Am I going too fast?

Over the last 45 days I've lost 11.5kg (26lbs), and I'm afraid I might be going too fas for my own health.

I started worrying a little, since on Saturday my hands started shaking and I had a mild anxiety attack. I believe this might be a result of magnesium deficiency (but no way to check it). I started taking diet supplements and everything seems to be all right now.

My average weight loss is about 1.8kg per week (3.92lbs per week) - well above recommended value. I have found an on-line guide stating that this value is not so important for obese people, as we have more fat to burn before we start losing muscle. But isn't there a limit of fat the body can convert to energy per week?

What is your opinion in this matter - should I increase my intake or stay as it is?

A also need your opinion regarding my activity level - I have put lightly active, as I'm an industrial cleaner, and I do not think it is a very demanding work. The most I ever do is mop 500 square meters (5400 sq. ft.) per day, other than that it's mostly sweeping. Since last Monday I have two slaves (trainees) so I have not even broken a sweat, but it seems my weight loss increased even more (at one point I went to the shopping centre, as I thought my scales malfunctioned).

I'm sure that some of the weight loss is due to the water, as my blood pressure id down significantly, but nevertheless I'm a little worried.


  • acm130
    acm130 Posts: 100 Member
    A good rule of thumb is to lose no more than 10% of your body weight weekly, so a 200 lb person should not lose more then 2 lbs a week. Thus as your weight loss increases your weekly losses will slow down. Good you are taking multivitamin/supplement, hows your hydration status, what's your caffeine intake (too high w/ a large calorie deficit = jittery, nauseated and just generally feeling unwell), also take a look at your macro nutrients. Often initial large losses are r/t water weight loss, but the fact that you're feeling unwell is concerning. Good luck to you and be kind to your body!
  • KaityMarie379
    KaityMarie379 Posts: 14 Member
    I agree with this, but I think you mean 1%. I weigh 155 lbs...if I were to lose 10%, I'd be down to 140 by next Wednesday! Oh in a perfect world...
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Almost 4 lbs a week, consistently week after week seems excessive to me. If you give up beer or soda, I think you could expect to shed 5 lbs or so the first and second weeks, but after that things should slow down.
    I would say to go over all the information you punched into mfp, and see if you are really being truthful with yourself...mopping seems like decent cardio to me...perhaps you are burning more than you think you are?
  • acm130
    acm130 Posts: 100 Member
    Haha, you're absolutely right! and I'm usually good at math! Not sure if it was a typo or fatigue:laugh: Good lord 10%.... yikes!
  • nevermore99
    After your comments I decided to increase my goal to 2130kcal (change from lightly active to active).

    The thing is I feel excellent - I only had one minor episode of shaking hands. My blood pressure is down - to high normal level. I think that if I give up diet coke it should go to normal level as my weight will decrease. I feel excited to stand on the scales - I have even gone to the shopping centre to use on of the large scales, which I would never do before, for the fear of someone taking a glimpse of my weight.