Hard to reach 1200



  • crodriguez94
    crodriguez94 Posts: 105 Member
    I wasn't doing anything weird, I was just following what MFP said to do, haha. I just met 1200 and exercised.
  • Same situation as me! I lost 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks. And about 3 inches each off my waist and hips. But I was basically eating below 1000 cal when my bar is about 1300. I was shocked to find i didn't lose even a pound or an inch off my NSW in the last 2 weeks. I felt so depressed. Till I spoke to someone yesterday who mentioned that my body has most probably hit the starvation point. So I need to up my calories. I'm thinking lots of nuts and bananas and apples. Cos I've gotten so used to eating just 2 proper low cal meals a day. Sometimes one, and little fruits. We're all in this together tho.
  • crodriguez94
    crodriguez94 Posts: 105 Member
    Ugh! Why does losing weight have to be so confusing!? Haha. But yeah, maybe it has hit starvation mode, but i don't feel starving :P haha. But I'm gonna try eating more nuts and apples, and upping my calories if thats what i have to do
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    In my experience, this happened because my metabolism was slowing down. My body had to conserve what resources it had... so I found myself more and more satisfied at lower and lower calories.

    But I also found myself more and more weak at the gym, dizzy throughout the day and had very little energy. Then the PLATEAU HIT. fun times.

    Absolutely. This happened to me too, when not eating enough and not exercising enough.

    Make sure you have a 400 kcal breakfast, it's the magic number! Have at least 20g of protein in each meal and if you still havn't eaten enough, have some dried fruit and nuts or perhaps some dark chocolate if that's what you like.
  • Definitely not happening for me, I've been on 1200 limit for weeks and I still find it challenging! What I would recommend anyone tracking calories, is that you're very honest! For example a salad is fine, but add the dressing on calorie tracker or if you have spaghetti bolognese break down the ingredients i.e. 70g spaghetti and 170g bolognese, you then have a more accurate reflection of your day.
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    Mmmm I think this some days too. I was told to each more calorie rich food, but I would/still eat few calories in the day and more at night. I am trying to rectify this myself, but I added Morning snack and afternoon snack and I am trying to eat those to help add on the calories. I also think eating nuts might be good for some. I don't like them very much so I tend to eat dark chocolate, or fruit or even if I am desperate a biscuit/cookie or two. Now I am worried my loss may slow down eek!
  • crodriguez94
    crodriguez94 Posts: 105 Member
    Okay okay okay, you guys ... I feel pretty stupid now that i realize this, but I just woke up and realized its the TOM for me, so that could have a lot to do with why I didn't have much of an appetite this past week?
  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    This is why I'm loving this site. Everytime I have a question it seems that someone else gets there first and I don't have to post. That is to say, I'm in the same boat. I've been trying to push my calorie intake up a little bit at a time and being careful to do it with healthy choices and a few treats here and there.
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    In the beginning, only eating 1200 calories usually left me pretty hungry. I don't know what's going on, but the past few days I've been having to force myself to get up to 1200. I usually eat about 700 and feel done for the day but have been forcing myself to eat more because i know its not good.

    Is this happening to anyone else? Any reasons why? Its really frustrating to eat when I'm not hungry.

    I was the same way at first too but now I find it hard to NET 1200. I can usually eat just about 1200 or slightly under but after excercise, it's difficult to net that number.