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    I hate it when women do that. I get upset when things aren't going right whether it be at work or at home with my boyfriend, but I don't use tears to win an argument or get me out of trouble.

    I know a girl who does, and it pisses me off to no end when she posts about how mean and horrible her boyfriend is, when he won't fall for her using tears to get her way.

    When she or other women do it, it makes all look bad. :/

    Yeah I know not all women use it, I am simply referring to a particular co-worker. But yes, just as those a-hole guys give the rest of us a bad name. Oh wait, I'm an a-hole...I forgot!
  • natty_34
    If the person (not just women) is crying to "get their way" or whatever, it's because it has worked for them in the past. Lots of people skate by in life. It's possible that this particular person you "work" with is someone who has not ever been held accountable.

    If you are the one person in her life that has ever held her to a standard measured by ability / skill, then of course she's not going to know what to do, and will probably cry under the stress. Either way -- Don't be an enabler if you can help it. Try to explain to her how to be or do better in the future, otherwise, maybe she needs to find another profession she is better at...

    Work is stressful, but tears are unprofessional.