Not sure if I'm ready



  • willtry08
    willtry08 Posts: 74 Member
    So today is a new day for me. I am going to start tracking what I'm eating because I heard that is the only reason stopping me from losing weight. I need some motivation!!!!

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • willtry08
    willtry08 Posts: 74 Member
    I am not sure waiting to love your body with "a significant amount of weight to lose" is a good idea. I understand your fear that you may lose weight and then find other things to be unhappy about physically. Keep in mind, if you want to lose weight and that's a goal you're going to love seeing the person that sheds all that weight. Youwill not only feel more confident about your looks but, you'll also come across as more confident in other aspects of your life.

    Whatever you choose, good luck with your future endeavors!

    You've made some valid points, thank you for taking the time to post.
  • Monie0986
    Monie0986 Posts: 3 Member
    The one thing that really helped me commit this time around is I found a reason other than looks or losing weight to get fit. My younger sister who was only 19 at the time was told that she was pre-diabetic, and we were both in the same weight range. This really freaked me out! I have worked in nursing homes and have other family members with diabetes so I know first hand how diabetes can affect you later in life. This became my reason to get fit, for my health and not to fit into a size 8 or 6! In the past I had wanted to lose wieght so that I could "love myself and my body" but this was something that I wasn't committed to because it was way too easy to give up on myself. I have lost 40 lbs in the last 9 months, but my whole weight loss journey has taken TWO years! I had joined weight watchers and lost some weight and gained and not until I found a true motivating factor and accountability was I able to lose the weight.

    If you feel you are not ready start small. Tracking your food is a great way to start! Don't give up, don't be too hard on yourself, find someone to keep you accountable. If you feel that you made a bad food choice for one meal, forgive yourself and make your next meal a healthy choice. One thing that has helped me avoid cravings is telling myself that I can have it later. Later usually meant the next day or not even at all once the craving went away! Most importantly, get started! Any step towards your goal is better than no step! Good luck, I know you can do it!
  • Bellacuore
    Bellacuore Posts: 10 Member
    Posting here shows that at least a part of you wants a change when it comes to your body/health and that's a great thing! Now for the next step...what you said is SO spot on: you need to love you now because you won't magically start loving yourself at a size 2. I wish there was a magic pill for that; however the same demons that haunted me 107 pounds ago still haunt me now and there's even some new ones that have joined the circus. =)
    Start nourishing your soul because you are amazing right now, in the skin you live in. :flowerforyou:
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Seriously, learning to love your body comes as you learn to lose the weight and take care of it better. It comes hand in hand. I never had any appreciation for my body until I started losing the weight and it helped me be so much more proud and confident. I would never have been as happy with myself and my body as I became through my weight loss journey. I fell off the wagon and gained ten pounds back and realized I missed my confidence. Stick it out, learn about the crazy weight loss information and don't give yourself excuses!!!
  • I am new to this site, but I love it. Dont think of it as a diet but a learning experience. The phone app is great and it has a very extensive food lookup. It has been a real eye opener to see the amount of calories I was taking in every day. No wonder!! I am not hitting my goal every day, but i am learning. Making small changes can really make a difference and the information will help you. I have learned leaving off a few things like no mayo or leave off the cheese. The add on calories can really add up. Start with just educating yourself and tracking what you do.

    And let me speak to the loving your body issue. I love who I am as a person. Overweight or not. That is exactly WHY I am doing this. Love yourself enough to do this for you! Dont focus on loving your body, but loving your whole self. I recently posted that "I deserve more than a plate of empty calories". We have somehow convinced ourselves that giving up our comfort food is depriving ourselves. I think we have it backwards. We have been depriving ourselves or a healthy life, having more energy, living without BP meds, playing without always being winded. Love yourself enough to do this! Start slow. Its like starting a new relationship with yourself. Best of luck to you! We can do this! We deserve it!
  • I love this site. And all the post are so encouraging. So glad i found this. :happy:
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    lol....U know...I started being kind to myself after the scale in my bathroom said I lost one pound. This site has actually kept me going on being motivated to drop further pounds. I have the feeling you will be back. This site has given me motivation and determination to drop more, and I'm only in the beginning stage.
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    That's a great set of mind to start off. I myself started with 125lbs to lose and am down 27lbs. Start out slow. Start out learning how to track your food and reading lables, if you don't already. Then make healthier choices when it comes to eating. Thn gradually start exercising, but ease into it. You can add me for support if you want it.:smile:

    Thanks for the support, I appreciate it. As soon as I figure out how to use this site properly, I'll be adding you for sure :)

    Welcome to MFP! I understand your perspective and agree with most of what everyone posted :smile:

    As to "How to Add Friends" on their profile photo, it will automatically go to their page/screen which says "Send Message" or "Add as Friend" Choose the friend option.

    Good luck on your journey! :smile:
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Hi, your post just made me miss my own mom sooo much. The way you spoke of your daughter, just made me remember how she was with me. Keep encouraging her in any way....I can honestly tell you having a close relationship with my mom was one of the best things. I know this has nothing to do with the original post, but I felt the need to say you're doing a good job with your daughter!

    *I didn't see the quote button so this was ment to the women speaking of her daughter*

    As for the original post, you will know when you're ready. Baby steps are just fine. My husband tells me all the time "the big changes or the best changes can't happen in a day, so have some patience!" I get bored/frustrated if I don't see results. Started back to just checking what I'm eating and measuring it and it makes me feel like I have some control. The rest will follow.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Remember that most of this is psychological. If you isolate the problem (too high body fat %, not enough exercise) from your self worth and look at it from the perspective of something to work on instead of personalizing it, it could possibly make it a little easier.

    But in the end, it really is a very personal thing, and you have to do it for yourself because you know you are worth putting the time and effort into, and you deserve to be the best you can be, no matter what that takes.

    I like your approach toward being healthier as opposed to obsessed with scale weight, however it may be too general. Making lifestyle changes can be daunting, and setting small goals on the way to bigger goals is often a huge motivator to keep you on track. Perhaps make some fitness goals so you can track your progress. Make notes. Enjoy getting stronger and more fit as the days go by. Have fun planning meals and thinking of new ways to revise old ones to cut calories and make them more nutritious. Try new foods.

    Also, become friends with people who have already achieved a level of fitness you desire, and ghost them - see what has worked for them, their habits, and their tendencies. It's good to have people who are similar to you, who struggle with the same issues, but it's also good to have people in your life who have overcome those issues who can help guide you.

    Your body is a reflection of how you live. Treat it well and it will show.

    Best of luck!