Breast feeding/ exercise/blocked milk duct ouch ouch ouch



  • katielangley
    katielangley Posts: 152 Member
    It can cause you to have mastitis, make sure if u start running a temp you call the dr. also cabbage leaves is what the dr had me use, tear off a leaf and break the veins and put them in your bra, it works!!!
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    Oh, man. I've dealt with this too. Everyone is giving you great advice. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • I have one that keeps getting plugged, so I feel your pain (literally)! Everyone's advice is spot on. I usually take a hot shower, nurse right after, and massage while nursing. Hope it resolves quickly for you!
  • NearlyJen
    NearlyJen Posts: 104 Member
    massage the blockage in a warm shower. use warm compresses. nurse as much as possible.

    this. i'm so sorry - i remember blocked ducts and they were awful :( hope you feel better soon.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Blocked ducts suck, but mastitis is so much worse (had it twice). Everyone offered great advice- warm compresses, massage, and nurse!
    (covers blogged ducts, too)
    This. is an excellent resource for breastfeeding moms!
  • fit30s
    fit30s Posts: 20 Member
    Remember wherever the pain is aim baby's nose in that direction, so it might call for some ninja BF'ing skills :) I ended up just squeezing mine like a pimple, which I know someone will probably say is wrong, but it was instant relief!

    Ha! I've actually cleaned a pointy object like a pin and broken the skin, too.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 985 Member
    hot compress and massage. u might actually have to work a while, lol. if it gets bad it will cause mastitis. then youll have to be on antibiotics and it super sucks. even hot compress and put baby to breast works well. as mych as it hurts, u gotta keep feeding on that side, it will help unclog the duct.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I've been there, too! I agree with everyone else...massage from the outer part of the blockage, towards the nipple, warm shower, warm compresses, more nursing (even though it hurts), need to get the milk moving through it. Boost your immune system. Rest because this is an infection that impacts your whole body and you need rest to get better. It will get better!! :heart:
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 985 Member
    Remember wherever the pain is aim baby's nose in that direction, so it might call for some ninja BF'ing skills :) I ended up just squeezing mine like a pimple, which I know someone will probably say is wrong, but it was instant relief!

    and this. for sure. best advice.
  • cabbage leaves can actually dry up your milk. I don't recommend apply any amount of cabbage to your breasts.
  • skir927
    skir927 Posts: 61 Member
    Everybody has given such great advice already - go nursing mommas!

    I just wanted to add that a great way to do warm compresses is with a rice sock. Take an old tube sock or other long sock, fill it with rice, tie off the open end, and stick it in the microwave on high for 2-3 minutes. Voila! Hot compress that stays hot for a long while. It really helped when I had blocked ducts. It's also great for soothing sore muscles.

    P.S. - did anyone mention to drink A LOT of water? Being dehydrated can make plugged ducts much more likely.
  • Ouch!! I feel your pain. A nice hot wet towel helped me.