How long did it take to see results?



  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    I am (now was) so big that I am just now, at 28 to 30 pounds down, starting to have people ask me if I am losing weight. I am six feet tall, and I have 120 pounds to go. I think it depends on your height and weight, your body shape, and how much lean body mass you have.

    The end goal is not just weight loss, it is a new lifestyle so you can maintain that weight loss. Keep at it- the visible results will come soon!
  • people didnt mention anything to me till id lost about 20lbs! i didnt really notice till i got to 25-30lbs off! iv lost 65lbs so far :)
  • Ta2dchic20
    Ta2dchic20 Posts: 376 Member
    Remember, muscle weighs more than fat. If you're working out and eating right, you're probably gaining muscle. Do your clothes feel any different? i.e., pants easier to button, shirts fit better? I can understand the frustration, I"m thinking about going scale-less, just so that I don't get too frustrated and give up myself.
  • Start taking measurements and compare them every week.
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    for me, i found that focusing on improvements in fitness and endurance was a huge help insofar as keeping me motivated. weight takes a long time to come off- i know my butt didn't get fat overnight. it took a lot of time, patience and money to get as fat as i was! and it takes time to come off, too. i found that changing my perspective from weight loss to fitness has been instrumental in my success.
    FWIW, i did C25k in about 6 weeks, and in those 6 weeks i probably lost about 6-8kgs. but more importantly than those 6kgs lost is the fact that i could then run for 30 mins without stopping. over the last 18 months (since c25k) i've kept going. i've lost about 30kgs now, but have ran 6 half marathons, and soon to be 2 full ones.

    so, yeah. my suggestion to you is to think in terms of improved fitness rather than shrinking waist. because if you keep moving you'll feel better, and the weight will slide off on it's own.

    ^^^ THIS! :happy:
  • CookieGem
    CookieGem Posts: 197 Member
    I think you need to open your food diary so we can see what you are eating.

    Also do you take measurements? You cant go on scales and eyes alone. I look at myself sometimes and still see the 13stone girl i used to be despite being a stone and a half lighter now.

    Stick with it, 4lbs (in my opinion) is a good loss.

  • ive lost 26 kg in 8 months i know some people will think its maybe a long time but i feel great now andI im Still On diet as i stiil have many kilos to lose:))))
  • Oh yea - that 3 week mark - you've been working so hard and need the payoff of noticing a change!!! Just give it a couple more weeks.

    It is sooo frustrating but keep exercising and watching your intake. You will see results very soon so don't give up. Just think - today you are a little bit smaller than you were yesterday.
  • On my first month I lost 7kg eating 1500cal and doing 6km of powerwalking (6-6,5km/h speed according to the sports tracker app on my phone) every other day, but I began at 127kg and 175cm
    Non obese people shouldn't expect this sort of weight loss.

    The following two month I've lost 6kg and during the fourth 5kg, I know my diet is a bit drastic and I'm comfortable with it.

    My advice is to cut more calories if you don't see any change in the first three weeks, eat more protein and less carbs.

    Cutting 500cal is way easier than burning them with phisical activity.
  • it took me 3 months to really see a difference in my self but family and friends saw the difference before me at two months :) just keep on going..
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    Give it more time, consistency is key. 4 lbs in 3 weeks is great!! Healthy weightloss is slow weightloss, meaning 1-2 lbs per week. I try to stay encouraged if I only lose 0.2 lbs in a week! Every little bit counts...continue doing what you are doing and you will see results! Great job so far!
  • Angie789
    Angie789 Posts: 61 Member
    I once read somewhere that people usually start to notice weight loss when you lose around 10% of your starting body weight. I don't recall if there was any sort of science behind that, but it was very true for me - at 10% loss EVERYONE started telling me they could see a difference.
  • It took me about a month and a half to notice any results. Hang in there its worth it. :-)
  • jgm379
    jgm379 Posts: 97 Member
    I started working out again 4 weeks ago. I do 50 to 120 minutes of turbo fire and/or p90x daily. I have gained 6 pounds. I dont eat more than 1200 calories a day. I am discouraged too!
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    I started working out again 4 weeks ago. I do 50 to 120 minutes of turbo fire and/or p90x daily. I have gained 6 pounds. I dont eat more than 1200 calories a day. I am discouraged too!

    You are definitely not eating enough for the amount of physical activity you are logging. Figure out your TDEE and go from there. Eat more and after a few weeks, you will almost definitely see a loss.
  • kantoka
    kantoka Posts: 19 Member
    A great friend once told me.... it's not the number on the scale, it's how you FEEL and how you LOOK at the end of the day. Your body shape will change, you will feel so much better, and people will notice it in your face and in your attitude as well. The scale measures not only weight, but muscle mass and many other factors too, so don't let that sway your success! Keep on going until you FEEL it. And then you will see it. =) GOOD WORK!
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    I've been at this since February, and going really s-l-o-w-l-y. I've lost 24 pounds since February 2, and I've started to take measurements, which I wish I had done at the outset because my body has changed far more than the number on the scale would lead me to believe. It was only after I lost 20 pounds did anyone mention the fact that I was losing weight.

    Here's my thought on the whole process - I've lost 20 pounds in 3 months before, but put that weight back on (plus more). This time, I'm more than 8 months in and I'm *still* trending down and really adopting healthy habits. That's the most important thing.

    If the scale doesn't seem to budge, look at other metrics - hip / waist measurements or even the fact that your jeans that used to be tight tight tight are now a little looser. Good luck and keep on keeping on. It really does work.
  • I started 3 weeks ago and I am down 14 lbs. I watch my calorie intake and go to the gym 3 times a week sometimes 4 for 60 min of cardio. I didn't take measurements but I can tell when I wear my jeans. Good luck
  • Its normal. You don't want to lose too much too fast. About a pound a week is good. How are your clothes fitting? I wouldn't worry too much about the scale and just focus on how you feel. Keep up the great work! PS I've been working out consistently for awhile now (6 months or more) but only just begun watching my food intake and noticing a difference on the scale. What a difference! Good luck to you!
  • solymarmarengo
    solymarmarengo Posts: 8 Member
    For me, when I look in the mirror I don't see a change, its when I see the numbers on the scale drop and some clothes that I couldnt fit into or other others are fitting better. It took about a month for me to see some real results, but again, the number on the scale isn't just it. i would say Don't weigh yourself everyday...maybe 1 or twice a week beucase weight can flunctuate so much from day to day. And I was told by a trainer to take measurements every 2-4 weeks and as long as you see a drop, you're going in the right direction! Good luck and keep on track.!!!
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