Having a hard time.

As lame and desperate as this sounds, I'm looking for any advice as to how I can curb my appetite. I'm working out on a regular basis, and good work outs, but I for some reason can't control my eating. I've been very disciplined in the past, but for some reason I just cannot get it together.
I have a wedding in a few weeks, and I'd really just like to drop about 5 pounds. I just don't know how to do it.
Any help would be appreciated!


  • I am feeling the same way!!! I used to be so good at not eating back my exercise calories and now I keep having cravings ALL of the time! I cannot say no! I am a teacher and returned to work a few weeks ago and am not nearly getting enough sleep or drinking enough water. Are you making sure to get enough sleep and drink enough water? I am thinking this might be my problem. I just need to force myself to stop working and get to sleep and then force myself to drink water and run to the bathroom in between hours. I hope we figure this out soon! =) We can do this!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    How much are you eating? Both of you?
  • Feel up with water. This helps me. I can agree with you 100%. It's like when you want to eat right....every single food looks so good. I found that drinking water constantly keeps my tummy full so I'm not as hungry and won't eat too much during lunch or dinner time. Hope this can help you out.
  • You're not alone! I've gotten so so hungry lately, I'll eat dinner and I feel hungry again so soon! I've found a lot of it is because I've cut out most fried foods and sweets, and I'm craving them hard. If you keep yourself away from temptation things are less of a pain; for example tonight I had already had dinner but my family was going out, but instead of meeting them and "watching them eat" (read: eating EVERYTHING), I went home instead. Small victories!
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Tea? I frequently forget about it, but when I remember, a hot cup of spicy tea is really satisfying. I'm not much of a tea person, but I love the chai-type spiced teas.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    A lot of people swear by frozen grapes. I tried it -- blech. Something about the texture just grosses me out, although I like grapes. But hey, it works for a lot of peopl, you might want to try it!
  • Im totally in the same boat!!!! UGHHHHHHHHH!
  • dnmoehring
    dnmoehring Posts: 64 Member
    Good to know I'm not alone! It's so incredibly frustrating. I feel like I'm getting enough sleep, but the water intake could improve.
    I'm a full-time student (18 credit hours) and work at the University as well. So a lot of the time I'm just eating to eat. I really can't explain it.
    Hopefully if I just start drinking more water, and keeping my mind off of eating when I'm at school, I can knock this habit off.
    Thank you for making me feel not so alone in this :)
  • Zainia
    Zainia Posts: 59 Member
    Drink a lot of water and look at exercise videos or other forms of inspiration (like a list of why you want to lose weight). Of course you can go the opposite route and watch the Biggest Loser or another shows with really large people to try to turn you off of eating. I'm hungry right now and I'm on MFP instead of eating lol.
    P.S. I'm also a full-time student and it helps when the dining halls close at 8PM. Food cut off haha
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    In your profile you say you don't promote cutting calories like you do. So what is it you do? I ask b/c a lot of people who cut calories too low have great results for a while but then hit a wall. if' you cut too far back it might be time to ease back in some more.

    and I love Pueblo! I grew up in Canon City (well 20+ years ago so before you were born....but still! lol)
  • lenainpr
    lenainpr Posts: 2 Member
    I found that when I cut out sugar, my cravings went away. It's very hard to go completely sugar free, but it feels good to be satisfied and not overeating all the time.

    It's a thought.

  • Chew some gum...it helps me sometimes.
  • can3mwh
    can3mwh Posts: 17 Member
    It truly has amazed me that when I up my protein, cut back on everything processed and eat my veggies, the cravings diminish. Also, getting out and moving helps. Good luck finding what will work for you.
  • ultrahush
    ultrahush Posts: 23 Member
    I have the evening munchies quite often, and I've found that making peppermint tea instead really helps!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    if you are hungry- eat back your calories. MFP calculates the needed calorie deficit into your goal if you a re just using MFP's goal. Or use your BMR/TDEE-20% and eat back your exerisize calories. you body needs the fuel energy.
    Eat high protein and fiber.
  • kabarnes45
    kabarnes45 Posts: 89 Member
    You did not happen to recently start a strength training program, did you? Nothing makes me hungrier than trying to build a little more muscle and tone up. It helps me to spread out my eating into lots of small portions.
  • eddysuchydvm
    eddysuchydvm Posts: 110 Member
    Protein :)

    When I'm going hard-core on the South Beach Diet, I struggle to meet my daily intake because I'm just not hungry. Sure, I have some days where I could eat a horse, but I'd say 80% of the time, I feel great.
  • 1horseygirl1
    1horseygirl1 Posts: 98 Member
    I found that when I cut out sugar, my cravings went away. It's very hard to go completely sugar free, but it feels good to be satisfied and not overeating all the time.

    It's a thought.


    Same here, the more sugar and bread in my diet the more I want to eat! I have replaced cereal or toast in the mornings with scrambled eggs and feel far more satisfied throughout the day.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    Try veggies and non fatening foods to curb your appetite. Plain no fat yougurt is good. I mix sugar free jello powder with it and it tastes pretty good and I hate yougurt!!!


    Add me to your friend list and let me know how you are doing
  • Its not about depriving yourself. Its about portions and control. And water.