New guy here,be gentle!

Hey everyone,the name is Krixus or K(no, not my real name), just dropping by to introduce myself and meet some new MFPers. I could write some long, drawn out story about being fit then gaining the weight, now trying to get ripped again but I wont. I'll simply say I was into sports and weightlifting from my teens into my 20s, took some time off to let nagging injuries heal, and my diet took some time off as well. I never followed a solid diet or developed great eating habits. It wasn't until I met my girlfriend that my views on healthy eating and dieting changed. I've also done a lot of research on exercise as well. I used to want to have a bodybuilder's physique as I wanted to get into Natural BBing when I was younger, but now I want to work towards a more complete,functional,athletic physique similar to an MMA fighter's. Feel free to add me. Also, BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE ON HERE, WE'RE ALL ON HERE FOR A REASON SO LETS WORK TOGETHER.(NO,IM NOT YELLING!).

Height: 5'10
Weight:281 lb
Bodyfat %: HIGH
Goal weight: 195 lbs @ 10% bodyfat.

Exercise methods: Compound lifts,various forms of cardio,Boxing/Muay Thai, Yoga.


  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
  • Thanks look forward to making some great changes. Good luck to you
  • oliv2065
    oliv2065 Posts: 204 Member
    Welcome to the club. Hope you have fun!
  • eddysuchydvm
    eddysuchydvm Posts: 110 Member
  • This is a good place.
  • Reminds me of Disney World, everyone here is nice and welcoming.
  • Lol, love it....krixus. Like from spartacus, only spelled different? I am going to hit you up with a friend request since we have similar interests. And the same goal weight!
  • Sounds good bro. Yeah Im a big fan of the show but didnt wanna completely jock the name Crixus, so I spelled it with a K(real name starts with K). Nice dude, good luck and thanks for the request
  • Hi K ... And everyone. I'm Nan, and I'm new, too. I've been trying to lose weight, but it's been so slow! I did recently discover that I do, in fact, have collarbones ... wo-hoo! I suspected that, of course, but it's been so long since I've seen them...

    Anyway, I need to lose about 35 more pounds and I'm hoping to find the tools and support I need here.
  • Sandy307
    Sandy307 Posts: 70 Member
    Welcome! We are a great bunch on here, always ready to listen to your problems.:smile:
  • hello, i am also new here ^_^ , but i still welcome you!!
  • WOW, Surprised at the amount of friend requests Ive gotten. This is great. Lovin' the positive vibes and energy everyone is giving off.