Insanity starting 9/10/12

I started Insanity this last monday. I have done a little bit of it before but am recommitting myself to the whole program. I was wondering if anyone started around the same time and would like to keep eachother accountable.


insanity goals:

hoping to be 158 by the end.

I use a HRM and have been kicking butt the last 2 days. Hope some of you will join me on this Butt kickin journey


  • Taralynnc88
    Hi Ranae
    I also started Monday! doing workout #3 after work today. Im so sore and afraid to go home to it in all honesty haha.
    My SW-165 (im 5'7')

    Insanity Goal is to be at 140, not sure if it can be done in just one round but im extremely determined to do this.

  • Taralynnc88
    Hi Ranae
    I also started Monday! doing workout #3 after work today. Im so sore and afraid to go home to it in all honesty haha.
    My SW-165 (im 5'7')

    Insanity Goal is to be at 140, not sure if it can be done in just one round but im extremely determined to do this.

  • alw141
    alw141 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm starting round 2 on Insanity next Monday, the 17th. I was going to start on the 10th but a nasty case of the stomach flu put a stop to that! Loved doing it the first time so hoping it's even more fun this time!'s not easy to get that shirt! Make sure to keep all your shipping info, your credit card statements, etc because they ask for all that before they'll send you the shirt! And having a beachbody coach to give you advice along the way is really helpful!

    Good luck to all of us!!!
  • dawnkykong
    dawnkykong Posts: 64 Member
    Hi! I started again on Monday also! Last time I tried it, I only got through 5ish weeks of it and felt amazing. I did it while my husband was deployed and then stopped working out because I went to visit family. I've decided I'm not going to stop this time! I want to get through the entire 60 days!

    Insanity goals-- I just want to be fit! I don't really know how many pounds it's going to take to get me there. :/

    Excited that there are others that started the same day and we can motivate each other! Add me.:)
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    Hey! I also started on Monday! Just finished day 3 and I LOVE the workouts! I'm sweating like crazy! I totally need to buy a HR monitor so I know what I'm burning because I have no clue! I just google search it and guesstimate!

    I'm 5'8" and my SW is 169. My goal weight is 150. Good luck everyone! If you don't mind, I'm going to add some of you for accountablity! :)
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I want to start Insanity but I don't have any hand weights smaller than 20lbs. :/ I will be trying to get them by this weekend.
  • dawnkykong
    dawnkykong Posts: 64 Member
    I'm doing day 3 today! Well, technically I guess it's day 4 because I skipped the fit test.. Anyway, I did power and resistance yesterday and burned about 375 calories (I forgot to log it :/)...I have a HR monitor so you could just go off of mine if you want. It wont be completely accurate but probably pretty similar to what it would be. I'm 6 feet tall and 178.
  • dawnkykong
    dawnkykong Posts: 64 Member
    I want to start Insanity but I don't have any hand weights smaller than 20lbs. :/ I will be trying to get them by this weekend.

    The Insanity workout doesn't require weights.
  • ranae32
    ranae32 Posts: 59 Member
    BioShocked89- you dont need hand weights! just your body and you will be glad its just your body!!

    Im so excited that i have so many people who started around the same time as me. This will be fun! I NEED accountability. Good luck to you all i will be doing workout 3 after work today : /
  • _mbrace
    _mbrace Posts: 48 Member
    Hey. I Started the insanity on monday as well. we are like the same i started it before but i procrastinated. feel free to add me we can motivate each other im a little bit more overweight than you though
    SW: 232lbs

    My goal for the 8 weeks on insanity is to lose 32lbs to make me get to 200 then do another round of insanity. but also i am going to the gym 5 times a week and doing zumba on my wii. and on top of that app workouts that i downloaded from my android good luck lets be friends
  • jmmccollum1
    I started round two on 9/3. Round one I lost 13 lbs, 12 inches and 3 pants sizes. I just had my little girl in May, and I'm 5 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight (it took me 18 months to get back down with my son). Is anyone doing shakeology, too?
  • Gagaluvr
    Gagaluvr Posts: 73 Member
    I love doing insanity and turbofire! My question is how many calories do these programs burn? Do you not put your calories burned into MFP and just stick with your calorie intake for the day?
  • ninugp
    ninugp Posts: 1 Member
    I am on day 3 as well. i am 5.6" tall and weigh 170. i need to lose 30 lbs totally. My calorie intake as per Insanity should be 1700 cal. Is this normal because my earlier dietician told me to maintain 1200cal when I was walking 60 min on treadmill. Are you all taking this much calories? Just for assurance. I started with 1200, today i did 1500 cals.
  • amxrxh
    amxrxh Posts: 1 Member
    I just started as well, but i'm beginning to feel this is beyond me for now. I stopped my cardio power and resistance first set through, [yes, that quickly!] as i felt like my form was all over the place, and I probably wasn't doing it right?
    I can't believe i stopped!!! And I don't know whether it's just me, I couldn't even do the stretches correctly!

    I've dislocated my kneecap a couple of times while playing competitive sports, and i tend to be... abit over cautious whenever it comes to knee exercises. Furthermore, with all the squats and jumps!

    I might take this week to watch the videos and try the exercises individually to get the form right. I feel like i should just persevere and do insanity instead of switching workouts despite my terrible fitness level now, cause if there are SO many people who could do it, why cant I!

    PS: I can't even keep up with the warmups after the first set! I apologise for my weakness, haha.

  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    I'm doing day 3 today! Well, technically I guess it's day 4 because I skipped the fit test.. Anyway, I did power and resistance yesterday and burned about 375 calories (I forgot to log it :/)...I have a HR monitor so you could just go off of mine if you want. It wont be completely accurate but probably pretty similar to what it would be. I'm 6 feet tall and 178.

    Thanks Dawn!
  • ranae32
    ranae32 Posts: 59 Member
    Do any of you actually like the cardio recovery video??? I hate it, it feels like a waste of my time... Instead on recovery days i will be running. I am somewhat training for a half marathon on dec. 1st so running would probably be a good idea lol
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    I haven't done the cardio recovery yet. I was supposed to yesterday but I mixed up my it's today. I'll check it out and see what i think. Maybe on these days I'll add in a set of stairs or a run :)
  • dawnkykong
    dawnkykong Posts: 64 Member
    I actually liked the recovery one...At first I thought it was a waste of time though. Did you get all the way through it? It gets rough after a few minutes! Lol My legs were BURNING!
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    I haven't done it yet today. Waiting for the baby to nap! :) I tried to workout yesterday while both kids were awake... Big mistake! ha!