Dinner Date Advice

Hello! Well, tomorrow I'm going on my first date since I started college about 2 years ago and the last date I had was a bit of a flop, so I'm extremely nervous. I have next to no experience with dating so I just have a couple questions and if you have any advice, it would be very much appreciated. :smile:

1. First off, he's taking me out to dinner and I'm really not sure what to do with this. I've always been told (not sure if it's true) that most men like it when girls actually eat when they take them out. I don't usually like to eat in front of people (especially men) because it makes me feel, I don't know, weird. I'm not a huge fan of salads because the texture of lettuce literally makes me vomit.

2. My last date, which was quite a while ago, turned into a huge, gooping pile of awkward. I know that some awkward silences you can't help, and I've read several internet columns to try and find things to talk about when on a date...I know to ask him questions about things that interest him and to be interested in what he has to say, but is there anything that you might suggest to add on to this?

Anything else that you'd like to add would be very helpful! Thank you! :smile:


  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    if you didn't want to eat out with him why did you agree to go on this date? i donno you should have made another suggestion :P
    and yea people like to talk about what they like
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    1) Yes, eat. And if you have eating issues, maybe you should suggest an alternate date. If you think you can eat, I would get something like a sandwich. It's easy to eat half and ask for a box for the other half if you're feeling awkward.

    2) I always thought that conversations would be awkward, considering I'm pretty awkward, but it's never been quite that way when I've been on a date. I always start with the basics like, "so you're from ________.What is it like there?" "Who do you live with at home?" If they say, "oh mom and dad," ask what they do for a living. A guy I was seeing said that his parents both went to the same college, so I said, "did they meet there?" and then he told me the story. You can always ask about his major, or his hobbies, or his friends. If you really run out of things to say, look around the restaurant for anything to grasp at - for example, if someone has crazy pink hair or there's an awesome painting on the wall or it's really busy. Make a comment about that, and then quick think of something to go off it.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    When I do a dinner date, I try not to order anything too expensive. Don't order a salad then? I always order water instead of an actual drink because they are so overpriced.
    Order like a soup and something small. But definitely EAT! :)
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    i asked my wife on a second date BECAUSE she ate. she got a cheeseburger and i was hooked. so yes, eat. i think a sandwich is a good idea.

    there is going to be silence. unless you chew with your mouth full. ask about his major, his high school, sports, latest movies, shows he watches on tv. not only will it give you something to talk about, but you will find out how much (or little) you have in common.

    sounds exciting!

    good luck.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    I say eat, just pick something that isn't messy, like spaghetti! :laugh:
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Just be yourself. If it's awkward then it probably wasn't meant to be... some people I just click with and others I don't... so I never really worried about finding things to talk about.. if we didn't have anything to talk about it and was awkward, then I wouldn't see him again. Also, sometimes silence is okay. I had a guy tell me I was really good company on a date once because I didn't feel the need to be blabbing on about nothing all the time. If I didn't have anything worthwhile to talk about, I just didn't talk. I'm not a big talker.

    And I don't know what to say about the eating thing. I don't have issues eating in front of people lol.... if he's taking you out for dinner then you should probably eat.... I always did lol.. I never thought not eating was something women did?
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    i asked my wife on a second date BECAUSE she ate. she got a cheeseburger and i was hooked. so yes, eat. i think a sandwich is a good idea.

    there is going to be silence. unless you chew with your mouth full. ask about his major, his high school, sports, latest movies, shows he watches on tv. not only will it give you something to talk about, but you will find out how much (or little) you have in common.

    sounds exciting!

    good luck.

    Chew with your mouth full? Yikes! I've been doing it wrong all these years. :wink:
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Double-posted. Sorry.
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    Relax and enjoy it.

    Don't over think it.
  • hacker1234
    hacker1234 Posts: 225 Member
    The guy is taking you out to get to know you and have a good time. Relax, enjoy a nice meal and keep the conversation moving an fun.
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
    1.) Yes eat.

    2.) It's gonna be awkward, as most first dates are. Tip: have a drink. It loosens everybody up. Plus, it provides a conversational cue.

    If you're meant to hit it off, you will. I felt a connection with every guy who I've dated long-term. So, if you don't feel a connection that makes you feel comfortable, just write it off as incompatibility. The first date that I had with my current man (whom I'm certain I will end up marrying) was splitting a bottle of honey Jack Daniels and playing battleship. Totally awesome, haha.

    That being said, have fun and enjoy yourself! If you can't be yourself around him, you shouldn't be with him!
  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    OK, you need to just let go of the small stuff here and try to have fun.

    1) Assume he asked you out...because he *likes* you

    2) Going out to eat is a great idea because it can tell you much about the person, such as what they like to eat, how they act in public situation, how they treat the wait staff etc. This is a great time to get to know this person.

    3) Eat like you would normally eat. Be yourself. Don't put on an act and pretend to naw on a carrot slice all night. Order something you want to eat and eat it. I like it when women eat. It means they are having a good time and enjoying the food. If I see someone not eating I think they are not having a good time.

    4) Sharing a meal with a friend is a time honored tradition and can be great fun. Some of my best dates have been dinner dates.

    5) Have fun and be yourself!
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    as other people have said, just be yourself, dont over think it.

    go into it having no expectations, then if something comes of it great, if not no worries.
  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    Talk about the weather HEAPS. Guys love that, OH!! and your parents, tell him ALL about them!!

    When it comes to food, if you can order a lobster or something. those things are messy as *kitten* to eat and you'll probably flick him with lobster juice while your breaking off a leg or something.

    Lol jokes. be yourself, he asked you on a date for that very reason.. and as far as feeling uncomfortable about eating infront of him (I'm the same, took me 2 years to get over) just tell him. order something simple that you enjoy eating... and focus on how much you enjoy that food rather than the fact your eating it infront of him
  • SMJ1987
    SMJ1987 Posts: 368
    Just be yourself. If it's awkward then it probably wasn't meant to be... some people I just click with and others I don't... so I never really worried about finding things to talk about.. if we didn't have anything to talk about it and was awkward, then I wouldn't see him again. Also, sometimes silence is okay. I had a guy tell me I was really good company on a date once because I didn't feel the need to be blabbing on about nothing all the time. If I didn't have anything worthwhile to talk about, I just didn't talk. I'm not a big talker.

    And I don't know what to say about the eating thing. I don't have issues eating in front of people lol.... if he's taking you out for dinner then you should probably eat.... I always did lol.. I never thought not eating was something women did?

    I disagree. My SO is a bit socially awkward but I gave him a chance even after some PAINFULLY awkward silences and he turned out to be super sweet, hilariously funny and extremely intelligent. He just needed time to show it.

    As for the eating thing...I have always had issues eating in front of men that I wasn't comfortable with. Try to stick to something that you can take small bites of (sandwich, flatbread pizza) or something that comes in small pieces like a penne pasta. I have always found that to be easier for me to handle in a date situation as opposed to a large leafed salad where you end up missing your mouth and getting dressing on your face :P
  • asticoral
    I always pick three different items I'd like, then discuss the menu, find out what he's ordering then order something cheaper than them.
    Favorites are rice dishes with chicken or steak, open faced fajitas, shrimp scampi - another poster mentioned spaghetti and I'll add ribs because you WILL be wearing it, I don't care who you are :bigsmile: the odd one out here is if he TAKES you a rib joint, then by all means wear it like you stole it!

    He's probably feeling a bit nervous as well, do NOT sweat the small stuff, and a simple date is just that... have a good time don't get plastered and don't kiss n tell :flowerforyou:
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    If he chooses the restaurant I suggest ordering something like soup. That way you are eating, but it saves you the potential embarrassment of chewing. If you get to pick, choose a restaurant that serves something you love and treat yourself to it.

    The best advice I ever got to avoid some of the awkwardness of silence was to wear something with a story (though preferably not one attached to an ex) Like a bracelet you got a a trip to Mexico, your grandfathers watch, your mom's pearls, the scarf you found in your favorite little vintage shop - something you could talk about if you run out of small talk.

    DON'T be afraid of dating. It's the most fun thing.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hello! Well, tomorrow I'm going on my first date since I started college about 2 years ago and the last date I had was a bit of a flop, so I'm extremely nervous. I have next to no experience with dating so I just have a couple questions and if you have any advice, it would be very much appreciated. :smile:

    1. First off, he's taking me out to dinner and I'm really not sure what to do with this. I've always been told (not sure if it's true) that most men like it when girls actually eat when they take them out. I don't usually like to eat in front of people (especially men) because it makes me feel, I don't know, weird. I'm not a huge fan of salads because the texture of lettuce literally makes me vomit.

    2. My last date, which was quite a while ago, turned into a huge, gooping pile of awkward. I know that some awkward silences you can't help, and I've read several internet columns to try and find things to talk about when on a date...I know to ask him questions about things that interest him and to be interested in what he has to say, but is there anything that you might suggest to add on to this?

    Anything else that you'd like to add would be very helpful! Thank you! :smile:

    Don't be afraid to eat. Stay clear of pasta or anything that may drop red sauce on you lol. But order real food and eat it.

    Watch the news tonight so you have current topics to discuss. Think through things you know about him and that he is interested in and plan in your mind some things you can ask when things get quiet. Think about some things you want him to know about you as well- like what you are most interested in, things you like to do on your free time, and things you would like to do with someone else. It could lead to a discussion about what you could do as a second date. When you are not experienced with dating it's absolutely okay to practice and plan.

    Smile a lot and be yourself. More than anything, guys are attracted to confidence. He is either going to like you for you or he's not.
  • briandeveault
    Ok this is a guys perspective. Just be yourself. Dont change who you are to impress him. If i was in this situation i would not bat an eye at whatever you ordered. Price wouldnt matter, besides i would not take you out somewhere i could not afford in the first place. Second of all, i dont like it when people offer to "pay" for a meal for me, cause then i feel like i have to monitor what i want instead of getting what i want without worrying about the cost.
    If he is a good guy, and truly enjoys your presence then you should have nothing to worry about. What ever you do, dont act like someone you are not. Just be yourself and you will be fine.

    I like what someone earlier said, go to a sandwhich place. You can eat what you want, and take the rest with you.

    Trust me if hes a good guy, he is just as nervous as you are. If he was an "a-hole" he probably wouldnt offer to take you to dinner.
  • whitehairedguy64
    Here's some advice from ole' fart.

    First, I checked your Avatar. You are a very attractive young woman. It's probably easier said than done, be confident in your self. As much as you may be nervous, try not to let it show.

    Second, the wording in your posting indicates that you know how to express yourself in a mature manner. Also a plus for you in your ability to carry on a conversation. If you express yourself verball, in the same manner that you do in writing, you'll do great!!

    Third, regarding the resturant and ordering dinner. ssk if he's been to this place before, and if he ha, what is good or what he recommends. You could also ask what looks good to him and/or what he's thinking of ordering.

    This will get you started. As for general conversation, ask questions, what are his interests, hobbies, asperations, where does he want to be in his life 5 years from now. If you're concerned about carrying the conversation, let him carry it by asking questions. You know what your interests are, you can learn how his interests relate to yours, by asking something like what kind of music he likes, etc.

    Most importantly, relax, be yourself, and enjoy the evening.

    Oh, and unless the guy is really into outdoor activities, don't talk about the weather other than to perhaps say it's a beautiful day, or geeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzz I wish it would stop raining, and after he comments, on to something else. And don't worry about moments of silence, constant chatter is about as bad as having nothing to say.