I mutilated a snack cake :-(

A Hot Rod cured the salt craving, but the sugar craving reared its head. I went and tore apart a packaged cupcake just to get the cream filling *smh*.
Has anyone else had a weird moment of weakness?


  • MissMacyLacy
    Tonight my weakness was Animal Crackers....and that was only because there's no chocolate in the house or else it would have been REAL bad.
  • AnnaMC1977
    I ate an ENTIRE bag of Brach's Candy Corn...
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    I was so tempted to just toss the remaining junk out, but there's also pudding, the kids'..
    I just couldn't believe I was tearing apart a cupcake for the filling.
  • quillsHP
    quillsHP Posts: 91 Member
    For me it's all about the salt. I walk away from crisps for a week and then BAM! I am wolfing down a big pack the next day :(
  • ChelsoBee
    ChelsoBee Posts: 26 Member
    My weakness is a trail mix that Trader Joes makes. Its the simply almonds, cashews, and cranberries one. It gets me every time because I can never just have 1/4 a cup.
  • fleshntears
    I totally hear you...although I've never mutilated a snack cake for the cream filling...I have done something similar.....

    My husband who happens to be able to eat anything and everything and not gain an ounce, which I happen to hate btw...was one day eating a chocolate bar or something like that I can't quite remember, but long story short he had chocolate on his face...and I happen to notice this and had to fix this situation..

    I ran at him like a football linebacker tackled him to the ground and literally licked his face where the chocolate was....then stood up composed myself and walked away as if not a single thing had happened....

    Dazed and a tad confused my husband got up, came after me and asked me what the hell was wrong with me and why I literally tackled him and then licked him lol.....and of course I couldn't tell him it was because I was dieting and hadn't touched a candy bar or a piece of chocolate anything in three months and that I couldn't let that piece of chocolate get wasted by a paper towel or heavens forbid it fall to the floor, and end up on one of the kids shoes, or mine for that matter.....so I nonchalantly walked up to him kissed him and said what am I not allowed to miss you...... lol...

    so yeah...you may have mutilated a snack cake.....I tackled and licked my husband in a moment of weakness lol
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    oh God those frosted Animal crackers...the white and pink ones with the dots. MMMMM.
    Oh and doritos...**** those *kitten* are sneaky
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    I totally hear you...although I've never mutilated a snack cake for the cream filling...I have done something similar.....

    My husband who happens to be able to eat anything and everything and not gain an ounce, which I happen to hate btw...was one day eating a chocolate bar or something like that I can't quite remember, but long story short he had chocolate on his face...and I happen to notice this and had to fix this situation..

    I ran at him like a football linebacker tackled him to the ground and literally licked his face where the chocolate was....then stood up composed myself and walked away as if not a single thing had happened....

    Dazed and a tad confused my husband got up, came after me and asked me what the hell was wrong with me and why I literally tackled him and then licked him lol.....and of course I couldn't tell him it was because I was dieting and hadn't touched a candy bar or a piece of chocolate anything in three months and that I couldn't let that piece of chocolate get wasted by a paper towel or heavens forbid it fall to the floor, and end up on one of the kids shoes, or mine for that matter.....so I nonchalantly walked up to him kissed him and said what am I not allowed to miss you...... lol...

    so yeah...you may have mutilated a snack cake.....I tackled and licked my husband in a moment of weakness lol

    Bwahahahahahahaaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! You've totally made my day with that story, thank you!
  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    I ate a Whataburger meal today :/
    When will the insanity stop.
  • Stanc68
    Stanc68 Posts: 5 Member
    I totally hear you...although I've never mutilated a snack cake for the cream filling...I have done something similar.....

    My husband who happens to be able to eat anything and everything and not gain an ounce, which I happen to hate btw...was one day eating a chocolate bar or something like that I can't quite remember, but long story short he had chocolate on his face...and I happen to notice this and had to fix this situation..

    I ran at him like a football linebacker tackled him to the ground and literally licked his face where the chocolate was....then stood up composed myself and walked away as if not a single thing had happened....

    Dazed and a tad confused my husband got up, came after me and asked me what the hell was wrong with me and why I literally tackled him and then licked him lol.....and of course I couldn't tell him it was because I was dieting and hadn't touched a candy bar or a piece of chocolate anything in three months and that I couldn't let that piece of chocolate get wasted by a paper towel or heavens forbid it fall to the floor, and end up on one of the kids shoes, or mine for that matter.....so I nonchalantly walked up to him kissed him and said what am I not allowed to miss you...... lol...

    so yeah...you may have mutilated a snack cake.....I tackled and licked my husband in a moment of weakness lol

    Brilliant!! My day has been made.... My weakness is Emerald Nuts Salt and Pepper Cashews.. A one ounce bowl leads to another handful, then another, and then half the jar... Gotta keep em out of the house.... Now where are those York Peppermint Patties????
  • fleshntears
    lol....totally glad that I made your day.... :)
  • meanderingby
    I made a really sad, sad discovery this night. Subway Cookies are not... NOT I say ... our friends!! No! They are NOT!

    Those little (really, nice, happy, yummy looking) creeps have 220 calories EACH!! Of course I could NOT possibly allow one to go down the hatch ALL Alone - it might be lonely!! I had to have TWO!

    ~gasp~ and ...there are TWO more lying in wait!! ~cups hand to ears~ and they are calling for me!! ... help me ... before ... it .. is .. too .. late...
  • alexp74
    alexp74 Posts: 125
    so yeah...you may have mutilated a snack cake.....I tackled and licked my husband in a moment of weakness lol

    That is an awesome visual! Thank you :)
  • Fernella13
    Fernella13 Posts: 68 Member
    I ate an entire bag of Smartfood!!!
  • chellebubblz
    chellebubblz Posts: 84 Member
    My weakness has turned out to be Smore flavored ice cream sandwiches. I did really good for a few weeks and to celebrate not drinking soda for over a month, I decided to treat myself. BAD IDEA those things are so good its sinful. Never will I be buying them again, it's too dangerous to have around.
  • SocialRopes
    SocialRopes Posts: 51 Member
    i won't go into details, but it involved a jar of nutella. not my finest hour.
  • kellison89
    kellison89 Posts: 33 Member
    My grocery store bakery makes these insanely delicious eclairs and carrot cake cupcakes that I practically dream about. It's an inner battle everytime I go for groceries. I have to bring someone and tell them not to let me buy them before we go in and the ugly I-need-desserts-now monster comes out.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    LOL! LOL! LOL! The torn up cupcake and husband chocolate tackle have me laughing so hard! Thanks for a great start to my day! :laugh:
  • Alsha1999
    Alsha1999 Posts: 46 Member
    Those stupid jars of peanut butter get m every time. Seriously, how can I eat only 1-2 T? Naturally more peanut butter is too die for and every friday I dive in. Not this Friday, not doing it!
  • ntarrence
    ntarrence Posts: 21 Member
    make this and have on hand....its wonderful. Take a box of Sugar Free Devils Food Chocolate Cake Mix, and combine with just a 15 ounce can of pumpkin. No eggs or oil...mix and put into the jumbo muffin papers. If you use the foil ones, you wont even have to use the muffin pans...just put on a cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 24minutes. Makes about 10 large chocolate muffins. Super moist...90calories, does not taste diet at all. Because they are dense you can fill the batter to the rim. Put in a large ziplock baggy and have one a day. YUM